英语生活你我他 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章英语生活你我他更新完毕开始阅读72a1071d10a6f524ccbf8555

第 1 页 共 5 页


A: Did they tell you when you would know the result? B: They said they would make a decision by this Friday.

A: This Friday? Looks like they want to hire the person as soon as possible. Well, good luck, then.

B: Thanks. I hope it helps.


A: Hi, Linda. How was your interview? Did it go well?

B: I think I did well. I was asked to answer some questions in English. The director seemed to be pleased with my English ability.

A: I believe you have a very good chance of getting the job.

英语你我他生活篇44:找工作 Look For Job(3)

A: By the way, wear formal clothing and be neat. And get there at least ten minutes early.

B: Thanks. I'll keep that in mind.

A: You should do fine. Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best.

英语你我他生活篇1:日期 Date (1)


A: What day is it?

B: It's Monday, October 27. Speaking of dates, when are you leaving? A: I'm leaving on November 10th. A: Isn't it a Sunday? B: No, it's a Monday.

A: So you are leaving two weeks from now. B: Right. 单词

Monday (星期一) Tuesday (星期二) Wednesday (星期三) Thursday (星期四) Friday (星期五) Saturday (星期六) Sunday (星期日) January (一月) February (二月) March (三月) April (四月) May (五月) June (六月) July (七月) August (八月) September (九月) October (十月) November (十一月) December (十二月)


第 2 页 共 5 页

英语你我他生活篇1: 时间 Time (1)

A: Excuse me. Do you have the time?

B: My watch is a few minutes fast. It's about six forty, I think.

A: Is it? Oh, no. The concert will begin in twenty minutes. Are we too late to get there?

B: If we start now, we can make it by taxi.


watch (表) clock (钟) alarm clock (闹钟) digital clock (电子钟)



A: Are you going to the annual party? I can give you a ride if you need one. B: Thanks a lot. That's the favor I was going to ask you for. A: The pleasure is mine.

语你我他生活篇6:送人回家 Give A Ride Home(2)

A: What a wonderful party! I had a good time. How about you? B: I enjoyed myself, too.

A: Shall I give you a ride home?

B: Sure, if it's not too much of a trouble.

A: It's no trouble at all because it's on the way to my place. B: That's great. Let's go!

英语你我他生活篇7: 餐厅用餐(1)

A: What do you say to eating out, Maggie?

B: Yeah, why not? We haven't been out for dinner for quite a long time. A new French restaurant has just opened in our neighborhood. We can go there. A: Do we need to book a table in advance?

B: No need for that. It's not usually busy on weekdays. A: What time shall we go? B: Why not now? I'm hungry.


第 3 页 共 5 页

英语你我他生活篇7: 餐厅用餐(2)


A: What do you say to eating out, Maggie?

B: Yeah, why not? We haven't been out for dinner for quite a long time. A new French restaurant has just opened in our neighborhood. We can go there. A: Do we need to book a table in advance?

B: No need for that. It's not usually busy on weekdays. A: What time shall we go? B: Why not now? I'm hungry.

英语你我他生活篇7: 餐厅用餐(3)

A: Good evening. Welcome to Cherry's. Do you have a reservation? B: No, we don't.

A: How many of you, please? B: Six, including two kids.

A: I'm afraid all the big tables are taken.

英语你我他生活篇7: 餐厅用餐(4)

A: Would you mind waiting a while? B: Well, how long will it be?

A: I'm not sure. But I'll get a table ready as fast as I can. B: OK. We'll wait.

英语你我他生活篇7: 餐厅用餐(5)

A: Can I take your order now or do you still want to look at the menu?

B: Well, I want a fillet steak, medium, but my little girl doesn't care for steak. Could she have something else instead?

A: Certainly. How about spaghetti with clams and shrimps. B: Sounds delicious. OK. She'll try that.


第 4 页 共 5 页

英语你我他生活篇8:打电话 Call(1)

A: May I speak to Mr. Liu, please? B: I'm sorry, he isn't in. A: Well, what about Miss Yang?

B: She's not in the office, either. A: When will they be back? B: I'm not sure.

A: Oh, I see. Can I leave a message? B: Sure.

英语你我他生活篇8:打电话 Call(2)


A: Extension 218 , please. B: Engaged. Will you hold on? A: No. I'll call back.

B: Oh, it's free. I'll put you through. 练习

A: Pearson Education Taiwan. B: Extension 305, please.

A: Line busy. Will you hold on? B: Please connect 308 instead.

A: Hold the line. I'll put you through. C: This is Vincent. Who is this, please? B: This is Mary Beth. May I speak to Amy? C: She's on the phone now.

B: Can I leave a message? Just tell her Mary Beth called and ask her to call back. C: No problem.

英语你我他生活篇9:找公用电话 Pay Phone

A: Could you tell me where I can find a pay phone? B: Well, I'm not sure where exactly it is, but if you keep on walking down this street, you should run into one. A: Thanks.


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英语你我他生活篇10:打国际电话 Oversea Call(1)

A: Can I dial overseas direct?

B: Not with all pay phones. To play it safe, go to a convenience store and buy a phone card, such as an e-call card. Using this card to make a call, you will have no problem dialing overseas. A: Thanks again. B: My pleasure.

英语你我他生活篇10:打国际电话 Oversea Call(2)

A: Can I dial overseas direct?

B: Not with all pay phones. To play it safe, go to a convenience store and buy a phone card, such as an e-call card. Using this card to make a call, you will have no problem dialing overseas. A: Thanks again. B: My pleasure.