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1. The McDonald’s, which opened last week, is my favorite.

2. His sister, who/whom the teacher often praises in class, is his model. 3. The company introduced a new computer, whose low cost is very attractive. 4. We came back on Tuesday, when we learned about the pleasant news.

5. We are going to spend the Spring Festival in Guangzhou, where live my grandparents and some relatives.

6. Some roads were flooded, which made our journey more difficult.

7. He said he had passed the examinations for self-taught students, which was not true.

The Use of “As” and “But”

Exercise 7: Underline the relative clause and translate the sentences into Chinese.

1. She knew Eric felt the same as she did.

2. The mother saw her son was the same as his father used to be. 3. I have met the same teachers as express their ideas clearly.

4. Such passengers as survived the explosion were drowned in the sea. 5. As many people as we found were taken to the hospital.

6. As you know, National Day holiday is coming, and we’ll have seven days off all together.

7. Water, as is known to all, is composed of oxygen and hydrogen.

8. She is a domineering woman, as is clear from the way she treats her subordinates. (as everybody knows, as I’ve said, as I see, as I’m told, as is usual, as is often the case, as you say...)

9. There are very few but (who don’t) admire him for his nice acting. 10. Not a listener but shed tears at her sad story.

11. There is no habit so old but may be cured by a strong will.

Practice7: Fill in the blanks with such, such as, as or but in the following sentences.

1. Let’s discuss only________ questions__________ concern every one of us.

2. It was a newspaper of a new type, _________had never before existed in our area. 3. There is great disorder, _________ the newspaper has told us.

4.________ all his friends agree, he was unusually warm-hearted, loving and generous.

5. Not a new man entered politics ________ was not soon converted into an official of the old type.

6. __________ is announced in today’s newspaper, all the temporarily-closed schools will reopen on September 1.

7.You’re wearing a cloak (披风) _________ was worn every day by the like of your mother and your grandmother.

8.________ I have said, I am a tutor for Admissions of Hartford College and part of


the task is to visit schools.

9. There is no one in the neighborhood ___________ knows about this affair.

10. There is not a teacher in the college _________ he can tell the name and character of.

Practice 8: Fill in each blank with either a relative pronoun or a relative adverb. 1. He likes his sister, __________ was warm and pleasant, but he did not like his brother, __________ was aloof and arrogant.

2.In bullfighting (斗牛) the professional performer appears graceful, confident and masterful over the bull _________ display aggression and determination.

3. The place was an endless pleasure to him, _________ would sit on the rocking chair and read in the shade of trees.

4. We encounter a cultural shock in Sydney, _________ we could not adjust ourselves to in a very short time either on campus or out in life.

5. She was very patient towards her children, ___________ her husband seldom was. 6.2005saw the United Nations celebrated the 60th anniversary of its Charter (宪章).The Charter is a constitutional treaty (体制性条约) ,which says all countries __________ signed it are bound by its articles.

7.Sometimes,it could even be cheap to see the world by hitchhiking when you happen to visit a country _________ accommodation for hostellers (青年旅游者) is available. 8. This is the reason __________ I have made progress in the study of biology.

9. They weren’t such people ________ could send reports to the administration high above.

10. They accused their enemies of precisely the crimes of __________ they themselves were most guilty.

11. About 48 people in this village have contracted AIDS, of ___________ half have died, compared with 3 people about four years ago.

12.Most deaths from heart disease are the result of coronary (冠状动脉) heart disease, a condition in ________ deposits of fat build up on the lining (内壁) of arteries (动脉) _________ supply blood to the heart muscles.

Practice 9: Translate the Chinese in brackets into English, using an attributive clause in each sentence.

1. Would you please go downstairs and bring up _____________________________? (刚送来的包裹)

2. Ortaga took over from Margaret Brown, __________________________________ _____________________( 此前她已做了十二年的销售经理).

4. _______________________________( 如同经常发生的那样), the boy forgot to bring his textbook.

4. Free samples will be given to ________________________________________

( 走进这间屋子的每位顾客)

5. The Mayor’s televised speech, _______________________________________

( 在每天傍晚六点的新闻中重播)



1. Seeing-eye dogs are trained to assist people __________ have problems with sight.

A. which school.

A. which

B. that

C. whom

D. who

3. Because Rosa looks up to her big brother so much, she tries to imitate the way__________ he talks and walks. A. which

A. which A. which

B. in that B. in which B. where

C. by which C. in where C. about which

D. / D. where D. that

4. His mother works at the market _____ sells vegetables and fruit.

5. Antarctic ______ we know very little is covered with thick ice all the year round. 6. Because I live in a city __________I don’t know anyone, I sometimes like to imagine that I see friendly, familiar faces from my childhood. A. where A. that A. who

with a phone call. A. which

B. that

C. whom

D. /

10. Studies show that people with a positive view of life are healthier than

people__________ always look on the bad side. A. which

A. which

B. / B. when

C. whom C. that

D. who D. by which

11. There are times ___________I wonder why I do this job.

12. In the science-fiction movie__________ I saw last night, the enemy of the human

race is a large, purple monster _________ eats people.

B. which B. when B. that

C. that C. which C. what

D. what D. / D. which

7. Sunday is the only day ___________ I can relax.

8. Her sister has become a lawyer, ____________ she wants to be.

9. Max felt an urge to surprise his boyhood friend, ________ he hadn’t seen in years,

B. /

C. whom

D. who

2. They talked about an hour of things and persons ______ they remembered in the

A. /…that A. which

B. that…whom B. /

C. when…where C. who

D. which…/ D. whose

13. Actors in a play pretend to be people ____________ they are not. 14. We are going to spend the Spring Festival in Guangzhou, ______ live my

grandparents and some relatives.


A. which B. that C. who D. where

15. Organs are parts of our body, ___ a special function to perform. A. each of which has C. every of which has A. who

B. that B. what were

B. each of them has D. each has C. which C. that were

D. whom D. which were

16. Who is the person ____ is standing at the gate of Beijing Tourism Tower?

17. Can you solve such problems ____ raised by the audience?

A. as were

18. In the United States, a primary election is a method _____ voters select the

nominees for public office. A. that

accident. A. having crashed

A. who kills

B. that crashed B. kills

C. crashed C. that kill

D. crashing D. which kills

20. Since she is so frightened of roaches, Katherine thinks that anyone ___________ them is bold.

B. in that C. by those D. by which

19. The airline examined the airplane ____________ to find out what had caused the

21. To protect the people ___________ homes had been robbed, the newspaper did

not reveal their names or addresses. A. that

battery went dead. A. which A. that A. where

B. when B. / B. in which

C. where C. which C. /

D. / D. in which D. that

23. His best film, ___________won several awards, was about the life of Gandhi. 24. Was it in Shanghai _________ he met the girl who later became his wife? 25. If a shop has chairs __________ women can park their men, women will spend

more time in the shop. A. that

B. which

C. when

D. where

26. You cannot say anything ________ will persuade me to go see that horror

movie----- I don’t enjoy being afraid. A. that

B. /

C. which

D. when

27. Mrs Smith, __________ has a lot of teaching experience at junior level, will be

joining the school in September. A. that

B. whom

C. /

D. who

28. It was a totally a crisis _____________she was not prepared .


B. what C. whose D. who

22. The last incident _________ I had with my car was two months ago when the