中西文化习俗差异120例题 联系客服

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A. at most half a minute, the first time B. a long time, every time

C. at least one minute, the first two times D. a few seconds, several times

析:外国人通常是在第一次见面相互握手。在平辈中,先伸手为有礼。长辈、上级、女士握手应先伸手为有礼。握手太猛或时间过久均是不好的。一般在20秒或半分钟就足够了。故此题的正确选项是A。 例题(25)_______like to move from place to place very often. A. British people B. Americans C. All the westerners D. All the white people

析:据报道,美国每三年在五户人家中就有一户要搬迁。美国人常出生在一个地方,上学在另一地方,工作又在别的地方。美国人常常搬迁主要是因工资收入,天气气候等原因。故此题的正确选项是B。 例题(26)Foreigners usually have______between 5 and 6 in the afternoon. A. last lunch B. early supper C. afternoon tea D. high tea

析:一些西方人没有吃中餐,习惯饮午茶。在正式茶点(high tea)中配有肉食冷盆。故此题的正确选项是C。

例题(27)________students usually find a ______job to do in order to get money for their college tuition. A. All the foreign, full-time

B. British, full-time C. American, part-time D. All the foreign, part-time

析:绝大部分美国大学生在校期间均找一份临时工作做,他们边学习,边打工赚钱做学费,不愿向家里要钱。故此题的正确选项是C。 例题(28)Foreign gentlemen never wear_______at home. A. a hat or a cap B.a ring or a watch C. working clothes D. gloves(手套) and glasses


例题(29)The British weather is_______. A. very hot B. very cold C. warm D. changeable

析:据报道,一个英国人在一天中可经历四季天气,在一天中时冷时热时雨时凉时暖。There is a saying in Britain, “ Other countries have a climate. In England we have weather


例题(30)The young couple(年轻夫妇)usually have their wedding at_____and celebrate their wedding day______. A. home, every two years B. restaurant, every 10 years C. church, every year

D. a club(俱乐部)every 11 years


例题31:The desk in offices are from each other. A.chinese far B.chinese close C.American far D.American close


例题32:In ,the guest should jacket or coat(外套)when he (she)arrires at the host home on a cold day. A.America, wear B.Britain, take off C.America, take off D.China, take off


例题33: teachers can sit on the desk having their teaching work. A.British B.Chinese C.American D.Japanese


师生之间的距离,是一种不拘礼节的表示。故此题正确选项为C。) 例题34:Gentrally, people like family. A.Chinese, nuclear B.British, nuclear C.American,extended D.American, nuclear


例题35: old people usually feel . A.British, lonely B.Chinese, lonely C.Russian, lonely D.American, lonely


例题36:Compared with each other, people are more hospitable. A.American B.British

C.Chinese D.American and British

析:(相比之下,美国更好客,他们同你攀谈熟悉后,可留你住宿或上餐馆吃饭。这种情况在其它国家较少见。故此题的正确选项为A。) 例题37: people usually have of cards, like business cards and private,communicative cards. A.American, two kinds B.Chinese, two kinds C.British, two kinds