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2.全班同学说问句How was your winter vacation? 数遍,直至教师将一朵花放在学生A的桌子上,全班学生一起提问:“How was your winter vacation,A?”学生A根据自己所写的内容回答问题。

Step 5 Homework



3.完成《活动手册》中本课的练习。(温馨提示:亲爱的老师,《活动手册》里练习的答案可以在本书的附件三里查看,也可以登录福建教育出版社网站:www.fep.com.cn下载。) 4.上网查询有关宝岛台湾的名胜风景区。


Unit 1 Winter Vacation《Part B》


(一)知识目标(Knowledge aims) 1. 能听懂、会说、认读并规范书写单词:parents, hometown, took, lake, did. 2. 能听懂、会说、认读单词和词组:tour, Sun Moon Lake, swam, played boat tour, did my homework . 3. 能听懂、会说、认读并运用句型: —How was your winter vacation? —I went to Taiwan with my parents. —I took a boat tour of Sun Moon Lake. (二)能力目标(Ability aims) 1.能用动词的过去式谈论过去发生的事情。 2.能用所学句型讨论彼此假期生活。 (三)情感目标(Affective aims) 通过了解一些著名的风景名胜,培养学生热爱生活,热爱家乡。 2学情分析

本课的教学对象为五年级的孩子,他们从三年级开始学习本套教材,已具备一定的语言知识和语言综合运用能力。 本单元的话题寒假生活和春节,语法主要内容是一般过去时。学生们主要从五年级下册开始学习一般过去时,本单元的课文首次出现过去时。本节课主要让学能准确使用动词的过去式讲述自己的寒假生活。 3重点难点

(一)重点(Points) 1. 能听懂、会说、认读、书写重点单词。 2. 能运用本课所学的重点句型,谈论寒假生活。 (二)难点(Difficulties)1. 能准确的使用动词的过去式描述自己的寒假生活。 4教学过程



活动1【导入】Step 1: Warm-up

Step 1: Warm-up 1.Greetings 师生问候并介绍评价机制 T: Row, row , row your boat...(师哼唱歌曲走进课堂)Hi,boys and girls. Ss: Hi, Miss Lin. T: Nice to meet you. Ss:..... T: Today I will devide you into two groups: Group 1 and Group 2. Group 1 -in sun boat, group 2 in moon boat. (操练moon) Row your boat and see which boat is faster. Today’s winnner will get a present. (出示礼物) Ready? Go. 2.Say a chant : How was your vacation? T: Now let’s chant. How Was Your Vacation? T/Ss: How was your vacation? Wonderful! Wonderful!.... T: Wonderful, boys and girls. Now each group can row your boat. T/Ss:Sun, sun, go. Moon, moon, go. T: Well, look. How was your vacation?I.. Ss: I played football. / I visited the Great Wall./ I watched TV. T: Pay attention to these sentences. Can you find somthing in common? Ss: 过去式,-ed. T: Why? T/Ss: When we describe what happened in the past, we should use the past tense. (当我们讲述发生在过去的事情时,需要用到动词的过去式。动词过去式的规则变化-ed.) T: Good. Now look. Who can try? S1: I swam in the sea. T: Good. Your group can row your boat now. Swam 动词原形? Ss: swim. T: Yes, swim, swam. Ss: Swim, swam. T: 我们学过的动词过去式的不规则变化


的动词还有哪些呢? Ss: am/is, was; go, went; are, were.... 3.T: wonderful. 这些是动词过去式的变化是没有规律的。记住它们。Today, let’s continue to talk ahout Unit 1 Part B How Was Your Winter Vacation? (跟读2遍) 4.揭示课题并板书:Unit 1 Part B How Was Your Winter Vacation? 设计意图:利用评价机制,巧妙引出sun 和moon,为下面Sun Moon Lake的学习作铺垫。利用琅琅上口的chant, 快速复习动词的过去式。

活动2【讲授】Step 2: Presentation and practice 1.Show Miss Lin’s winter vacation T: How was Miss Lin’s winter vacation? Wonderful. My winter vacation was wonderful. I went to Taining with my parents. Look, here are some photos. (1)情境一:PPT出示Miss Lin的旅游图片,介绍Miss Lin的寒假生活。引出新单词:parents,took, tour, lake T: I went to Taining with my parents. And I took a boat tour of the lake. This is Taining, they are my parents. I went to Tanining with my parents. Parents, parents. Ss: Parents, parents.(全班读,小组读,开火车one by one.) T: Parents means father and mother. Don’t forget ‘s’. T: Look, where is it? Ss: park. T: I went to the park with my parents. Read after me. Ss:... T: Where is it? Ss: Museum. T: I... S2: I went to the museum with my parents. T: Well done. Your group can row your boat now. T: I went to Taining with my parents. And I took a