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up, 54 to sign his own “I love you” to his daddy. I watched with tears as my husband 55 helped Noah form his tiny fingers into the sign I love you. 36. A. slightly 37. A. away 38. A. from 39. A. feel

40. A. describe 41. A. fever 42. A. peace 43. A. pity 44. A. bring 45. A. met

46. A. received 47. A. crying 48. A. warned 49. A. notices 50. A. rest 51. A. However 52. A. fine

53. A. understood 54. A. meaning 55. A. hurriedly 【答案】

36.B 37.C 38.D 39.A 40.C 41.A 42.B 43.D 44.A 45.C 46.B 47.A 48.D 49.C


B. seriously C. partly D. suddenly B. down C. up D. out B. behind C. with D. against B. touch C. see

D. know

B. choose C. remember D. understand

B. voice C. weight D. spirits B. trouble

C. anxiety D. shock

B. faith C. regret D. fear

B. send C. turn D. call

B. covered C. filled D. presented B. expected C. suggested D. requested B. talking

C. writing

D. thinking B. reminded C. believed D. comforted B. messages C. results D. samples B. recover

C. relax

D. change B. Therefore C. Besides D. Finally

B. unusual C. impossible D. necessary

B. accepted C. caught D. noticed

B. trying

C. managing D. pretending

B. nervously C curiously D. carefully

50.B 51.D 52.A 53.C 54.B 55.D


36.根据本空前的“I awoke in the night to find my husband gently rocking our baby son, Noah.

I felt in my heart that something”可知,我内心感觉到Noah很(seriously)不对劲。

37.根据本空前的“my husband gently rocking our baby son”可知,Noah半夜起来(up)。 38.根据本空前的“Tears filled my eyes as I watched my husband move Noah’s little cheek up”

可知,丈夫把Noah的脸颊紧紧地贴在(up against)胸前。

39.根据本空后的“the vibrations of his voice. Noah is deaf. ”可知,丈夫把Noah的脸颊紧


40.根据本空前的“We had taken Noah to doctor more times than I can”可知,我已经记


41.根据上文的“burning with a high fever”可知,Noah高烧(fever)不退。 42.上文说Noah一整夜高烧不退,此处是说Noah陷入麻烦之中(in trouble)。 43.上文说Noah高烧不退,因此我和丈夫很害怕(fear)。

44.根据本空前的“we called the doctor and were told to”可知,医生让我们再次把Noah

带来(bring in)。

45.根据本空后的“with fear”可知,我们的心里充满(filled with)了恐惧。

46.上文说Noah陷入麻烦之中,再结合本空后的“Noah had to be admitted to the hospital”


47.根据本空后的“I felt as if I were shattering from the inside out. ”可知,得知儿子病得这


48.根据本空后的“that he felt in his heart that Noah would be OK. He never gave up. ”可知,


49.根据本空后的“and that he had Influenza A”可知,第一份检查结果(results)显示Noah


50.根据本空后的“and soon be back to his little self. ”可知,医生说Noah很快就会康复


51.根据本空后的“in the middle of the night, we were told that”可知,此处是说最后


52.根据本空后的“to take Noah home! ”可知,最后医生在半夜告诉我们可以(fine)带


53.根据本空前的“They both looked up and ”可知,他们抬头发现我在看他们,catch sb

doing sth表示“发现、逮住某人正在做某事”。

54.Noah举起小手,根据本空前的“And then Noah put his little arm up, ”可知,试图(trying)


55.根据本空后的“helped Noah form his tiny fingers into the sign I love you. ”可知,丈夫


【备注】本文是一个充满爱的家庭故事,作者以一位母亲和妻子的口吻讲述了自己和丈夫因聋哑的儿子生病而紧张担心的经历,最后又描写了丈夫陪儿子玩耍、叫儿子用手语 说“我爱你”的情节,字里行间都流露出一个女人对孩子和家庭的爱,画面温馨而又感人。


Mary: Do you use an anti-virus program to protect your computer?

Mike: Yes. Because here are so many bad things on the Internet and so many people 56 are trying to use the Internet to hurt other 57 (use). You have to be very careful and keep your computer clean.

Mary: How often do you run your anti-virus program? Mike: I usually run it every five days.

Mary: Oh, my new computer 58 (attack) several times so far. Would you like to suggest an anti-virus program for me?

Mike: How about trying this one? It’s very good and you can download it 59 free. Mary: That 60 (sound) very good. Which website should I visit to download it?

Mike: Just a minute ... go to this one. 61 only takes a few minutes to download it. Then you have to go through the set-up procedures. Mary: What do you use your computer for?

Mike: 62 (surf) the net and word processing (文字处理). I also do a lot of work with photographs.

Mary: Photographs? You’re a really clever person.

Mike: Actually it is easy 63 (learn) a computer program and you can edit and resize photographs.

Mary: Computers are great in 64 way, aren’t they? I should download some programs and learn 65 to use them. 【答案】

56.who / that 57.users


58.has been attacked 59.for 60.sounds 61.It 62.Surfing 63.to learn 64.a 65.how



故填who / that。

57.考查名词。此处指其他的用户,user是可数名词,有other 修饰应该用复数,故填


58.考查时态语态。由so far判断此处用现在完成时,主语computer与谓语attack之间

是被动关系,所以用现在完成时的被动语态,故填has been attacked。

59.考查介词。for free是固定搭配,表示“免费”,故填for。




62.考查非谓语动词。此处是对上一句话What do you use your computer for?的回答,应


63.考查固定搭配。be easy to do是固定搭配,表示“容易做某事”,故填to learn。 64.考查冠词。in a way是固定搭配,表示“某种程度上”,故填a。 65.考查疑问词。此处是说如何使用计算机,故填how。



66.At present I’m d all my time and energy to looking after my daughter. 【答案】devoting

67.Whoever breaks the law won’t e being punished. 【答案】escape

68.The experiment is d to test the new drug. 【答案】designed