关于饿了么营销及其配送方式的研究 联系客服

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ways that will allow cumulative knowledge building. We also offer practical new guidelines for how researchers should approach the conceptualization and operationalization of performance outcomes that may be the result of firms’ marketing. In addition, we identify major factors that should be considered in making these choices. In doing so, we provide an actionable road map that, if employed, will enhance the contribution to knowledge of future empirical research studies. Even more important, it will enable the synthesis of future empirical findings on the performance outcomes of marketing across studies. This is vital if the marketing discipline is to be able to credibly ―prove‖ the value of firms’ marketing assets and activities. In the following sections, we detail the conceptual model of marketing performance outcomes developed in our study.Then, we explain the evaluative framework built to analyze the measures of marketing performance outcomes in empirical studies. Next, we describe the methods employed in this review,after which we present and discuss the results. Finally, we draw conclusions from this evaluation and highlight directions for further research, along with guidelines for improving performance conceptualization and operationalization. The accepted paradigm for measurement development and theory testing in organizational science holds that the conceptual domain of a construct must be well-defined and understood before operationalization can be attempted and the measures used should represent a valid sample of indicators of the domain of the construct they purport to measure. Here, we view performance outcomes associated with firms’ marketing efforts in line with conceptualizations of operational and organizational performance in strategic management. From this perspective, operational performance refers to the fulfillment of goals within different value-chain activity areas of the firm that may subsequently lead to organizational performance, that is, ―the economic outcomes resulting from the interplay among an organization’s attributes, actions,and environment‖. Drawing on the conceptual frameworks of Rust et al.(2004), Keller and Lehmann (2006), Petersen et al. (2009), and Morgan (2012), we illustrate in Figure 1 the conceptual model we develop to identify the fundamental steps in the creation of operational and organizational marketing performance outcomes. This begins with firms’ marketing resources, strategies, and actions that become manifest in the product marketplace in firms’ realized marketing programs (e.g., Rust et al. 2004), which represent the first stage of the operational performance outcomes of firms’ value chain activities associated with marketing (Combs et al. 2005; Porter 1985). Only when customers in the product marketplace are exposed to firms’ strategic marketing decisions and the deployment of marketing program-related resources to enact these decisions can the firm begin to realize its marketing program value. The next stage in operational performance outcome realization begins with customers’ perceptions of a firm’s value offerings, which stem from the firm’s marketing program actions, and customers’ subsequent behavioral responses. Preexisting knowledge of some of the firm’s market-based assets may also directly influence customers’ perceptions and behaviors. For example, existing brand equity, customer relationships, and perceived firmcategory expertise may all influence customer perceptions and behaviors with respect to the firm’s realized marketing program. Ceteris paribus, the greater the number of target customers who are aware of the firm’s marketing program and perceive it positively with respect to their consumption needs, the greater will be the number of purchase selection decisions favoring the firm’s value offering and the more likely will be these customers to be satisfied with their purchase and to engage in positive postpurchase behaviors. Next, these customer purchase and postpurchase behaviors result in product-marketplace outcomes. These outcomes may be observed by the supplier firm and calibrated at the level of individual or groups of customers in terms of customer value measures, such as share of wallet, profitability, and CLV). These outcomes are also observed and calibrated at a product-market level by individual firms, channel members, and/or industry analysts using measures such as unit sales, market share, and revenue premium.


题目 关于饿了么营销及其配送方式的探究

作者姓名 陈伟伟 指导教师 徐宁 所在学院 信息技术学院 专业(系) 电子商务 班级(届) 2016届1班 完成日期 2015 年 4 月 28


目 录

摘要、关键字 ...................................... 2 1、绪论 ........................................... 2 1.1 研究背景 .................................... 2 1.2 研究意义 ................................... 3 1.3 研究现状 ................................... 3 1.4 研究方法 .................................... 4 1.5 创新点 ...................................... 4 2、线上订餐平台饿了么的现状分析 ................... 4 2.1 线上订餐平台饿了么的介绍 .................... 5 2.2 线上订餐平台饿了么的发展现状 ................ 5 2.3 线上订餐平台饿了么的特点 .................... 6 2.4 线上订餐平台饿了么的配送方式 ................ 7 3、线上订餐平台饿了么的营销模式 ................... 7 3.1 基本模式 .................................... 7 3.2 商业模式 .................................... 8 4、关于线上订餐平台饿了么的营销策略的探究 ......... 9 4.1 线上订餐平台饿了么营销策略的选择............. 9 4.2 线上订餐平台饿了么营销策略的分析............. 9 4.3 线上订餐平台饿了么营销策略的价值分析 ........ 11 4.4 关于线上订餐平台饿了么营销模式的探究 ........ 11 5、线上订餐平台饿了么的配送方式 .................. 12 5.1 线上订餐平台饿了么现阶段的配送情况.......... 13 5.2 线上订餐平台饿了么配送方式的选择............ 13 6、关于线上订餐平台饿了么配送方式的探究 .......... 13 7、总结和前景展望 ................................ 14 参考文献: ....................................... 14 英文摘要、关键字 ................................. 15