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sailing. Step by step, the steamer stepped up its speed and left the harbor. The status of weather wasn?t optimistic. After standing in the chilly wind for too much time, the captain felt stiff in four limbs. But he still stood steadily at the stern like a statue. The captain together with the steward stuck out the stiff sailing. The steamer passed by steephills and was close to the destination. This stimulated the steward work harder. The captain listened to the stereo radio and steered the steamer careful into the harbor. To welcome the steamer, a long line of honor guards marched all in step. And the police stepped in to keep order.

7月30日是一个老船长最后一次远航。他35年扎实的工作作风让他的地位很高。气象局的统计资料表明很快就有一次风暴。尽管有统计,船长还是 坚持他的职责。没有什么可以改变他坚定的想法。轮船在一个阳光明媚的早晨起程了。象往常一样,他的妻子买了一些长茎的玫瑰。她被其中一朵刺了一下。妻子为丈夫 搅拌咖啡里的糖。船长把饭叉戳进土豆,然后他们吻别了。船长的父亲来送行。这个苛刻的老人站在码头。拄着一根拐杖。船长将头伸出窗外并向他的父亲和妻子挥手。 乘务员已经将粘性标签粘贴在货物上了。他们已准备好了航行。逐步地,轮船加快了他的速度并离开了海港。天气情形并不乐观。船长站在寒风里太长时间,以至于感到四肢 僵硬。但他仍然稳定的站在船尾,仿佛一座雕像。船长和乘务员一起将这艰难的航行 坚持到底。轮船经过了陡峭的山峰并靠近目的地。这刺激了乘务员更加努力得工作。船长一边收听立体声收音机,一边小心翼翼的 掌舵将船驶进海港。为了欢迎轮船的到来,一支仪仗队步调合拍的行进着。连警察也介入来维持秩序。

Hard Life 艰苦的生活

stitch n.一针,针脚v.缝,缝合

stock n.备料,库存,现货,股票,债券 v.储存 in stock 现有,备有 stocking n.长统袜 stomach n.胃口,胃

stony a.多石的,石头的,冷酷的,无情的 stool n.凳子

stoop v.弯腰,俯身;n.弯腰,曲背 storage n.库房,库存,保管 storey/story n.层,楼

storm n.暴风雨,暴风雪,激动,爆发;v.猛攻,直捣 stove n.炉子,火炉

straight a. 直的,笔直的;整齐的,端正的ad.直接

straightforward a.正直的,坦率的;简单的,易懂的;ad.坦率地 strain n.疲劳,紧张,张力,应变;v.扭伤,拉伤;拉紧,紧张,尽力 stranger n.陌生人,外国/地人,生客 strap n. 带,皮带v.捆扎 strategy n.战略,策略 straw n.稻草,麦杆,吸管 strawberry n.草莓

stream n.小溪;流,一股,一串;v.流出,涌 streamline a.流线型的 strangth n.实力,力量 strengthen v.加强,加固

stress n.压力;重音;v.强调,着重

There was a stony inn nearby a stream. It was a two-storey. The host wa a diligent man. His wife was straightforward woman and often asked some quite straightforward questions. She cooked meal for her husband with a gas stove. But he had no stomach for supper. He strained his right arm by lifting a heavy bag just now. He strapped his arm with a cloth strap. The wife was stitching her stockings. When she sewed she made long stitches. She thought of a lot of sand things. Her husband put all their money in a company stock thus lost most of their money. Last week, their streamline car was stolen. The storage of food was not enough. The close-by store had no more food in stock, And now, the clouds threatened a stony storm. The woman couldn?t bear the stresses and strains of life. Tears streamed from her eyes. The host straightened his back. He must work out a strategy to deal with the coming storm. It would take great strength to resist the storm. First of all, he must strengthen the foundation of the inn. He stressed this to all his workers. Then he stooped to pick up his tool to work with them together. Even

some strangers came to help them. Having finished work, the tired host sat down on a stool. Then he drank strawberry juice through a straw. After that, he asked all of the people to hide in the storage before the storm.



The world around Us 我们的世界

stretch v.延长,伸n.一段时间,一段路程;拉长,延伸 strict a.严格的,严厉的,严谨的,精确的 stride v.大步走,迈进,跨过n.迈步,阔步

strike v.冲,撞;罢工;(使)产生印象,打动,发现,找到n.罢工 striking a.显著的,惊人的

string n.一串,一行,弦,线,细绳;v.缚,捆 strip v.剥,n.窄条,条纹 stripe n.条纹 strive v.奋斗,努力

stroke n.击,敲;报时钟声;一击,一划,一笔,一次努力;抚摸v.抚摸

structural a.结构的,构造的

structure n.结构,构造,建筑物;建造 struggle n./v.斗争,奋斗,努力

stubborn a.顽固的,倔强的;难对付的,难以克服的 studio n.画室,播音室;制片厂 stuff n.原料材料,东西v.填满塞满 stuffy a.不透气的,闷热的 stumble v./n.跌,绊 sturdy a.强健的,结实的