快速公交系统站点布局优化与设计方法研究 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章快速公交系统站点布局优化与设计方法研究更新完毕开始阅读72b7b468590216fc700abb68a98271fe910eafd8

快速公交系统站点布局优化与设计方法研究 摘要










As one of the most crucial components for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), properly designed BRT stop can significantly improve the capacity and efficiency of the entire system. However, few researches have been done to address research of BRT which are

applicable in China. That shows it is very necessary to carry out the insightful and integrative research about issues of optimization layout and design for BRT stop. The dissertation is mainly based on the research achievements of the Key Science-Technology Project of the National “Tenth Five-Year-Plan”. The

dissertation has carried out the study on the layout and design theory of BRT stop from mesoscopic level and microscopic level. A series of creative research achievements have been fulfilled in some aspects.

Firstly, this thesis made a systematic literature review of the studies within the area of BRT, stop layout and design. Deficiencies and potential improvements for previous researches were presented. Based on the above analyses, the main study issues were put forward. Through the analysis of traffic

characteristics of BRT stop, critical research methodologies and techniques of layout and design for BRT stop were proposed.

In the area of BRT stop layout, this study addressed the optimal stop layout problem from the perspective of two levels. At the mesoscopic level, this research developed an optimal BRT stop spacing model based on the

probabilistic distribution of the trip across different stops, and the interrelations between those affecting factors and the optimal stop spacing were fully investigated. At the microscopic level, this study proposed the delay and

queuing models for the BRT stops when located on the nearside and farside. The quantitative approach for evaluating the BRT stop location was also improved in this research.

In the area of BRT stop design, three key theoretical issues were detailed in this study. A simulation-based BRT stop capacity model was presented first with the consideration of all the potential affecting factors. Then, based on the analyses of the physical characteristics of vehicles and the interactions

between passengers, a BRT berth estimation model was developed and the width and length design of stop were quantified. Finally, this research made a systematically summary of the transfer patterns between the BRT stops and other transportation modes. In the end, conclusions were drawn and critical contributions as well as future researches were given.

This dissertation is focused to provide theoretical as well as practical decision tools for public transportation agencies in China in terms of the following key

technical aspects of the BRT stop: stop spacing optimization, location optimization, stop capacity, geometry design and transfer management.

Key Words: Bus Rapid Transit, Stop, Stop Spacing, Stop Location, Stop Capacity, Optimization Design, Transfer