滚筒式抛丸清理机的总体和结构设计 联系客服

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摘要: 本滚筒式抛丸清理机的工作原理是利用高速回转的叶轮将弹丸抛向滚筒内不断翻


设计过程中,利用一级链传动减速带动滚筒和提升斗的回转和实验弹丸的循环使用。 为了清除铸件或锻件表面的残余型砂或氧化铁皮利用高速回转的叶轮将弹丸抛向滚筒内不断翻转的零件。要求达到如下目的:a综合运用机械和电器知识;b弹丸循环及分离装置设计;c除尘器设计;d弹丸循环及分离装置、集尘器零件的设计。


设计针对小批量零件的清理工作,是有较好的实用价值和经济效益。 设计对象为总装、弹丸循环及分离装置、除尘器设计、提升斗。


关键词:型砂 氧化铁皮 毛刺 螺旋



Shot Blasting Machine Drum and structural design of the overall

Abstract: The drum-type shot blasting machine works by using high-speed rotation of the

impeller within the projectile thrown constantly turning roller cone castings or forgings, to remove residual sand or the surface oxide skin, clean uniform, high efficiency, suitable for in small and medium casting and forging shop clean up small pieces to use to solve a small part of the clearance volume.

The design process, using a slow drive roller chain drive and enhance the struggle of the rotation cycle of the experimental use of the projectile.

In order to remove residual casting or forging the surface of sand or iron oxide with a high-speed rotation of the impeller Pillay will continue to turn within the projectile thrown to the drum parts. Required to achieve the following purposes: a comprehensive use of mechanical and electrical knowledge; b projectile design cycle and the separation device; c filter design; d shot cycle and separation equipment, dust collector parts of the design.

Using a gear-driven shot blast wheel drum work, while the use of dry-type dedusting cyclone dust separation device work. Projectile loop device of roller retaining plate in between the spiral shell with a separate screen to upgrade the Big Dipper and composition. Firing projectiles thrown by the impeller workpiece, the roller retaining plate from the grid plate and the cylinder bore into the shell protecting the gap between the have, the use of screw rotation to enhance the role of flow within the bucket. Elevated to the top, through the separation screen deburring, nails, core bone, sand, grain and so on. Complete projectile shot by the import into the canal inside. Designed for small batch parts cleaning work, there is a good practical value and economic benefits.

Design object for the assembly, projectile circulation and separation devices, filter design, promotion fight.

This machine is used with a unique location from workshop dust collection equipment installed wind pipe with good sanitary conditions restrictions, this machine is equipped with automatic stop device, easy to operate.

Keyword: moulding sand millscale burr helix


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目 录

1 前言 ................................................................ 1

2 总体方案论证 ...................................................... 2

2.1 方案一 摩擦传动 .................................................. 3 2.2 方案二 带传动 .................................................... 3 2.3 方案三 齿轮传动 .................................................. 3 2.4 方案四、蜗杆传动 ................................................. 4

3 提升斗的设计分析 ................................................. 6

3.1 旋风除尘器的特点 ................................................. 6 3.2 粉尘的概念 ....................................................... 7 3.3 粉尘的计算 ....................................................... 8 3.4 粉尘的粘着性 ..................................................... 8

4 离心除尘技术 ..................................................... 10

4.1 离心式除尘工作原理 .............................................. 10 4.2 转圈理论(沉降分离理论) .......................................... 11 4.3 平街轨道理论 (假象圆筒学说) ..................................... 11 4.4 边界层分离理论 .................................................. 11 4.5 计算比传速 ...................................................... 11 4.6计算最大弯曲应力 ................................................. 13 4.7 旋风除尘器构造对性能的影响 ...................................... 14 4.7.1除尘器的直径及高度 ............................................. 14 4.7.2 进口和出口形式 ................................................ 14 4.8 卸灰装置 ........................................................ 15 4.9 灰斗 ............................................................ 16

5 旋风除尘器的计算 ................................................ 18


5.1 流体阻力计算 .................................................... 18 5.2除尘效率计算 ..................................................... 19 5.3 运行各数对性能的影响 ............................................ 19

6 旋风除尘器的注意事项 ........................................... 21

7 旋风除尘器的防磨损措施 ........................................ 22

8 总结 ............................................................... 23

参考文献 ............................................... 24

致 谢 ............................................... 25

附 录 ............................................... 26


1 前言
