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Ryan Martinez knows how to encourage his students. \music. If there's a white surface, there is an opportunity for color.\Martinez teaches French at Walter Johnson High School in Bethesda, Maryland, outside Washington. His classroom is decorated with colorful ceiling tiles. \that reflects your own approach to teaching. And when you make that an inviting, stimulating type of atmosphere, it makes it a more pleasurable learning experience.\ago. \brought it home and I just had some blue paint and sort of just covered it and then I installed it. The students noticed that. I mean, immediately, it jumped out because, in an otherwise white ceiling, all of a sudden when you have some colored.\each weekend and brings the tiles back to school. He has expanded the project to other classrooms. Maggie Mesorly teaches math. \see this art and they think, 'Ah, maybe math isn't gonna be so boring.' It can inspire creativity in their problem solving.\

瑞安?马丁内斯知道如何激励学生们。 “若有沉默,那么将是播放音乐的时机。若有一块白色表面,那么色彩将派上用场。” 马丁内斯在位于华盛顿外的马里兰州贝塞斯达市的华特?强森高中教法语。他的教室装饰着色彩斑斓的天花板。 “作为一名教师,你希望你的教室空间是能够反应自己的教学方法的地方。当你将它赋予一种引人注目且令人兴奋的气氛时,它也使得学习经历变得更加愉悦美好。” 这都因一年前的一块瓷砖而起。 “我将它带回家。当时我只有一些蓝色油漆。我涂了一些在瓷砖上,随后将它安装。学生们注意到了这件事。我觉得,它之所以立即就显得突出,是因为在其他白色天花板的映衬下,大家出乎意料地拥有了一些其他色彩。” 马丁内斯每周末要花费10小时在家喷涂瓷砖并将它们带回学校。他还将这项工程扩展到了其他教室。 玛吉?麦索丽教数学。 “学生们经常认为数学枯燥,但是他们过来看到这项艺术行为后会想:?啊,也许数学并不会如此无聊。?它能够激发他们在解决问题中的创造性。”


Trace Effects is an online game geared toward children and young teens far from U.S. shores. It takes the main character on a virtual adventure across the United States, from the Grand Canyon to New York City and beyond. But what is the State Department doing with a video game? \wanna go where young people are. More and more young people are online.\engage, she hopes. We took the game to Sandra Calvert, director of the Children's Digital Media Center at Georgetown University. She studies the impact of video games on children. \plan itself is a marvelous idea. I think trying to engage children in the kinds of activities they do is just the way to approach them.\the appeal while players are learning English. But she says kids are used to action-oriented games and this one is full of verbal activities that can slow the gamer. \is that the overall plot line can get lost.\young gamers, this new wave of public diplomacy can become an inviting way to share American culture with the world.

美国英语学习视频游戏是专门为非美国本土儿童和19岁以下青少年创立的一款在线游戏。它带领游戏人物在全美范围内进行虚拟冒险,从美国大峡谷到纽约或更远的地方。但是美国国务院要用这款视频游戏做什么呢? “我们想去年轻人所在的地方。越来越多的年轻人玩线上游戏。”她希望能保持在线并准备参与其中。我们就这个游戏询问了一直致力于研究电子


游戏对儿童的影响的桑德拉.卡尔弗特,她是乔治敦大学儿童数字媒体中心的主管。 “我想这一计划本身就是个非凡的想法。我认为,试着让孩子们忙于他们现在所从事的种种活动,正是接近他们的一种方式。”卡尔弗特喜欢的是,当玩家在学习英语的时候,这款游戏利用男女角色来提升吸引力。但是她说道,儿童更喜欢动作类的游戏,这款游戏充斥着言语方面的活动,这会使得玩家的游戏进程放缓。 “所以玩家有可能会忽略故事的主要剧情。”卡尔弗特表示,只要这些年轻玩家稍微改变一下或者稍稍投入一些精力,这股公众外交的新浪潮就能名正言顺地把美国文化推向全世界。

3拯救剩余食物 大学生们在行动(1/2)

University of Maryland student Ben Simon and his friends couldn't stand to see good food thrown out on their campus. \going to waste at the end of the day. And we met with our dining services and asked them whether it would be okay if we instead of throwing out food away donated it. And they were on board.\18 months ago, the students began what they call the Food Recovery Network. Each night, volunteers would show up at a campus dining hall to pick up leftovers and deliver them to area shelters and food banks. \currently do now, so maybe between 100 pounds and 200 pounds of food per night.\So far, they've donated more than 23,000 kilos of food that would otherwise have been thrown out. The amount of wasted food was also reduced when school officials removed trays from the dining hall. Rob Fahey is the chef. \this way they only pick up their plates and they can only grab so much food. And then they can go back in line to get more food if they want. That prevents wastage for that.\


4拯救剩余食物 大学生们在行动(2/2)

Nationwide, $165 billion worth of food is wasted each year, according to the National Resources Defense Council. Spokesman Bob Keefe says that's about 40% of the country's entire food production. \we could reduce our waste in this country by 15%, we could feed 25 million hungry Americans. That's a huge benefit. And that's what programs like the Food Recovery Network are doing.\Slye is the senior pastor. \own vehicles and own gas, money and be able to take an effort like this. Each week we are able with this food to probably feed over 100 people.\Network now has 200 volunteers and the program has expanded to 18 schools across the country. \


Food Recovery Nation of being at every college campus in America, we wanna expand out to restaurants, to farms.\

据美国资源保护委员会统计,全国每年浪费的食物达1650亿美元。发言人鲍勃.基夫表示,所浪费的食物约为美国整个生产量的40%。“如果我们能在本国范围内减少15%的浪费,我们就能养活2500万处于饥饿中的美国人。这对国家极其有益。这正是像?食品回收网络?之类的项目的目标。” 基督徒生活中心是学生们所做努力的受益人之一。本.斯泰尔是该中心的主任牧师。“看到这些学生利用自己的时间,开自己的车,自己支付油费,并且做出这样的努力真是让人觉得吃惊。每周,我们都能用这些食物接济100多人。”马里兰大学的“食品回收网络”项目现已拥有200名志愿者,并且该项目已扩展到全国18所学校。 “我们希望五年内将18所分处扩展到1000所。一旦我们能在美国每一所大学推广此项目,我们希望将其拓展到饭店和农场。” 志愿者们正致力于让该想法变为现实。


Live from a studio at al-Baghdadia TV, Murtada Mohamed Ali is reporting on how journalists are being prevented from covering a Baghdad cultural festival. Al-Baghdadia focuses a great deal on politics and corruption. Manager Mohamed Hanoon Kareem says as a result the station has been shut down twice in the past three years. \security forces. And sometimes when something happens, like an explosion, they won't let us cover it. Then sometimes they let us because it's not important to them.\media watchdog, Journalistic Freedoms Observatory. He says journalists now must obtain numerous permissions to cover even routine events. \year. This year's is the worst ever. The government has made new rules to pressure journalists and prevent us from working freely, especially the foreign media.\



Journalists face harassment by security forces as seen in this video by an Iraqi reporter who filmed himself being beaten while saying repeatedly that he was a journalist. Activists say more than 140 journalists have been killed in Iraq in the past ten years, one of the highest casualty rates in the world. Dibras al-Ma'mouri founded the Iraqi Women Journalists Forum. She says female Iraqi reporters face even more challenges, from security forces as well as from colleagues. \Iraqi society they look at women as a lowly thing, not a working human being. They harass them. They try to prevent them from working. They think the woman was made just for housework and nothing else.\\working objectively. They are the ones who face problems with the government.\

Media activists say laws are needed to allow journalists to work freely in Iraq and to protect them.



7春寒料峭樱花迟 游人失望意阑珊

Snow mixed with rain greeted visitors to the Jefferson Memorial and the adjacent Tidal Basin. Photographer Judy Young was hoping to snap shots of the city's famous cherry blossoms, covered with snow. \I came down here to find some snow on these beautiful cherry blossoms, or even the buds. Did I find snow? No. It's raining this morning.\break were also disappointed. Some arrived unaware that cooler-than-expected weather delayed the blossoms on the cherry trees - given to the United States by Japan more than 100 years ago. Marshall True, a student from California, hoped to take home a special souvenir for his Japanese language instructor. \blossoms, so I have to disappoint her.\winter here, not spring.\Sonia Bastidas is a tourist from Switzerland. She and her traveling companion, Mark Shmid, hoped to see Washington's spring spectacular while in town. \hoping to see it, but you know it's a bit early, I guess. So maybe during the end of the trip, we'll get to see some.\The National Park Service updated its prediction of peak bloom time for the District of Columbia's cherry trees because of the cold weather. It now says the cherry blossoms will be in full bloom in early April.

雪混合着雨水迎接着来到杰斐逊纪念堂和相邻潮汐盆地的游客们。摄影师朱迪?杨希望摄像镜头能够捕捉到这座城市著名的“樱花负雪”的景象。“我来到这里后想要发现覆盖着雪的美丽樱花,哪怕嫩芽都行。但我发现雪了么?没有。因为今天早上下雨了.”学校组织的春假出游也让人失望。比预期晚到达的寒冷天气推迟了樱花的绽放——这些樱花树是100年多前日本赠给美国的。来自加州的学生马歇尔?特鲁尔希望给他的日语教师带回去一个特殊的纪念品。 “我在上日语课,而她希望看到樱花的照片,所以我不得不让她失望了。”“幸运的是,我们带了这些衣服,因为现在这里是冬天,不是春天.”来自瑞士的游客索尼娅?巴斯达斯说道。她和自己的旅伴马克?谢麦德希望在城镇看到华盛顿的春天美景。“我们希望能看到,但我感觉为时尚早。所以也许在旅途结束时,我们将能看到一些,”他说道。因为严寒,国家公园服务处更新了对于哥伦比亚地区樱桃树开花时间的预测。现称其将在4月初盛开。


As the world population grows, so does the need for water. The Worldwatch Institute says increased demands for food, energy and industry, along with climate change, could lead to water scarcity in some places. The warning comes on World Water Day, March 22nd. Worldwatch says billions of people are already facing some kind of water scarcity or shortage. Spokesperson Supriya Kumar says it's only expected to get worse as the population increases. \