(衡水金卷)2019年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟英语试题四 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章(衡水金卷)2019年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟英语试题四更新完毕开始阅读6f89f81dc67da26925c52cc58bd63186bceb92a0

C. Because the medical expense there was cheaper. D. Because they were familiar with the doctors there.

10. What was the feeling of the family when they learned the operation’s cost? A. They were in despair. B. They were very delighted. C. They were very surprised. D. They remained calm.

11. What is the best title of the passage? A. World’s Best Cancer Doctors B. Brave Boy Who Conquered His Cancer C. 1,000 People Saved A Teen’s Life D. Country’s Welfare System Shined


It’s just been three months after the first bike-sharing company arrived in Singapore, but reports of abuse and vandalism(故意破坏)of shared bikes in the city keep appearing on social media.

The majority of these shared bikes are stationless, which means they don’t need to be stopped at a designated(指定的)spot. They lock themselves after your ride is over, and you’re meant to just leave the bike at the side of a road.

But users have been chaining up bicycles outside their apartments, preventing others from using them. Some people bring them up to their apartment floors, so they can’t be found easily by other users. Some people have removed the bikes’ number plates or codes, and some even have painted over the bikes to claim the bikes for themselves. Most of the abused bikes belong to either Singapore-based oBike, or ofo, a bike-sharing giant based in China.

ofo has encouraged Singaporean users to report issues. oBike said that the number of bicycles that were damaged made up less than one percent of its fleet. The company said in February that it planned to bring in “tens of thousands” of bikes by mid-2017. The company has yet to ban anyone from its service, but said that it would take appropriate action – including making reports to the police.


oBike also introduced a shortcoming system, similar to that of its competitor, China-based Mobike. Users start with 100 points, which get taken away for errant(出格的)behaviour such as forgetting to lock the bike, or parking at non-designated areas. Users are banned from using oBike when their scores reach zero. oBike has an eight-man operation team that can remove bicycles parked casually.

When approached for comment, Mobike said, “In China, just as in Singapore, there are always a tiny minority of people who abuse the bikes, so we designed our system to prevent this type of abuse.”

12. Who is the owner of most of the abused bikes? A. Chinese government. B. Local government.

C. A bike-sharing giant based in China. D. The users of the bikes.

13. What is the attitude of the oBike toward the abuse of bikes? A. Tolerant. Disapproving.

14. What is the meaning of the underlined word “that” in the fifth paragraph? A. System. B. Bike. C. Company. D. Report.

15. What can we learn from the passage about shared bikes? A. They will be introduced soon.

B. The abuse of the bikes is on the increase. C. They are very expensive.

D. They are well preserved by users. 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


After eight months’ delicate preparations, an evening gala(聚会)Sail to the Future for leaders and representatives attending the 9th BRICS Summit was held at


B. Indifferent. C. Supportive. D.

the Banlam Grand Theater in Xiamen, East China’s Fujian province. 16 . It consists of five chapters including Wind from the Sea, Sky and the Sea, Rhythm of the Sea, Tide and the Sea as well as the Dream from the Sea, highlighting the unique Fujian culture while introducing the strongest features of Xiamen.

Taking advantage of “sea” element to promote cooperation. Sea was the central idea that ran through the whole gala. 17 . It is a city with three sides facing the sea.

18 . In the second part, the popular Chinese song The Sea, My Sweet Home featured the life of the people living in this area, and their proud Fujian, or Minnan culture.

“The unique geographic advantages of the costal city and the local lifestyle gave us much inspiration of the evening gala,” said Xie Nan, general director of the evening gala.

“Many Minnan culture elements, including Fujian opera, fishing culture and Fujian Nanyin, are honored as a ‘living fossil’ of ancient Chinese music. 19 .”

“A good performance requires close relationship between composing and dance rhythm. At first, we asked the composer and dancer to create their works on their own. 20 . It was not a simple progress. They needed not just perfect time but inspiration and team work,” Zhang Dongxin, executive director of the evening gala, said.

A. The gala is based on the theme of “sea” B. And they were taken into the stage performance C. The gala is meant to be held beside the sea D. That is the end of the whole wonderful performance E. “Billowing waves” was performed as the opening dance

F. It is also one of the most distinctive characteristics of Xiamen

G. Then they had to discuss with each other again and again to find the balance 第二部分


第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)



On Mother’s Day, Trevor Wallace woke up early and hand-scrubbed(擦洗)a fountain. It wasn’t just any fountain, 21 it was one that had a special 22 to his family.

15 minutes away from Trevor’s campus site De Anza Community College where his beloved 23 , Marilyn Rosenthal, had worked for decades. Her co-workers at the school 24 a large fountain in her honor with a plaque(匾)that says Heart’s Garden: In 25 of Marilyn Rosenthal.

The fountain was 26 to Trevor’s mom, Sarene, who was only 36 years old when her mom died. Although she 27 it, she didn’t have the opportunity to 28 it. As time went on, the fountain, which is hidden under trees, 29 disrepair.

Trevor called Sarene that day to 30 her a happy Mother’s Day and told her to expect a(n) 31 . Then he drove to De Anza Community College with his 32 , and two sponges(海绵).

When he arrived at the fountain, it was covered with leaves and 33 with dirt. He started to scrub. As he cleaned, he 34 another problem: the fountain’s water was turned off. Without water, the site wouldn’t be 35 . Therefore, Trevor purchased a bottle and was pouring water on an 36 fountain. Completing all these things, he took a before and after 37 , and sent his mom two 38 emails.

The subject line of the first email was, “Gift One: Open the first!” It was the before photo of the fountain. The subject line of the second email 39 , “Gift One: Part 2”. It was the after photo of the fountain. “When I opened the photos, I 40 into tears,” Sarene says. “He not only honored me, but also honored my mom.” 21. A. yet 22. A. gift

B. but

C. and

D. otherwise

D. explanation

B. significance

B. colleague

C. history

23. A. friend

C. grandmother D. mother