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1. 我和兄弟姐妹出生在一个农场。

I a farm with my brothers and sisters. 2. 男孩们答应好好照顾我,并且他们做到了。

The boys they would me very carefully, and they did. 3. 最后,男孩们的爸爸把我带到了一个宠物中心。

, the boys’ father me a pet centre. 4. Emma 每天喂我并带我散步。

Emma me and take me every day. 5. 以前,人们养狗来狩猎或者帮着干农活。

In the old days, people dogs hunting or to farm work. 6. 狗经常过着很艰难的生活。

Dogs often a very life.

7. 当人们的生活变得更加美好时,他们对狗的感情开始发生了变化。

Feeling dogs began to when life became more prosperous for people. 8. 人们把狗当作朋友或伙伴。

People dogs friends or companions. 9. 爱屋及乌。

my dog. 10. 他只有少量的书。

He has only books. 11. 那只狗老是对我叫。

The dogs always me. 12. 你错了,而且更重要的是你知道你错了!

You’re wrong, and you know it! 13. 除了刻苦学习,我们别无选择。

We have study hard.

辨析:one与it 二者均可用作代词,指代前面提到的名词。一般说来,one指代同名异物;it指代同名同物。 I have lost my umbrella. I think I must buy one. 我丢了伞,我想我必须买一把。 (one在该句中表泛指,因为my umbrella已经丢了)

I have lost my umbrella. I’m looking for it. 我丢了伞,我正在寻找它。 (该句中it就是指前面的my umbrella)

(2013年四川泸州)there is a cup of tea. Please pass to me. A. one B. it C. this D. that


1. 投诉 3. 向……学习 5. 照顾;照料

2. 回应投诉 4. 与……玩 6. 许多

7. 更有甚者,更为重要的是 8 . (动物)四处自由走动 9. 无所事事地混日子;懒散度日 1 0. 对……忠诚 11. 死于

12. 继续

【用法集萃】 1. had better do sth. 2. It is + adj. + to do sth. 3. not all 4. according to ...

5. stop/keep sb. from doing sth. 6. have no choice but to do sth.


1. Debbie is growing fast. She is even than her mother. A. tall

B. taller

C. tallest

D. the tallest

2. Of all the subjects,English is for me. A. interesting

B. more interesting D. much more interesting

C. the most interesting

3. It’s much to have a small lovely room than a big cold one. A. good

B. well

C. better

D. best

4. My grandpa told a good story, but I told a one. A. good

B. better

C. best

D. worse

5. Tony is not as clever as Lucy, but he works than her.

A. hard B. harder C. hardest D. the hardest

6. I carried the bowl with both hands , so that I wouldn’t break it. A. carefully

B. happily

C. quickly

D. carelessly

7. Could you please speak a little more ? I can’t follow you. A. quietly

B. quickly

C. loudly

D. slowly

8. Who listens ,Tom,Jack or Bill? A. the most carefully C. the most careful

B. more carefully

D. more careful

9. —Why are you driving so , Tony? I’m feeling sick. —Sorry,but the train is leaving in 20 minutes. We have to hurry. A. often

B. fast

C. hard

D. slowly

10. Tony is only four years old, he draws very well. A. but



How do you usually get to school? By bus? On foot? Roby Burch, 16, a US student, gets to school a little 11 —he goes by horse (马).

Burch has been riding his white horse 4 miles to and from school 12 the beginning of the semester. “Every morning, wearing my blue jacket and jeans, I am on my way at 6 am,” Burch says.“The streets are mostly 13 at this time of morning. It’s a nice way to start the day.”

The idea was his 14 . His family were enjoying their vacation on their farm this summer. “My dad just said: ‘Roby, you 15 ride your horse to school every day,’” Burch says. He thought it really was a great idea.

When they got back home, Burch asked for permission from the headmaster(校长),Joe Cox,and, surprisingly, he got the green light. Cox even 16 Burch to keep the horse next to the headmaster’s house. Then, his dad helped Burch find the best route to school. It is along back streets and has 17 cars than the others.

For the return trip every afternoon, Burch leaves school at 5:45 pm. Even now, as the days grow shorter and colder, he 18 to ride his horse.“I will ride my horse even in the coldest weather,”

B. so

C. or

D. and