Unit4 Traveling 联系客服

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Passage two

Listen to the passage and fill out the missing words or phrases.

A nobleman and a businessman once net in a ___________ (1). For their lunch they both ordered ______________ (2). When it was brought, the nobleman _____________ (3) a spoonful, but th soup was so hot that he ____________ (4) his mouth , his tears rolling __________ (5) his face. The businessman asked him why he was _______ (6). The nobleman did not want to say that he had burned his mouth and answered, “ Sir, I once had a brother who ________ (7) the law and was hanged, I was thigking of his death which made me weep.” Th businessman believed his story and began to ________ (8) his soup. He also burned his mouth, so that he had tears in his eyes. ___________ (9)that, the nobleman had ______ (10) him, answered, “my lord, I’m weeping because you were not hanged together with your brother.”

Speaking part

A You probably noticed certain expressions were listened several times

It’s made from... It tastes... It’s served with... It’s eaten... There’s a (sauce/dressig..) to go over it... There’s a ...with it. Using all the information you’ve heard, can you describe the dishes and let your partner guess

B. Describing the process of cooking and sti-fry (use the form of first\\ then\\ next\\finally)

Model: To cook Fried Rice with Eggs, you need a bowl of rice, two eggs, some green onion, some salt and oil, and some relish.

First, you whip the eggs, then heat the rice in the wok, next take out the rice and put two spoons of oil to the wok. When the oil is warm, pour in the whipped eggs, stir them a little and then mix the rice into the eggs. Finally, add green onion and relish. Turn off the stove and take the Fried Rice with Eggs out to a plate. It is done.