牛津译林版英语八年级下册 Unit1_ReadingⅠ教案 联系客服

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Unit1 ReadingⅠ精品教案

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn some new words on talking about the changes in past and present. 2. Practise reading skills by learning the conversation. Step 1 Revision 词汇:

1. — Have you ________ (看见) my chocolate? — No, I _________.

2. She has _______ (刚刚) eaten lunch.

3. I used to take the _________ (长途汽车) Nanjing. 4. Where do you work at _________ (目前)? Step 2 New words

1) Read aloud the new words. 2) Complete the B1. Step 3 Warming up

Enjoy some pictures about Shanghai’s past and present, then tell us the changes in your hometown to lead in the changes in Sunshine Town. Step 4 Read and answer

1. Why does Millie want to know the changes in Sunshine Town? 2. Why does she interview Mr Chen? Step 5 Tasks

Task 1: Read the conversation between Millie and Mr Chen quickly and silently, write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false. Mr. Chen knows little about Sunshine Town.

1) Mr Chen moved away from his parents when he got married. 2) There is a large shopping mall in Sunshine Town now. 3) The steel factory once put its waste into the Sunshine River. 5) It is easy for Mr Chen to see his old friends now. 6) Amazing changes have taken place in Sunshine Town.

Task 2: Read aloud the conversation again. Sandy wants to learn more about the

history of Sunshine Town. She is asking Millis some questions. Work in pairs. Complete their conversation.

Sandy: Tell me more about your interview with Mr Chen, Millie. Has he lived in Sunshine Town all his life?

Millie: Yes. He first lived with his parents in the ____________ part of town, and then moved to another flat two _________ away. Sandy: What was the town like in the past?

Millie: There were some small ____________ and shops. Sandy: What did Mr Chen say about the town centre?

Millie: Years ago, there was a __________ and a ________. Now there’s a new park, a new ________ and a large ______________. Sandy: Were there any factories in Sunshine Town?

Millie: Yes. There was once a ___________ near the Sunshine River.

Task 3: Millie is going to write about the changes in Sunshine town for her history project. She has made some notes. Help her complete the sentences with the information.

? Sunshine Town (1)_________________ over the years. ? People now have (2)_________________ town.

? The (3)______ from the steel factory was once a problem. Luckily, the government took action to improve the (4)_________. ? Old people used to (5)__________________________ together. ? Old people sometimes (6)_______________ because they cannot (7)________________ as often as before.

? People think it is good to see (8)_____________________________. Step 6 Read

Listen to the recording and read the passage following the tape. Homework

1. Read aloud the conversation in pairs.

2. Find out the difficult sentences and discuss them with your classmates.