基于Android的航空订票系统设计与实现毕业论文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章基于Android的航空订票系统设计与实现毕业论文更新完毕开始阅读761ce253842458fb770bf78a6529647d272834b4



摘 要



System design of flight query based on Android


Along with the rapid development of mobile technology, the application of 3 g

communication technology on mobile phones , development to the present can be mobile search, GPS navigation, mobile TV, real-time video communication, online payment and monitoring to the more complete better also, so based on the android application will gradually increase, so as to form the mainstream. In this case, in order to meet this growing demand, it is the purpose of this system development. Because now people travel at the same time, it is not just the train, bus, along with the development of the economy, improve people's living standard is very quickly, so the plane the train, bus , this graduation design after sufficient demand research and analysis, designed and implemented based on the Android mobile phone airline reservation systems. The system adopts the Eclipse tools to integrate Android SDK development, using Mysql as a database server to data management, and use the Android emulator to test. This system is divided into seven major functional modules: reservation, order management, network inquiry, route query, personal management, subscribe to news and software to each city outlets, routes, flights information such as the model..

Keywords: mobile communications;Smartphone development;Android platform



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