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18.解析:根据空后的“I will sleep late...ignoring calorie counting”可知,应选G项“在接下来的假期中,我要做所有我喜欢的事情”。







Life is like a road.There are long and short roads; smooth and rocky roads; crooked (弯曲的) and straight paths.

__21__There are roads to happiness as there are roads to sadness,roads towards victory,and roads leading to defeat and disappointment.

__22__There are no guarantees.Nobody said that choosing to do

the right thing all the time would always lead you to happiness. Loving someone with all your heart does not guarantee that it would be returned.__23__Accepting a good word from an influential superior to cut your trip short up the career ladder does not always work.There are too many possible outcomes,which you really cannot control.The only thing you have power over is the decisions that you will make and how you would act and react to different situations.

Life offers no guarantee and you would never know that your decision would be wrong or right until you have made it.__24__ It is definitely better than keeping yourself in prison.Although it is true that one wrong turn could get you lost,it could also be that such a turn could be an opportunity for an adventure,moreover open more roads.It is all a matter of perspective (观点).You have the choice between being a lost traveller or an accidental tourist of life.But take caution that you do not make decisions adventurously.__25__ A.But do not regret it whatever the result is. B.Taking risks is not about being careless and stupid.

C.You do not really know where a road will lead you until you take it.

D.In our life many roads would come our way as we journey through life.

E.Now that you have made a decision,be ready to face its consequences:good and bad.

F.Gaining fame and fortune does not guarantee happiness. G.It's natural that you should take the risk and make the thoughtful decision.

答案:21.D 22.C 23.F 24.G 25.B


(2016·豫东、豫北十所名校联考)Whatever burdens you're carrying now,let them down for a moment if you can.__26__ Do your most difficult task first in the morning.Pushing a challenging task back is like holding a glass of water in an outstretched arm.At first nothing happens,but if you do it for hours or even days,you will soon feel the stress.Get the most annoying task done first and you'll enjoy the peace of mind for the rest of the day.

Let go of things you can't control.You make plans to go outside with friends.But at the last minute,it starts raining.Some people become upset and start complaining.You'd better not.The rain won't stop just because of your complaint.__27__What I do in such situation is going for a quick walk in the park or just lie in bed reading a good book,listening to the rain beating on my window.

__28__Just make a list of three simple things about any part of your life that you love.This is a great technique if you're ever bored while stuck in traffic,or waiting in the grocery store checkout lane.You can immediately transform boredom into happiness and peace of mind!

Relax your body.Just walk to a window,look outside,and then take a single deep breath,focusing only on that breath and nothing else in the whole world.__29__ Talk to friends about your stress.Talking to friends about your worries can often be beneficial.__30__The simple act of speaking about anxieties can make them seem more manageable.

A.With physical relaxation,you can also increase your peace of mind.

B.Instead,make the best of the situation. C.Those who care about you can offer support. D.Avoid situations that cause you to feel anxious.

E.Here are some simple ways to increase your peace of mind. F.Don't worry about what others are thinking of you. G.List three things you love.

答案:26.E 27.B 28.G 29.A 30.C