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发布时间 : 星期一 文章大学英语unit 1教案更新完毕开始阅读74ba6bf8814d2b160b4e767f5acfa1c7ab00826b


教师姓名 学科组 黄丽娜 系部名称 人文学院 2014年秋季 第一英语学科组 授课时间 (教研室) 课程类型 课程名称 授课章节 英语(精读) 授课班级 14级1A3班、2B6班 Unit 1 Growing Up 第1、2周 必修课 1. grasp the main idea(the essence of writing is to write what one enjoys writing) and structure of the text(narration in chronological sequence) 教2. appreciate the narrative skills demonstrated in the text (selection of details, 学目repetition, coherence) 的 3. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 4. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit 教1. the narrative skills: selecting details, using synonyms, achieving coherence 学2. language points: the phrases on “hold”, severe, compose, etc 重点 教1. the difference among compose, consist of, comprise and constitute 学2. one of the narrative skills ---- synonyms and coherence 难点 教学demonstration, explanation; discussion; exemplification 方法 教multi-media facilities, 具 pictures of teachers, students, classes, and graduations

1. Pre-reading tasks(20 minutes): 1). Listen to the recording two or three times and then answer those questions in the book. 2). Discussion : What do you think of growing up? 2. While-reading tasks(3 periods): 课堂教学安排 1). Introducing some related cultural background. 2). Grasping the structure of the text. 3). Part division and summarizing the main idea of each part. 4). Language points and translating exercises. 5). Grammatical structures and useful expressions. 6). Introducing the narrative skills. 3. Post-reading tasks(2 periods): 1). The after-text exercises. 2). Checking on students’ home reading (Text B) 3). Theme-related Language Learning Tasks in class. 小结 思考题 1. Teaching students how to find out the topic sentences. 2. Asking students to master the main narrative skills demonstrated in the text. 1. Why does the author use so many synonyms in the article? 2. According to Mr. Fleagle, what is the very essence of the essay? 3. What’s the purpose for this article? “College English Integrated Course 1 teacher’s book” 参考文献 On-line resources: English on line 备注 说明:1、每一章填写教案一张。
