牛津上海版(深圳)四下Unit 1《Touch and feel》练习题2 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章牛津上海版(深圳)四下Unit 1《Touch and feel》练习题2更新完毕开始阅读709661db7275a417866fb84ae45c3b3566ecddc6

Module 1 Unit 1 Touch and feel (B)



Ⅱ.判断下列单词画线部分读音是否一致,一致的打“√\,不一致的打“×\。 ( )1.chick chair ( )2.soft dog ( )3.feel tooth ( )4.touch Charlie ( )5.toy old ( )6.fat hard Ⅲ.用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.--Whose pens (be)these? --They are(Jill) . 2.--How (do)it feel? --It (be)hard and thick.

3.He (like)the elephant.I (like)it too 4.Jill (have)many books.They (be)thick 5.Look at him.He (be)blind.He(can) see Ⅳ.看图填空。

1.--Touch this.How does it feel? -- --What is it ?


2. -- -- -- --

3. -- -- -- --


It is a day.Four men are under a tree.They are .They cannot see.The four men hear a .What is it? It is an elephant.They cannot see the elephant but they can it.How does the elephant ? One touches the tooth.It is hard.One touches the trunk(鼻子).It is .One touches the leg.It’s thick.One touches the tail.It is thin


挑战题 拓展思维,综合技能

( )1.The story The Blind Men and the Elephant is from .

A.America B.India C.France

( )2.反义词连线。



Ⅱ.l.√ 2.√ 3.× 4.√ 5.× 6.×

Ⅲ.l.are;Jill’s 2.does;is 3.likes;like 4.has;are 5.is;cannot. Ⅳ.1.It’s soft.It’s a toy bear.

2.Touch this.How does it feel?It’s hard.What is it?It’s a desk. 3.Touch this.How does it feel? It’s rough.What is it?It’s a pineapple. V.hot blind noise touch feel soft Ⅵ.略 挑战题 1.B

2.Blunt--sharp rough--smooth light--heavy