小学六年级英语下册Unit2WhatWouldYouLike教学设计陕旅版 联系客服

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Unit2 What would you like ?


1.能听说读写以下词汇:a bowl of noodles,a plat of juice,a bottle of water,a cup of tea,a piece of bread 2.能灵活运用上述词汇

3.简单运用句型What would you like?I`d like...


学情分析:培养学生的学习兴趣,提高他们的积极性,教孩子们巧记单词。 教学准备: PPT教学课件 教学过程:

一. Greeting and Warming up 二. Presentation

1. Look at the picture on p9.What are these ?Look at the table ,How many noodles? We can`t say one or tow noodles.It `s hard to say the exact numbers of noodles ,or water or milk.so ,How to express the numbers of these things?Let`s have a look at the following pictures

2. 教授词组a bowl of noodles

T:How many noodles are there on the table ? Now look !This is a bowl.we can say a bowl of noodles 板书并领读a bowl of ,注意强调ow字母组合的读音,引导学生学习运用a bowl of rice 并加以拓展,让学生了解类似词汇的复数表达:tow bowls of ...tow bowls of noodles, tow bowls of rice 3. 教授词组a plate of beef

首先教授单词beef 和plate,然后同上教授词组a plate of beef,及其复数的表达tow / three ...plates of beef.引导学生运用a plate of 表示数量 4. 教授词组a glass of juice

在呈现画面时,向学生介绍Look,this is juice,a glass of juice.板书并领读 a glass of 之后引导学生学习运用a glass of water / milk/...

5. 教授词组a bottle of water ,a cup of tea,和a piece of bread

这几个短语介绍时均参照以上教学方式:先介绍容器或餐具,再构成短语引导学生学习运用,鼓励学生把学过的东西与这些短语练习起来使用。 6.采用多种方式读词组

三.Let's make dialogue and you may use: --What would you like? --I`d like... 四.Practice

1.a_____ of noodles 2.a_____ of juice 3.a _____of dumplings 4.a _____ of tea 5.a _____of water 6.a_____of bread 五.Homework