小议顶管工程施工中的质量通病和预防对策 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章小议顶管工程施工中的质量通病和预防对策更新完毕开始阅读70d3b8e30242a8956aece41c


摘要:随着国家建设的不断发展,顶管技术在工程中的应用也会越来越广泛,本文针对顶管施工中常见质量通病,分析其原因,提出了相应的预防对策,希望可以为日后的工程提供有用的参考。 关键词:顶管施工,质量通病,预防对策

abstract: with the development of national construction, pipe jacking technology in engineering application will also more and more extensive, this article in view of the pipe jacking construction of the common faults common, analyzes the reasons and puts forward the corresponding preventive measures, and hopes for the future project can provide useful reference.

keywords: pipe jacking construction, quality problems, countermeasures

中图分类号:tu71文献标识码:a 文章编号: 一、接口漏浆 1 现象及危害
