四年级上册英语试题-M7-8测试题 外研社(三起) 无答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章四年级上册英语试题-M7-8测试题 外研社(三起) 无答案更新完毕开始阅读6f19c15d12661ed9ad51f01dc281e53a580251f3


一、 英汉互译。

1. 熊____________ 2. 脸,面孔________________ 3. 参观 ____________ 4. have a look____________ 5. under the tree ___________ 6. by plane ______________ 7. get up _______________ 8. ride a horse ___________ 9. row a boat _____________

二、 选出不同类的选项。

( )1. A. pig B.sea C. lion ( )2. A. sock B.shoe C.sheep ( )3. A. sing B.playing C. climbing ( )4. A. is B. are C. be ( )5. A. banana B. fruit C. apple

三、 给下列单词的划线部分找正确的音标。

sweets horse face bread run ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A. / ei / B. / e / C. / i: / D. / Λ / E. / ?: /

四、 选择am, is , are 填空。

1. He _______ going to visit America. 2. We _________ playing chess.

3. Daming and I ________ flying kites. 4. The monkey________ climbing a tree. 5. I ______ riding a horse.

6. There ________ a cat in the tree.

7. There ________ four sheep on the hill.

8. There ________ some rice and vegetables in the box. 9. ________ there a panda in the park? 10. Sam _______ going to take pictures in the zoo. 五、


1. We are going to visit the zoo _______ Sunday. ( in, on, at ) 2. They are going to get up _________ seven o’clock. ( in, on, at ) 3. Look!The pigs ________________vegetables.( eat, eating, are eating ) 4. Let’s _________to the park. ( go, goes, going) 5. Can you _________ high? ( jumping, jump )

6. There are three ______________under the tree. ( chicken, children , panda) 7. Lingling can’t ________the blackboard. ( see, seeing , sees ) 8. These are ___________( Sam, she, Daming’s ) shoes.

9. Sam is going to go to the supermarket _______ us. ( and, with ) 10. Time _______bed, children. ( to, for )

11. She ________ to school by bike every day. ( go, goes, going )

12. Does Amy _________ vegetables? No, she doesn’t. ( like, likes )

六、 词形变换。

1. sheep (复数) ______________ 2. eat (现在分词) _______________ 3. are (第三人称单数) ________ 4. you (形容词性物主代词) ________ 5. swim (现在分词)) __________ 6. can not (缩写形式) _____________

七、 按要求改写句子。

1. There is a bird in the tree. 一般疑问句: 肯定和否定回答: 否定句:

2. There are some chickens in the photo. 一般疑问句: 肯定和否定回答: 否定句:

3. _______ are you going to do in Hainan? 八、


We’re going to swim in Hainan. ( 根据答语补全问句)

There are three people in my family. My father is a worker. He often plays basketball with me, He hopes(希望) me to be \家务). I often help her. I am very happy with my mum and my father. So, that's my happy family. ( ) 1.What does my father do ?

A . A teacher B. A worker C. A Student ( ) 2. What does my father like playing ?

A. basketball B. housework C. piano ( ) 3. Who does my father hope me to be ?

A. He B. Yao Ming C. Liu Xiang ( ) 4. Is my mother a teacher ?

A .Yes ,I am B. Yes ,she is C. Yes ,he is ( ) 5. Who helps my mother do housework ?

A. My father B. Yao Ming C .I

九、 看图写话, 至少5句。