2012年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛初二年级组试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2012年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛初二年级组试题更新完毕开始阅读70e7c51e14791711cc7917f8

sweet tooth.He/She is sending a message. The message says,\care about you enough to spend an hour making cookies that you will eat up in 15 minutes if I let you.\There is also something about the smell of good cooking that attracts people of all ages.It makes most of us feel safe and loved-even if we are the ones doing the cooking!Next time you smell a cake baking,stop for a moment and pay attention to your mood.Chances are,the good smell is making you feel happy.

Real estate agents (房产中介) know that good cooking smells are important. They sometimes advise people whose homes are for sales to bake cookies if buyers are coming to see the house.The good smells make the place ‘feel like home’.These pleasant smells

help to make buyers buy the house to make a good home for their family too!

Questions 56-60:Fill in the blanks with suitable words according to the passage above.Use no more than three words.for each blank.(根据短文内容使用适当的词语


56.Fewer people cook now because they are_______.

57.Family meals are ________ because they bring family members________.

58.Homemade cookies can satisfy a children’s sweet tooth while tell him/her that the parents_________him /her as well.

59.Real estate agents often ask home sellers to________when people come to see their houses.

60.The smell of baking may encourage buyers to ________.


If you go to the Spanish town of Bunol in August,you should wear old

clothes.Don’t wear good clothes because you may get covered with tomato juice! The farmers near Bunol grow a lot of tomatoes.In summer there are too many tomatoes to sell.So the people of Bunol have an unusual way using them. Every year one day in August is called ‘Tomatina’(西红柿狂欢节). In the morning the shopkeepers in Bunol put plastic over their shops. They don’t want their shops to be covered with tomatoes juice.A big crowd of people comes into town. Then trucks bring 125000 kilograms of tomatoes.

At 11 o’clock,the fun starts .Suddenly everyone starts throwing tomatoes at each other.People enjoy throwing tomatoes.They also enjoy being hit by tomatoes! Soon everyone is red.And everyone is have a lot of fun.

Then,at 1 o’clock,everyone stops throwing tomatoes.The streets of Bunol are covered with tomato juice.The people wash the street,and soon all the tomato juice is gone.Tomatina is finished for another year.But next August the farmers will have a lot of tomatoes again.And it will be Tomatina time again!

Questions 61-65:Answer the following questions according to the passage.(根据短


61.When is Tomatina each year?

__________________________________________________________________________ 62.Why do shopkeepers put plastic over their shops?


63.How many tomatoes are used in Tomatina ?

_____________________________________________________________________________ 64.How long does Tomatina last?

_____________________________________________________________________________ 65.What do people enjoy about Tomatina?



A)Read the passage below and fill in the blanks with suitable forms of 10 words out of the 12 given according to the context.(阅读下面短文,根据其内容提示,从所


drink, simple, lunch, example, some, good, diet, put, hungry, strong, much, real Healthy Eating

Do you want to be healthy?Perhaps you need to go on a __66__ .Start the day by __67__ a glass of water or orange juice?but no coffee or tea,and no milk or sugar please!For___68__ ,don’t eat any fired foods?French fries,or burgers,for__69___ some fish ,perhaps with some green vegetables,is really __70 for you.Do you want some noodles for lunch?OK,but don’t ___71___ any cheese or tomato sauce on top! If you are still ____72____,eat some fruit,or have some nuts---they are ____73__ healthy.And to drink as __74___ as you want.For dinner,have some soup and bread.It’s ___75____?but delicious!

B)Read the passage below,and fill in the blanks with suitable words,using one word for each blank(阅读下面短文,根据其内容在空格处填入适当的单词补全短文,每空一词)

Dear Herman,

Thanks for your e-mail.It was great to __76__ from you.

Of course you can stay at our __77___ while we are away.We can leave keys with Mandy Petit at No.53.

Take the underground from Heathrow airport to Waterloo and get a train to Farnham.Turn right when you leave the station.Lynch Road is the second road on the left.We leave at No.57.Here’s a __78___ so you know what it look like.

When you arrive,please give Henry (that;s the cat)his food.He gets food __79__ a day,in the morning and in the evening.He must sleep in the kitchen,he mustn’t sleep in the bedrooms.Also,please leave a __80__ on if you go out at night.

And of course,don’t forget to take the keys bake to Mandy when you leave. That’s all for now. Best wishes, Sarah and Mike.

4.Sentences pattern transformation(句式转换)(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)

Transform the sentences as required.Fill in each blank with only one word.(按要求转换下列个句。每空一词) 81.I’m to tired to play with you.(改为同义句)

I’m ______ ______ that I ______ _______ play with you .

82.Mike chocolate is sweeter than dark chocolate.(改为否定句)

Dark chocolate is _______ ________ _______ _______ milk chocolate. 83.My little brother coughed for two days.(对画线部分提问) _______ ________ ________ your little brother ________? 84.It was a terrible day yesterday.(改写为感叹句) ________ ________ it was yesterday!

85.There was some bread and fruit in the kitchen.(改写为一般疑问句) _______ ________ _______ bread _______ fruit in the kitchen?


Translate the following sentences into Chinese or English,using the words given in the brackets.(根据括号内的提示词语,将下列句子翻译成汉语或英语。)

86.Better late than never.


87.People have a long way to go before they achieve world peace. _____________________________________________________ 88.一个人是否能成功取决与他有多努力。(depend on)

_____________________________________________________ 89.在2012年伦敦奥运会上中国运动员赢了38块金牌。(win;Olympics) _____________________________________________________ 90.我决定在寒假里做一项关于交通事故的调查。(survey about) _____________________________________________________

6.Sentences formation(连词成句)(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)

Change the disordered words into a sentences.(将下列所给的单词连接成句,使之意



____________________________________________________________ 92.me,Ruth,,quite,from,friend,different,is,my.

____________________________________________________________ 93.things,we,learn,can,reading,more,by.

____________________________________________________________ 94.healthy,should,one,less,more,eat,keep,exercise,and,to. ____________________________________________________________ 95.weekends,cleaning,do,I,on,usually,some.


7.Dialogues completion(补全对话)(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)

Reading the following dialogues.Complete is by filling in blanks with five out of seven sentences given according to the context(阅读下面的对话,根据对话内容从


A:Cathy,have you ever been to Australia?


A:I’ve never been there either.But I know a lot about.

B:Really? __97__

A:I have a pen pal in Australia.She has told me a lot about her country. B:I see .That’s interesting.

A:My pen pal also sent me some post cards of Australia. B:Oh,that’s great!__98__

A:Sure!Here they are!Look at that big picture. B:Hmm,it must be the Opera House. A:Right!__99__

B:Yes,it is.What is this stadium?

A:The Olympic Stadium.The 2000 Summer Olympic Games were held there. B:Wow! __100__

A:Do you think so?

B:Yes.I must go there one day.

A.Will you show them to me? B.Why is that? C.Isn;t is beautiful? D.Why do you think so? E.There are so many beautiful places to visit in Australia. F.Will you come with me? G.What about you?


Answer the following questions.(回答下列各题)

101.The cross-sea bridge cost the government a large amount of money,but people seldom use the bridge.It turned out to be a white elephant.What does “a white elephant” mean hear in Chinese?