(4份试卷汇总)2019-2020学年宜宾市英语八年级(上)期末学业水平测试模拟试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章(4份试卷汇总)2019-2020学年宜宾市英语八年级(上)期末学业水平测试模拟试题更新完毕开始阅读6ede13920229bd64783e0912a216147917117e6d



1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。 2.选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。




1.His bicycle is quite _______________ from his sister’s. A.difference B.differences C.differently D.different 2.My grandmother _________ us the day after tomorrow. A.comes to visit visit

3.Here's a watermelon. Please _________. A.cut up it

B.cut it up

C.cut up them

D.cut them up

4.Plase invite some of your friends ____with you. A.play soccer B.to play the soccer C.playing soccer D.to play soccer

5.There ______a volleyball competition between China and America tomorrow. A.is B.has

C.will have D.will be

6.They _______ to see me tomorrow evening. A.come B.comes C.are coming D.came 7.—Is there ____________in today’s newspaper ? —No, there isn’t. A.anything special C.something special

A.No, I don’t. B.OK, good idea.

C.Yes, you are right. D.I don’t think so. 9.─When I speak English,I always make _________. ─Don't be afraid of that. That's how we learn. A.trouble

—It’s very cold. A.What; of A.is sure

B.How; of B.is sure that

C.What; like C.will be sure

D.How; about D.be sure

11.Cindy,________to be here at 8 o'clock.




10.—_________do you think___________the weather today?

B.special anything D.special something

B.is coming to visit

C.come to visit D.coming to

8.–Let’s make fruit salad. - ________.

12.(经典题)— Which subject do you like better, math or English? — __________. I think math is as interesting as English. A.Each





13.Jack made a _________ mistake again because he never did things _________. A.careful;carefully A.is


D.careful;carelessly B.are

C.will be

D.will have

14.There _______ a movie and a concert this weekend.Which one would you like to go? 15.-- Thanks for _________ me to your party. I really had a good time. -- I'm glad you liked it.

A.invite B.inviting C.invitation D.invited 16.I think there _______more tall buildings in the future. A.will have A.he

B.will be B.him

C.have C.himself

D.are D.his

17.Alfred finished his homework _________. No one helped him. 18.—Do you know that thin man with short hair?

—Yes! He’s Ma Yun. He’s made a lot of money ________ the Internet. A.during




19.- ___________ this farm? -It's very beautiful and peaceful.

A.How do you think B.What do you think C.What do you like D.How do you like 20.—I don't know what to do with my cat when I'm on holiday. —I'll ________ it for you if you like.

A.shout to B.wait for C.think of D.look after 二、单词填空


1)My brother is a worker and he works in a car f___________ . 2)(易错题)It's difficult for robots to think like h___________ .

3)We'll take part in all kinds of activities d___________ the coming holidays. 4)There are a few new ___________ (单词) in the passage. 5)The clouds in the sky are in different___________(形状) 三、句型转换 22.句型转换

1)Hurry up, or we'll be late for the bus. (改为复合句) ________ we ________ hurry, we'll be late for the bus.

2)I think. It won't get colder the day after tomorrow. (合并为一句) I ________ think it ________ get colder the day after tomorrow. 3)Can you come to my birthday party? (作肯定回答) ________, I'd ________ to.

4)I won't go to her birthday party unless she invites me. (同义句转换) I won't go to her birthday party ________ she ________ ________ me. 5)I am going to do__my__homework tonight. (对画线部分提问) ________ ________ you going to do tonight? 四、完成句子


1)In summer,I like to ______ (抓) fish in the river near my home. 2)Linda stayed up late and p_______ herself for the math exam last night. 3)I will be happy if Sandy ______ (接受) my offer.

4)Just now John didn’t ______ (拒绝) to go to Lisa’s party,did he? 5)She ______ (邀清)many people to her party last Sunday. 五、完形填空 24.Dear Lucy,

We are back in Garden City now. We had 1 good trip.

I 2 to collect my photos yesterday. They 3 great! I showed these photos 4 my classmates. They all 5 them.

There is a photo of Ben and Simon 6 the Great Wall. There is one of you and 7 in the Forbidden City(紫禁城).

We really enjoyed 8 vacation. We were sad(悲伤)to 9 you. You must 10 and visit us in Garden City at Chinese New Year. Love, Kitty

1)A.other B.a C.another D.many 2)A.go B.went C.is going D.was going 3)A.are B.were C.feel D.felt 4)A.from B.by C.for D.to

5)A.like B.liked C.likes D.liking 6)A.in B.about C.on D.from 7)A.I B.me C.we D.he 8)A.my B.your C.their D.our

9)A.leave B.meet C.take away from D.play a trick on 10)A.go B.went C.come D.came

六、用所给的词正确形式填空 25.

1)All the movie theaters are____________ (friend).

2)I think our English teacher is_____________ (good) of all.

3)Tom tells me Teen World has_____________ (bad) service in our town. 4)Beijing is one of the_______________(big) cities in the world.

5)All the young people think the Screen City is very_____________ (comfort).


26.I’m Ted . I’d like to tell you something about my birthday. Last Sunday was my 12th birthday . I planned to have a birthday party on Saturday night. I sent 50 invitations to my friends on Monday.

About 25 people told me they would come. On Saturday afternoon, I went to the supermarket to buy some food and drinks. I went to the supermarket to buy some food and drinks. I came home at around 17:30 . I was really glad my parents helped clean the house.

The first person arrived at 18:00 , and the others came later . Instead of the small number

of 25,40 people came . I didn’t have enough(足够的)food or drinks for them , so I had to have a party in town .

The party in town was fun .The music was beautiful . We danced for a long time . We all were very happy .

The next day I spend my birthday with my parents . And I talked with my grandparents on the phone . I really had a great time. 1)When was Ted’s birthday?

A.Last Friday. B.Last Saturday. C.Last Monday. D.Last Sunday. 2)What did Ted do on Saturday afternoon? A.He cleaned his house.

B.He went to buy some food and drinks . C.He sent invitations to his friends. D.He cooked food for the party.

3)How many people were sure to come to Ted’s party at first ? A.40. B.18. C.25. D.50.

4)Why did Ted have a party in town at last ? A.Because the party in town was fun .

B.Because he didn’t plan to have a party at home.

C.Because he didn’t have enough food or drinks for at home. 5)What’s the best title of the passage? A.My Birthday Party B.My Friends

C.An Awful Birthday Party D.A Birthday Plan

27.Do you like banana cake?Do you know how to make it?The following can help you. What to need ◆3 bananas ◆2 eggs ◆2 spoons of baking powder(发酵粉) ◆1/4 spoon of baking soda(小苏打) ◆2 cups of flour(面粉) ◆1/2 spoon of salt ◆2/3 cup of sugar ◆1/3 cup of vegetable oil(油) What to do ◇Make the oven to 180℃. ◇Mix up the flour,baking powder,baking soda and salt in a large bowl. ◇Add the vegetable oil.Add the sugar a little at a time,and beat(搅拌) it. ◇Pour the eggs into the bowl and beat well. ◇Add the bananas a little at a time and beat some more. ◇Pour the mixture into the oven.Bake it for twenty minutes. ◇Get the cake out of the oven,and cut it into pieces to eat!