[创新设计]2014-2015学年高中英语课时精练:Unit 26 Period 1(北师大版必修九,课标通版) 联系客服

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Unit26 Emotions Period One Warm-up & Reading 课时精练


(时间:40分钟 满分:56分)


1.The residents approve of the measures ________ so far in our city,________ to bring a sharp rise in oil prices.

A.having been taken;intended B.to be taken;intending C.taken;to intend D.taken;intended 2.Don't ________ about my breakfast;I will eat what is here. A.interrupt B.disturb C.bother D.think 3.What he said has ________ true.

A.turned out B.turned over C.turned in D.turned up 4.She hesitated,but ________ farward.

A.made her way to B.made way C.made her way along D.made her way 5.The wind ________ through the trees.

A.cried B.screamed C.shouted D.went

6.Could you please stop talking about that?We don't think what you are saying makes any ________.

A.value B.sense C.fun D.use

7.One of the reasons ________ they like adventure travel is ________ they can get close to nature.

A.why;because B.that;that C.why;that D.that;why 8.________ it is to go skating with your friends during the winter holidays! A.What a fun B.What fun C.How fun D.How funny 9.It's shameful to ________ the company's interest for one's personal honour.

A.exchange B.pay C.cost D.take 10.The result of this examination will be ________ tomorrow.

A.published B.declared C.announced D.opened 答案 1.D 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.C Ⅱ.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

A friend of mine opened his wife's underwear drawer and picked up a(n) __11__ paper wrapped package.

“This,”he said,“isn't a(n) __12__ package.”He __13__ the box and stared at both the silk paper and the box.“She got this __14__ we went to New York,8 or 9 years ago.She has never put it on.She was __15__ it for a special occasion.”

He got near the bed and placed the gift box next to the other clothing he was taking to the funeral house-his wife had just __16__.He turned to me and said,“__17__ save something for a special occasion.Every __18__ day is a special day.”

I still think those words __19__ my life.Now I read more and clean less.I sit on the porch without worrying about __20__.I spend more time with my family,and less at work.I understand that life should be a source of experience to be lived up to,not survived through.I __21__ keep anything.I'll wear new clothes to go to the supermarket,if I feel like it.I don't save my special perfume for special occasions.I use it __22__ I want to.The words “Some day...”and “One day...”are fading away from my __23__.If it's worth seeing,listening or doing,I want to see,listen or do it now. I don't know what my friend's wife would have done if she had known she wouldn't be there the next morning,and nobody can __24__ this.I think she might have called her relatives and closest friends.She might call old friends to __25__ over past quarrels.I'd like to think she would go out to Chinese restaurants for her favourite food.It's these small things that I would __26__ not doing,if I knew my time had come.

We often hope to get together with old friends but always say,“Let's find a(n) __27__.”We often want to hug our grown children,__28__ we always wait for an appropriate moment.In fact,each __29__ when we open our eyes,we should tell ourselves that this is a special day.Each day,each hour,each minute,is so incredibly __30__. 11.A.silk B.elegant C.nice D.fiber

答案 A [根据第二段中的“stared at both the silk paper and the box”可知答 案。]

12.A.beautiful B.ordinary C.old D.new

答案 B [从下文可知这包裹是朋友的妻子生前留下来的,所以对朋友来说这是非同寻常的,从文中描述的“用丝纸包着”可知他很珍惜这个包裹,也可推知答案。]

13.A.unwrapped B.covered C.threw D.bought

答案 A [unwrapped the box表示“打开盒子”,从下文可知,朋友让我看盒子里的东西,所以要打开盒子。]

14.A.for the first time B.the first time C.at the first time D.at first

答案 B [根据句子结构分析 the first time 引导状语从句。他妻子在他们第一次去纽约的时候买了这件衣服。]

15.A.protecting B.admiring C.paying D.saving

答案 D [save 表示“保留,保存”,符合文意。朋友的妻子生前没舍得穿这件衣服,留着在特殊场合穿。]

16.A.passed down B.passed away C.gone out D.died away

答案 B [根据“he was taking to the funeral house”可知朋友的妻子去世了。pass away“去世,死”。]

17.A.Always B.Not C.Never D.Certainly

答案 C [作者的朋友在妻子去世后感触很深,认为东西千万不要(never)留着在特殊场合用。]

18.A.living B.working C.fortunate D.busy

答案 A [living day表示“活着的日子”,活着的每一天都是特殊的日子。] 19.A.interpreted B.changed C.explained D.represented

答案 B [根据下文内容可知:朋友的一番话改变了(changed)我的生活。] 20.A.nothing B.something C.none D.anything

答案 D [句意:我常常坐在门廊上,无所忧虑。]

21.A.no longer B.any longer C.any more D.furthermore

答案 A [从下文——我穿着新衣服去超市,香水想什么时候用就什么时候 用——可知我再也不会把一些东西留到特殊场合用了。no longer“不再”。] 22.A.what B.whatever C.which D.whenever

答案 D [根据“I don't save my special perfume for special occasions”可知,我想什么时候用香水就什么时候用。]

23.A.memory B.story C.house D.dictionary

答案 D [我的字典里没有“Some day...”“One day...”这样的字眼。] 24.A.speak B.doubt C.believe D.tell

答案 D [朋友的妻子要是知道自己将不在人世,她会做些什么,这是谁都不知道的。tell有“知道”的意思。]

25.A.make peace B.keep peace C.make out D.keep up

答案 A [根据“over past quarrels”可知:打电话是为了讲和。make peace“讲 和”。]

26.A.prefer B.regret C.like D.choose

答案 B [根据“if I knew my time had come”可知,这些事情不做会后悔。所以B项符合文意。]

27.A.challenge B.opportunity C.advantage D.benefit

答案 B [我们总是想着和老朋友聚聚,但总是说:“找个机会(opportunity)吧!”]

28.A.although B.so C.but D.because