新编英语教程 第二册 语言点 Unit1-4 联系客服

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b) a statement or estimate of similarities and differences c) the quality of being similar or equivalent; likeness (13) protect sb. from… (14) be addicted to sth.

addict v. To devote or give (oneself) habitually or compulsively e.g. She was addicted to rock music.

n. one who is addicted, as to narcotics; a devoted believer or follower (15) take up v. to develop an interest in or devotion to e.g. take up mountain climbing (16) gain in popularity on baseball: get; increase (17) novel adj. strikingly new, unusual, or different. (18) spectator / spectacles (19) expense n.

a) an expenditure of money; a cost

e.g. It’s a great ~ to have the whole house painted. b) a loss for the sake of something gained; a sacrifice

e.g. He devoted his time to football at the ~ of his studies.

We spared no ~ to make the party a success.

(20) draw: attract (21) majority / major (22) promote / promotion

VI. Reading II

1. Language points & word study

(1) competition n. a test of skill or ability; a contest

e.g. There was keen ~ between the various teams fighting for the first place.

He was in ~ with 10 others.

compete v. to strive with another or others to attain a goal, such as gaining an advantage or winning a victory

e.g. Shall we ~ in the swimming race?

The young golfer has often ~d against famous players. These young men ~d for the silver medal.

(2) last v.

(3) add…to…

(4) of different types (5) relay races

(6) achievement: accomplishment

Unit 2

I. Language structures

1. Basic structures: The nominal clause used as (1) the subject complement introduced by ―that‖

e.g. The fact was that John Brown had a car accident.

The truth is that he will never try his best to help a friend. My idea is that we should take some new measures. (2) the subject complement introduced by a ―wh- word‖ e.g. The scissors are not what I need.

This is not how she became a famous singer. That is why he succeeds in everything.

(3) the appositive

e.g. Have you heard the news that all English students will have to pass a

proficiency test before they can graduate? Nobody can deny the fact that his idea is the best one of all. She expressed the hope that she would certainly come in the following week. (4) the subject introduce by ―what‖

e.g. What I told him was that I would find him a good play.

What she said hurt her friend very much.

What we are doing today is something special.

2. Language points & word study

(1) rumour n. a story that reaches one through this (2) critically adv. very seriously and dangerously (3) come before: to be of more importance than

(4) scissors n. [P] 剪刀(一把剪刀—a pair of scissors, 一些剪刀—some scissors) (5) shears n. [P] large scissors

(6) credit n. (esp. In the US) a measure of a student’s work, esp. at a university often equal to one hour of class time per week

II. Dialogue I

1. Language points & word study

(1) have a role in the play: play a part, to be an actor or actress in the play (2) a four-act play: a play divided into four acts(scenes)

(3) adapt v. alter or modify (a text) for television, the stage, etc为电视,舞台等改编或改写稿本

adapt sth. (for sth.) (from sth.)

e.g. This play has been skillfully adapted from the original.

The author is going to adapt his play for television. adaptation n. [U] the art of adapting 改编

e.g. The adaptation of the play for radio was easily done. [C] something that has been adapted 改编的作品

e.g. An adaptation of David Copperfield was broadcast on the radio. an adaptation of a novel for the stage

(4) moving and uplifting: touching(causing deep feelings) and spiritually encouraging, inspiring

(5) community n. [sing] people living in one place, district or country, considered as a whole

(6) resume v. take or occupy again

e.g.~independence, sovereignty,…

sovereignty n. quality of being a country with fully independent and self-governing power

(7) …our play has as its theme how Hong Kong people successfully Govern Hong Kong…: The how clause is a nominal clause used as the object of the verb has. It is placed after the phrase as its theme because it is very long. (8) stage v. present (a play, etc.) on a stage; put (sth.) before the public

(9) dress rehearsal: final rehearsal of a play, with the costumes, lighting, etc. as they would be in a real performance (10) count (sb./sth.) in: include (sb./sth.)

(11) homeward-bound: intending to go home

homeward adj. adv. going towards home e.g. the homeward journey bound adj. intending to go to e.g. Where are you bound (for)?

We are bound for home.

(12) personal engagement: one’s own arrangement to do sth. and appointment

(13) society n. organization of people formed for a particular purpose; club;


(14) cast n.[GP] all the actors in a play, etc.

(15) the stand-ins: those who take the part of actors/actresses at certain times, or

those who take the place of someone else for a time (16) outcome n. effect or result

(17) catcall n. shrill whistle expressing disapproval e.g. His speech was greeted with jeers and catcalls. v. make catcalls

(18) flop v. fail totally; be unsuccessful彻底失败,不成功

e.g. The new play flopped because the actors didn’t know their parts properly. n. a failure失败

e.g. The party was a complete flop; nobody enjoyed it. (19)concern n. serious care关心,关怀

e.g. He didn’t show much concern about it.

Andrew expressed his concern.

I appreciate the teacher’s concern for his students. v. to worry; to interest 使担心;使关心,关怀 e.g. Please don’t let my illness concern you.

A good doctor should always concern himself with your health.

There’s no need for you to concern yourself about where I was last night. She was very concerned for the child’s safety.

They are seriously concerned about the problems involved. He was really concerned over his son’s financial difficulties. We’re not concerned with his motives.

(20) special terms: one country, two systems—一国两制

special administrative region—特别行政区 high degree of autonomy—高度自治

III. Role-play

1. Topic: What will you be doing tomorrow? 2. Language points & word study

(1) alumnus: AmE a male former student of a school , college, or university [Pl] alumni

alumna: AmE a female alumnus [Pl] alumnae

(2) attend on: look after, care for, serve

IV. Dialogue II

1. Topic: Invitations

2. Language points & word study

(1) feel like(doing) sth.: want to be in the state for sth. e.g. I don’t feel like (drinking) beer tonight. (2) turn down: decline, refuse

(3) get everything sorted out: put everything in order, get everything tidied up (4) This concert is still on: This concert is still being put on (5) go for a ride by bike: go cycling

(6) we can cycle to Greenwich: we can go to Greenwich by bike

(7) Can you make it a little later?: Here make means to arrange a time. e.g. I think I could make it eight-thirty—if that’s all right for you.

I’m afraid I can’t make it next Sunday: I’ve got another engagement.

(8) come round: come over, to make a short informal visit

V. Reading I

1. Language points & word study

(1) punch v. strike (sb/sth) hard with the fist

(2) tumble v. to fall, esp. helplessly or violently, but usu. without serious injury e.g. tumble down the stairs, off a bicycle, out of a tree, over a step, etc. (3) cover up: to prevent sth. from being noticed

e.g. I could not see my pen because it was covered up by the papers. (4) bounce v. to spring back when sent against sth hard e.g. The ball bounced over the wall.

She bounced the ball against the wall.

The goalkeeper bounced the ball twice before kicking it. (5) ban v. officially forbid sth. 明令禁止 e.g. The play was banned by the censor.

The government has banned grass smoking.

ban sb from sth/from doing sth: officially forbid sb to do sth e.g. Audience is banned from smoking in this theatre. n. order that bans; prohibition禁令,禁止 a ban on sth/sb

e.g. put a ban on the import of alcohol