人教英语新课标必修1全册精品教案( Unit 4 Earthquakes) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章人教英语新课标必修1全册精品教案( Unit 4 Earthquakes)更新完毕开始阅读71d20d4d5122aaea998fcc22bcd126fff7055da2

nrtheast Hebei

Tpi sentene f 2nd paragraph

Everthing began t shae and it seeed that the

rld as at an end

Tpi sentene f 3rd paragraph

Everhere the led nearl everthing as destred

Tpi sentene f 4th paragraph

All hpe as nt lst

II A text struture analsis Read the text “A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN’T SLEEP”, and then plete the flling hart Tie/ rder

hat happened Result

three das befre the earthquae

at abut 3:00 a Sa: ras

ater in the ells--- rse and fell,

anials--- t nervus , hide

fish uped ut f bls ≈ pnds

bright light in the s

ater pipes---raed and burst

heard: sund f planes

selt: sell gas in the ras f the ells

Peple thught little f the

events and ent t bed as usual at 3:42 a

felt: everthing sh

ne-third natin felt it

heard in Beiing 100 ileters aa

a huge ra ut arss huses, rads…