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发布时间 : 星期三 文章英语四级听力必备高频词汇更新完毕开始阅读748346fc6d175f0e7cd184254b35eefdc8d315ad

tobacco烟草 nicotine尼古丁



heavy smoker烟瘾大的人

lung cancer肺癌

quit smoking 戒烟 减肥锻炼 put on weight 长胖

excessive drinking 酗酒

overweight超重 on diet节食

lose weight减肥 physical exercise锻炼

slimming drug减肥药 fitness center健身中心

build up a good physique 锻炼身体 body-building健身


旅行计划与准备 travel agency 旅行社 return ticket 双程票 reservation 预订

book the ticket 订票

single ticket单程票 peak season 旅游旺季 booking office 订票中心

off season 非旅游旺季 quote 报价

information booth闻讯处 飞机

sightseeing guidebook 观光指南

flight 航班 wait for further notice 等候进一步通知 gate 登机口 seat belt 安全带 minor mechanical errors 轻微的机械故障 terminal 候机大厅 sign 标志


safety inspection 安检 domestic flight 国内航班 captain机长 terminal 候机楼

first class 头等舱 airsick 晕机

economy class 经济舱 visa 签证 board登机

check in办理登机手续 小汽车

parking lot 停车场 maintain 保养

parking fee 停车费 rush hour高峰时间 ticket 罚单 zebra 斑马线 passengers 乘客

break down 抛锚 garage 修车场

scratches 刮蹭 highway/freeway 高速公路

single lane 单行道 No-parking sign 禁止停车标志 Intersection 十字路口 crowded 拥挤的 火车

sleeper 卧铺 Express train 快车 transfer 转车 观光旅游

sightseeing 观光,游览

resort 名胜

view/scenery 景色 non-stop train 直达火车 behind schedule 晚点

bus stop 车站

passenger 乘客 waiting room候车室 platform ticket 站台票

scenic spot 游览胜地

scenic 景色秀丽的 exotic 异国情调的

landscape (陆上的)风景 expedition探险,考察

hot spring 温泉 souvenir 纪念品

7. 住房搬家

租房买房 landlord 房东 surroundings 周边环境 inquire about 询问 furnished/unfurnished (不)带家具的 apartment 公寓(美国英语) double-bedroom 两室的 flat 公寓(英国英语) down payment 定金 possession 个人财产 resident 居民 convenient 方便的,便利的 available现成可使用的,可获得的 家居设施

appliance 家用电器 furniture家居 decoration 装饰 cupboard衣柜 fix 维修 leak 漏水 air conditioner 空调 maintenance 维修工

8. 天气

cloud over 天阴起来 sweat 出汗 clear up 天晴起来 swing 不稳定,极端 weather forecast 天气预报 coupled with strong wind 伴有强风 freezing 非常冷/冰冻的 humid/muggy 潮湿的 weather station 气象台 thunder 雷 rainy season 雨季 dry season 干季 thunderstorm 雷雨 haze/mist 薄雾 snowfall 降雪量 sleet 冰雹 breeze 微风 heat wave 热浪


blow out 吹灭 go through 检查 go over 复习;演习 blow up 爆炸 hand out 分配

bring about 引起;导致 help out 帮助……脱离困境 bring out 阐明(意义) keep away 不接近

brush up 温习 keep on 继续

call on 拜访 keep up 赶;不落后 carry out 实践;实施

downtown 市中心 suburb 郊区 facilities 设施

real estate 房地产/不动产neighborhood 邻居 deposit 押金 garage 车库 install 安装 fridge 冰箱

washing machine洗衣机

temperature 气温 shining 光亮的 chilly 冷飕飕的 shower 阵雨 drizzle 毛毛雨 lightning 闪电 fog 雾气 gust 狂风

cold wave 寒流

lay aside 储存;放到一边 cast aside 舍弃;抛弃 lay off 解雇

come up with 提出,想出 come down with 生病 let out 让流出;放出 count on 依赖 let up 告一段落;停止 cut down on 减少 look over 查阅

die away 渐渐消失 look up to 尊敬

die off 先后死去 die out 死光 make fun of 嘲笑

find one's way 摸索找到 make up for 弥补

get across 使被了解 pick out 选择

get over (从病中)恢复 pull through 渡过难关 get rid of 舍弃;丢弃 put away 把……放好,收好 give off 发散(烟,气味) put off 延期

give out 分发 put up with 忍耐

give over 交与 put through 为……接通电话 give up 放弃 run into 不期而遇 run out of 用完 take over 接管

run off 逃走;潜逃

take up 开始发生兴趣,开始从事 run up (物价)上涨 turn down 拒绝 set up 设置 turn over 移交

show off 卖弄;炫耀 turn out 结果是;证明为 show up 出现 turn up 出现

take after 像;与……相似 wear out 使疲倦 get in touch with


all of a sudden 突然地 by all means 一定

do without 不用;没有……也行

go broke 破产;身无分文 catch one's breath 屏息 keep an eye on 看守 lose one's temper 生气

in case of emergency 紧急事件 see eye to eye 同意

give sb.a ride 请某人搭便车 in the long run 长远来看 go for a ride 乘车外出 for good 永远地

give sb.a hand 帮助某人 for a change 改变

make room for sb. 腾出位子给某人 day off 假日;非值班 go Dutch 各付各的

That's all I can think of. 那是我所有能想到的。 give sb.a ring 打电话给某人 Would you care for...?要不要……?

kind of 有一点 How come…? 怎么会……? deal with sb. 和某人交涉 go ahead 前进;继续下去 (time) is up (时间)到了 talk sth.over 讨论某事 line is busy 通话中 be better off 更加富裕


appetite deserve

athlete vehicle purchase budget cancel essential conquer attempt comedy intimate schedule abundant challenge classical accelerate capacity category advertise commercial criminal arbitrary decorate emphasize beneficial function horizon accommodation flat range anticipate course system boundary rest circumstance special competition concentrate flood considerate contribute consist refrigerator alternative distinct attractive enterprise object individual indispensable explore investigate prejudice


literature initial inspire collapse decline accompany accumulate appreciate authority ceremony

anniversary architecture rarely mineral regard available modern describe discuss produce