湖北省华中师大一附中高三五月适应性考试(英语)WORD版有答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章湖北省华中师大一附中高三五月适应性考试(英语)WORD版有答案更新完毕开始阅读763b4b4aa4c30c22590102020740be1e650ecc23

challenge now is to come up with methods of continuously erasing and rewriting the image. According to most researchers, an eventual 3D television will have a flat screen construction, which is similar to the modern day displays with flat panels. However, for the case of the 3D television, the display would most likely need to be placed on the floor, right in the middle of the viewing room as is presently done with the coffee table. The image would then be projected above the display screen of the “coffee table”, where it would be viewable in 360 degrees.

While it is quite easy to demonstrate the great potential of the 3D TV in a laboratory setting, it is entirely a different thing to produce in mass. Furthermore, in order to watch a 3D TV, there would be required 3D TV programs. This is no small task as creating even a very cheap 30-minute comedy in the 3D format would need a vast amount of expensive equipment as well as technical knowledge.

It would therefore call for very serious duty by the television networks to adapt to the 3D. But because the technology is there, sooner or later, be put to good use. Even though 3D TVs may not be a reality within the next decade or so, it will eventually get there. 67. From Paragraph 2 we learn that ______.

A. the 3D TVs have begun to be produced in factories in large quantities

B. the 3D TVs are still being researched in spite of some pleasing progress C. the 3D displays in the labs can’t be erased or rewritten in several minutes D. the University of Arizona has updated the world’s first 3D video memory 68. What’s the main challenge at present in the field of research 3D TVs? A. Promote the development of flat screen construction. B. How to produce as many 3D TV programs as possible.

C. The remaining bits can hardly be achieved though there is hope.

D. How to solve the problem of erasing and rewriting the image non-stop. 69. What’s the main idea of Paragraph 4?

A. To project the 3D TV programs in a laboratory is easy.

B. People prefer a cheap 30-minute comedy to the 3D ones. C. Nobody will show interests in watching 3D TV programs.

D. To produce 3D TVs in mass still faces a lot of other difficulties. 70. Why does the author write this passage?

A. To tell us how far the 3D TV is from us. B. To tell people where to buy the 3D TVs.

C. To prove the basic need for the 3D TV programs. D. To encourage people to research the 3D TV displays.




71._____ a heavy traffic jam while you are hurrying to the airport is quite an unpleasant experience.



72.In our class there are 50 students, two thirds of them ______ Wuhan or living near Wuhan. (come) 我们班有50名学生,三分之二来自武汉或武汉周边。

73.The hottest topic of this month is the 76-episode drama series “Legend of Zhen Huan” _____ a

novel of the same name by Liu Lianzi . (adapt)


74.As the College Entrance Examination is in sight, we teachers feel _____ you students. (relax)


75.____ you have set foot on the Great Wall that you can consider yourself a truly brave man. (until)


76._____ it is that Wuhan Happy Valley has been open to the public since April 29th! ( inspire) 武汉欢乐谷自4月29日开始对公众开放,这是多么激动人心的消息啊!

77.A growing number of people express a strong desire _____ another job to get more money to

support their family. (take)


78.Teachers are trying to make __________ the importance of a deep breath and a balanced mind in

face of exams . (aware)

老师们正努力让学生了解面临考试时深呼吸以及保持一种平常心的重要性。 79.Luckily, the accident didn’t result in any death, nor _____ any injuries. (cause) 幸运的是这场事故没有造成死亡也没有造成伤害。

80.Our boss _____ a raise in salary for ages, but nothing has happened yet. (promise) 我们老板一直许诺加薪好些年了, 可到现在什么动静也没有。 第二节:短文写作 (共一题;满分30 分)


A senior high school student gets seriously ill and needs a transplant at once, which will cost much money. knowing this, many students and their parents reach out their helping hands. On this planet, everyone may need help and everyone should give a helping hand to the people in need. 注意:(1)无须写标题,不得照抄英语提示语; (2)除诗歌外,文体不限;


(4)文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称; (5)词数为120左右。



1-5: ACBBB 6-10: BABCA 11-15: CBABA 16-20: CAABC 21-25: BDCAC 26-30: CBDAA

31-35: BCADB 36-40: ACDAB 41-45: CADBA 46-50: DCADB

51-54: BAAB 55-58: BDDD 59-62: BAAD 63-66: BCBA 67-70: BDDA 71. Being caught in 72. coming from

73. (which/that is) adapted from 74. no more relaxed than 75. It is not until

76. What (a piece of ) inspiring news

77. that they (should) take (up)/to take (up) 78. students aware of 79. did it cause

80. has been promising (us) One possible version:

Helping others is considered a treasured virtue of human kind, which definitely brings us tremendous happiness. Whoever lives in the world depends on others’ help, which is necessary and important.

I’ve received a lot of help from other people, which enables me to overcome the difficulties and troubles in my way. I once failed an important exam, as a result of which I almost lost heart. It was the encouragement and comfort of my classmates that cheered me up. Not until then did I realize what help really meant. From then on, I began to do what I can to help others in need, which both benefited me as well as others.

As the saying goes“Roses given , fragrance in hand .” We should always be ready to give others a hand in return for their help . Only in this way can we truly live in a word of love.