广东省韶关市新丰县第一中学2018-2019学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题+Word版含答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章广东省韶关市新丰县第一中学2018-2019学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题+Word版含答案更新完毕开始阅读6e4e745f6429647d27284b73f242336c1fb9304b


56. who/which 57. actively 58. longer 59. to survive

60. their


61. deal 62. solved 63. explore 64. hopeless 65. pain 66. deserves/ deserved 67. replaced 68. debate 69. removed 70. admitted

71. As a result 72. With the help of 63. took part in 64. belongs to 书面表达:

Dear Fiona,

I’m so glad to hear that you’re interested in traditional Chinese festivals. Here I am writing to introduce one of the traditional festivals to you--- Qingming Festival.

Qingming Festival, also called Tomb-sweeping day, which falls in April, is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. On that day, people will sweep the tomb, burn some money, houses and cars made of paper in memory of their ancestors.

However, there are some uncivilized behaviors which cause many problems. For example, burning will not only lead to serious fire disasters, but also do harm to the environment. Besides, it’s a waste of money. In my view, people can respect their ancestors in other ways, such as planting trees near the tomb, sending flowers or online sweeping, which are safe as well as environmental.

If you want to know more about the festival, please let me know. Looking forward to your reply.

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【文章大意】过给母亲洗手这件事 本文讲述了一个优秀的年轻人去应聘,年轻人体会到了感恩的意义,生活的不容易以及家庭的重要性。,董事长要求他去给母亲洗手的故事。

通21.C company. 根据“试;competition”可知One young person比赛。,董事长对他进行最后的面试。, who was well educated

election ,选举 went for a job as a manager in a big ;test测试;interview采访,面22.B 的;humorous 根据幽默的felt satisfied;cute可知可爱的。,董事长发现这个年轻人很优秀。 strong强壮的;excellent优秀23.B 衣工。 maker 根据下文“制造者‘;Have you evercleaner清洁工…;your mother wash the clothes beforemender修理者;seller卖者。

?’”可知,她是个洗24.C 双手。 wash 根据下文“洗;hideSo the youth did. They were smooth.藏;show展示;dry干燥。 ”可知,董事长要求年轻人展示他的25.C 年轻人说他没有帮妈妈洗过衣服。 根据下文“The youth answeredfind ,发现 ‘Never;let,让 my mother always wanted me to;help帮助;watch看。

…’”可知,26.A 视;work 工作根据上文他没有帮妈妈洗过衣服可知;rest休息。

,母亲一直让他学习。study 学习;ignore忽27.B hands. 28.A ”可知 根据下文“…,董事长是让他给母亲洗手。so when he went backclothes, he…衣服requested his mother to let him clean her ;二天再去见他。 根据下文see “The nexthand手;foot脚;shoe鞋。

看;move…移动, the youth went to the president's office.;recognize辨认;answer回答。

”可知,董事长让他第29.D 30.C 认真地 ; nervously根据句中他认为他得到工作的机会很大可知董事长最后说。on purpose故意地;in patience紧张地;happily高兴地;shyly害羞地。,他很高兴地去做被要求的事。耐心地;by chance偶然;at last

carefully最后。 31.D 为;as 当……时。 当他慢慢地给妈妈洗手时

,眼泪流了下来。after在……之后;until直到;because因32.C 意;expect 这是他第一次注意到母亲的手布满皱纹。期望。It was the first time that sb had done sth.believe这是某人第一次做某事。相信;sense 感觉;

notice注33.A 洗的衣服。 根据文中“…quietly 安静地the youth didn't say a word;sadly悲伤地;excitedly…”可知兴奋地;angrily,他是安静地为妈妈洗完了所有要生气地。

34.D 一次长谈 根据文中提到“…,这次谈话比之前任何一次时间都长。longer than any talk before.think认为”可知;sleep,那天晚上睡觉;sit,坐儿子与母亲进行了;talk谈话。 35.A tomorrow morning 根据上文“‘Go and clean your mother's…when you go back today, and then…me 36.B 忧;feel 感觉 根据下文提到年轻人对此的感受可知,’…”可知,是第二天上午,;bring带来;speak说。


worry 担37.B 是什么。 根据文中“courage勇气Without my mother;appreciation感激,; I wouldn't be successful today.success成功;family家庭。

”可知,他明白了感激38.B 的;different 根据语境可知不同的;impossible,他体会到完成一件事是多么不容易。不可能的。

important 重要的;difficult困难39.A 值;secret 根据文中母亲对他的付出以及他自己的感受可知秘密;type类型;change变化。 ,他意识到了家庭的价值。value 价40.D 教育; respect 根据下文尊敬“;trustThis is what I'm looking for to be my manager.信任;hire雇佣。


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Li Hua

只要坚持 梦想终会实现 英语学习讲义