数据库基础练习题解答 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章数据库基础练习题解答更新完毕开始阅读75f14c21dd36a32d7375814a

--1、显示系部编号为“”的系部名称! select departname as '系部名称' from department where departno='03'

--2、查询系部名称中含有“工程”两个字的系的全名。 select departname '系部名称' from department

where departname like'%工程%'

--3、查询共有多少个系部。 select departname '系部名称' from department

compute count(departname)

--4、查询“01”年级共有多少个班级。 select count(classname) as '班级总数' from class

where classname like'01%'

--5、查询在“周二晚”上课的课程名称和教师。 select couname as '课程名称',teacher as '教师' from course

where schooltime='周二晚'

--6、查询姓“张”、“陈”、“黄”同学的的基本信息,要求按照姓名降序排序。 select * from student

Where stuname like'张%' or stuname like'陈%' or stuname like'黄%'

order by stuname desc


select departno '系部编号',avg(willnum) '平均报名人数'

from course group by departno


select departname '系部名称',avg(willnum) '平均报名人数'

from course,department

where course.departno=department.departno group by departname


select class.departno '系部编号',departname '系部名称',count(classname) '班级数量' from class,department

where class.departno=department.departno group by class.departno,departname


select couname '课程名',credit '学分',schooltime '上课时间',willorder '志愿号' from course,stucou,student

where course.couno=stucou.couno and student.stuno=stucou.stuno and stuname='甘蕾' order by willorder



select student.stuno '学号',stuname '姓名',stucou.couno '课程编号',couname '课程名称',willorder '志愿号'

from student,course,stucou,class where course.couno=stucou.couno and student.stuno=stucou.stuno and class.classno=student.classno and classname='00电子商务'