小班幼儿教师组织进餐活动的教育行为研究 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章小班幼儿教师组织进餐活动的教育行为研究更新完毕开始阅读6f08c41886c24028915f804d2b160b4e767f81fe





The Study on the Educational Behaviors of Small Class Kindergarten

Teachers' in the Organization Meal Activities


Kindergarten as an important place for children to learn life, kindergarten teachers as children in the park day activities of the organizers and participants,The development of children's habits and the formation of the ability have a crucial role.Based on the study of the educational behavior of preschool teachers, this paper summarizes the characteristics of teachers' educational behavior, finds out the existing problems, and puts forward suggestions for improvement.nine kindergarten teachers in the kindergarten were selected as the object of study, and the educational behavior of the organization was observed as follows:First, the pre-dinner preparation activities of a single form;The second, the meal over-control of children, ignoring the creation of a good dining environment;Third, the division of labor is not clear, postprandial transition chaos.Suggested teachers to increase the understanding of the importance of pre-dinner activities, add some game activities, language activities, music activities to enrich the type of pre-dinner activities;The routine requirements for meals can be carried out during non-eating activities;Teachers in the organization of eating

activities, the initiative will be feeding to children; class division of teachers clear, complement each other, increase the postprandial transition activities.

Key words:Small class teachers; eating activities; educational behavior 一、绪论 (一)问题提出



。由此可见幼儿园生活活动与教育活动对幼儿身心发展的重要性。 幼儿园每日进餐活动是幼儿一日生活中的重要环节,是幼儿进行其它一切活动的先决条件。3 ~6岁的幼儿正处于良好行为习惯养成的关键期,在幼儿时期养成的良好行为习惯会为以后的学习和生活打下良好的基础。在幼儿园实习期间,通过亲身参与幼儿一日生活活动的组织与实施,尤其是在进餐环节发现教师的教育行为存在一些问题,如部分教师忽视进餐教育、存在过度控制的倾向,在进餐过程中经常催促吃饭,对吃不完的幼儿进行强喂、大声呵斥缺乏耐心等行为,这些行为对幼儿身心健康产生很负面的影响,也不利于幼儿良好行为习惯的养成。这一问题使我产生了深深的困扰,回校后查找资料想要寻求更合理的进餐活动教育方式,在查找文献的时候发现关于进餐活动教师行为的研究非常少,且大多为幼儿园一线教师对于组织幼儿进餐活动的实践反思,其研究的广度与深度都远远不够。基于以上原因,以“小班幼儿教师组织进餐活动的教育行为研究”为题展开研究。

