英语高考模拟卷-鹰潭市2015届高三第二次模拟考试英语试题及答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章英语高考模拟卷-鹰潭市2015届高三第二次模拟考试英语试题及答案更新完毕开始阅读6e797a213a3567ec102de2bd960590c69ec3d8e0


听力 1—5 CCACA 6—10 BAACA 11—15 BCCB 16—20 AABCB 阅读 21-23 CAB 24-27BADC 28-31DACB 32-35 CBAC 36-40 ABDCF 完型 41-60BCADD 46-50BCBDA 51-55 DCBCD 56-60CCADC 语法填空

61. responsibility; 62. innocent; 63. reasonably 64. why; 65. under; 66. to remain 67. and; 68. questioning; 69. will be appointed; 70. as/since/because/for 改错:

depend-depends; condition-conditions; other- another/ one-each; basing-based; who后增加have或者who-with;good- better; 去掉who; showing-show;ourselves-themselves;absent-absence

Because we are social beings, the quality of our lives depend on our interpersonal relationships. One strength of the human condition is our possibility to give and receive support from one other under stressful conditions. Social support makes up of the exchange of resources among people basing on their interpersonal ties. Those who strong support systems appear more able to deal with major life changes and daily problems. People with strong social ties live longer and have good health than those who without such ties. Studies over types of illnesses from depression to heart disease showing that the presence of social support helps people defend ourselves against illnesses, and the absent of such support makes poor health more likely.

作文:One possible version: Dear fellow students,

As we all know, Li Ping is a very excellent student in our school. He studies very hard and has been highly thought of by his teachers. Unfortunately, recently his mother has been diagnosed with lung cancer. As far as I’m concerned, it will cost too much to recover herself from such a serious disease. What’s worse, his family isn’t a rich one. If too much money has been spent on cure, there’s no doubt that Li Ping will be forced to drop out of school.

As chairman of the Students’ Union of Xingguang Middle School, I’ll spare no efforts to give

Li Ping a hand and donate some money to him. Here I also call on all of us to do the same to him. I just hope that our limited effort will make a difference to his family in need. Yours,


Text 1

M: Hey, Joanne. What’s up? Are you heading to the beach, too?

W: I’m trying to get there as fast as I can. I need to deposit some money at the bank and mail

some letters at the post office. But first, I’ve really got to find a ladies’ room! Text 2

W: Have you looked in the mirror today?

M: Uh, not since I woke up this morning… Why? Did I forget to do my hair or something? W: Well, let’s just say that green ties and pink shirts don’t really mix… Text 3

M: I’m starving! What have you got to eat around here? W: Um, not much. I really wasn’t expecting anyone over, so…

M: All you have in here is some salad and one of those health drinks that only girls drink… W: Look. I don’t show up at your door without calling and criticize your food, do I? Text 4

W: Do you have any idea what time it is now? Have you ever heard your phone?

M: I’m sorry. But my phone ran out of power. I got back here as fast as I could because I

knew you’d be worried. Text 5

W: Hi, James! It’s me, Diane. Oh, I’m so glad I caught you. I was just talking to Drake, and… M: I’m sorry. But I think you dialed the wrong number. My name is Daniel. Text 6

W: Hi, welcome to Burger Palace. Can I take your order, please?

Wang Hua

M: Yeah. Two bacon cheeseburgers and two orders of fries, please. W: All right. Would you like anything to drink with that? M: No, thanks. We’ve got sodas at home. W: So, that’s going to be to go, right? M: That’s right. W: OK. Your total is $17.

M: Here’s a twenty. Keep the change.

W: Oh, thank you so much! You are Number 255. Your order should be ready in about

five minutes. Text 7

M: Can you see how close we are on the map?

W: It looks like we’re pretty close, but these smart phone maps are hard to read.

M: Yeah, I always prefer to look at a paper map. I think I still have some in the pocket of the

right door, if you wanna grab one…

W: No, I’d probably be even worse at that. Uh-oh, I think you were supposed to turn left back there. M: You mean that you were supposed to tell me to turn left back there?

W: Yeah, I’m sorry. I don’t have one of these kinds of phones, so I’m afraid I don’t really

know what I’m doing. Do you want to pull over and take a look?

M: No. It’s okay. Just push that little button on the side of the phone to turn on the sound. That

will allow us to hear the directions out loud. Text 8

W: Hey, are you watching YouTube?

M: Yeah. I love all the funny videos that people post.

W: Have you ever seen the YouTube show Epic Meal Time(《超级开饭时间》)?

M: Uh, no. I didn’t know YouTube had shows. I thought it was only home videos and music

videos…stuff like that.

W: Well, YouTube also has channels, just like regular TV. There are many different kinds of

shows every week. Most of them are shorter and cheaper to make than regular TV, though.

M: YouTube is even cooler than I thought! So, what’s Epic Meal Time?

W: There’s a group of guys who make the unhealthy meals they can possibly cook.

Everything has bacon on it. Most things are fried, and there is a ton of cheese on everything. We’re talking tens of thousands of calories in one meal! In this show, the main guy introduces the meal, and then you see them shopping for the ingredients. You watch them cook everything. And at the end, they all eat it with their friends! Text 9

W: Brett, can I ask you a question about your dog? M: Sure. What’s up?

W: Well, I have to get my little Ferguson some medicine. M: Oh, is everything all right?

W: Yes, of course. It’s not like he’s sick or anything. I give him medicine every month as part

of his regular care, so he doesn’t get any diseases from insects or other dogs. M: Oh, right. I do that for Fargo, too.

W: Yeah. That was what I was going to ask you about. Where do you buy your dog’s medicine?

I asked my vet, and she told me the prices. I almost dropped dead right there!

M: Yeah. Unfortunately, most special pet stores sell them at fixed prices that are set by the

companies that make them. You can usually find discounts of ten or fifteen percent for a lot of those stores, though.

W: Well, that’s not a huge help for something that’s two hundred dollars per year! Isn’t there

any other way?

M: Well, you can order some medicines from websites that are based in other countries where

the prices are lower. Text 10

This is the Lakewood Public Address System. This is not a test like the one we had last week. I repeat, this is not a test. The Western Hill Fire is spreading toward Lakewood much quicker than we had expected. Currently, we expect the fire to come within twenty miles of Lakewood by six o’clock this evening. We are therefore requiring all residents to leave this area immediately.

Springfield to the north, Point Cabina Station to the east, and Galveston to the south are all in the safe zone. It will take less than thirty minutes to drive to any of these towns. Take as