309.框架协议-数量合同(SAP MM前台比较实用的操作手册) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章309.框架协议-数量合同(SAP MM前台比较实用的操作手册)更新完毕开始阅读6e0c462458fb770bf78a5546

IDES - The SAP Model Company Translated by baiboyd.itpub.net


23. Choose

until the overview tree appears.

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IDES - The SAP Model Company Translated by baiboyd.itpub.net Manually Creating a Release Order for the Outline Agreement 手工创建核准订单

1. Call up the transaction as follows:

Menu Path Transaction Code From the Purchase Order node, choose Create ? Vendor Known ME21N;ME33K;ME23N 2. On the Create Purchase Order screen, enter the following data:

Field (Entry field) Data Standard PO 3. Choose .

4. In the Item Overview section, enter the following data:

Field PO quantity C (Category of delivery date) Delivery date Outline agreement number Europe 50 D (day format) One week from today Quantity contract number North America 50 D (day format) One week from today Quantity contract number Pages 18 / 30

IDES - The SAP Model Company Translated by baiboyd.itpub.net

PS. 其它创建方式

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IDES - The SAP Model Company Translated by baiboyd.itpub.net

5. Choose


In the header area of the vendor, as well as in the item area, the system displays the item data of the outline agreement item. 6. Choose


The R/3 System confirms the transaction and displays the assigned purchase order number. Note this number.

7. Choose until the overview tree appears.

8. Choose Outline agreement ? Contract ? Display.

9. On the Display Contract: Initial Screen enter the number of the quantity contract, then choose Enter.


10. On the Display Contract: Item Overview screen, select your item, then choose Item ? Statistics ? Release


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