何凯文老师:考研英语 - 每日一句(1-50句) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章何凯文老师:考研英语 - 每日一句(1-50句)更新完毕开始阅读76dfc389f61fb7360b4c6590



BlackBerrys, it is true, still have lots of enthusiastic followers. Commuters and corporate road warriors needing to keep in touch with colleagues and clients swear by them, as well as into them and at them. 词汇点拨:

BlackBerrys 黑莓手机(一种手机品牌)

Commuters 上下班的人(通常距离比较远的人)(通勤者)n. (远距离)上下班往返的

corporate road warriors 公司中经常出差的人 swear by 信赖

swear into 使用(语境理解的,没有这个固定短语,估计是作者自创的) swear at 咒骂(固定短语)


BlackBerrys still have lots of enthusiastic followers. 第二个句子的主干是:

Commuters and corporate road warriors swear by them, as well as into them and at them. (them指代黑莓手机)

其他成分:第一句: it is true 主谓结构做插入语; 同时省略了 that ; it is true that...

第二句: needing to keep in touch with colleagues and clients 定语修饰前面的两种人。(这里有歧义,可能修饰两种人,也可能修饰第二种人,通过句子无法判断,考试是不会成为考点的)




When carving, Plato said, one should be aware of the natural joints. It is a sound principle, but one that American politicians often forget when it is time to redraw the electoral map. 词汇讲解:carve 雕刻 sound 有道理的 Plato 柏拉图 electoral map 选区 natural joint (自然连接处,如竹节,木节等) principle 真理 道理主干识别:同样这是两个句子:

第一个句子主干:one should be aware of the natural joints

第二个句子主干:并列引起了省略补全之后是:It is a sound principle but( it is )the one =principle. 其他成分:第一句: Plato said 插入语;when carving,状语,carving 动作的发出者是 one; 这是典型的非谓语动词做状语。

第二句:that American politicians often forget 定语从句; when it is time to redraw the electoral map.定语从句中的状语从句



1 当我哭泣我没有鞋子穿的时候,我却发现有人没有脚. 你需要经常在口袋里装上两张纸条,一张上写着“我只是一粒尘埃”,另一张上则写着“世界为我而造”。

木节),这是一个合理的原则,但是当美国的政客们在重新划分选区的时候 却忘记了这个原则。



THIS newspaper was established in 1843 to take part in a severe contest between intelligence, which presses forward, and an unworthy, timid ignorance obstructing our progress.

词汇讲解:unworthy adj. 不值得的;无价值的;不合适的;可恶的,卑劣的 obstruct 阻碍 severe 严重的;激烈的

intelligence 智慧,知识 (情报)

主干识别:THIS newspaper was established in 1843

其他成分:to takepart in a severe contest between intelligence and ignorance 目的状语 which presses forward; intelligence 的定语

an unworthy, timid; ignorance的前置定语

obstructing our progress ;ignorance的后置定语






Probably there is no one here who has not in the course of the day had occasion to set in motion a complex train of reasoning, of the very same kind, though differing in degree, as that which a scientific man goes through in tracing the causes of natural phenomena.

词汇讲解: 1. in course of 在??的过程中,在??中

如:The new textbook is in course ofpreparation.新教科书正在准备之中。 in the course of = during 在??期间,在??的时候 如:He has seen many changes in the course of his long life.他在漫长的一生中目睹了许许


The company will face major challenges in the course of the next few years.


所以这里的in the course of day 就直接理解为:一天之中 (这是一个很装的用法,我们写作的时候不能用) 2. occasion 时候,时机

3. set in motion + sth 短语:发起…,着手做… 4. a train of 一系列的,一连串的 5. scientific man 科学家

主干识别:there is no one here

其他成分: who has not in the course of the day had occasion to set in motion a complex train of reasoning 定语从句的主干 难点:(1) of the very same kind as that 定语从句中的定语修饰 reasoning (That指代reasoning)

2 当我哭泣我没有鞋子穿的时候,我却发现有人没有脚. 你需要经常在口袋里装上两张纸条,一张上写着“我只是一粒尘埃”,另一张上则写着“世界为我而造”。

(2) though differing in degree 定语从句中的定语也修饰reasoning ,前后两个定语补全是这样的: (1)reasoning differing (that which a scientific man goesthrough in tracing the causes of natural phenomena) in degree.

(2) reasoning ofthe very same kind as that which a scientific man goes through in tracing the causes of natural phenomena. 根据两个定语的语义在加上一个though(虽然).

接下来: which a scientific man goes through in tracing the causes of natu- ral phenomena.定语从句修饰that ;其中 in tracing the causes of natural ph- enomena 为状语。

参考译文: 世上大概不会有人一整天都没有机会进行一连串复杂的思考活动,而这些思考活动与科学家在探索自然现象原因时所经历的思考活动,尽管复杂程度不同,但在类型上是完全一样的。


翻译点拨: 哪些附加成分长了就单独翻译成句子,这是我们一贯的原则,双重否定能保持原汁原味是最好,实在不行再翻译为肯定。


Look dispassionately at Japan’seconomic performance over the past ten years, though, and “the second lost decade”, if not the first, is a misnomer. 词汇讲解:dispassionately 平静的,不带主观色彩的; economic performance 经济发展状况和表现; Misnomer 错用名称,描述不当; Though 但是,却 (副词) 主干识别:这里是一个并列句:

第一部分主干是祈使句:Look dispassionately at Japan’seconomic performance over the past ten years 第二部分主干是:“the second lost decade” is a misnomer.

注意:在做阅读题目的时候理解到这一层就完全够了,后面的就是作者为了装自己很客观而加的一些废话了。 其他成分: If not the first 其实是一个省略的用法,补全了是:If “the first lost decade”is not amisnomer,“the second lost decade” is a misnomer.

合并同类项: “the second lost decade” , if not the first, is a misnomer.一个酷酷的用法就这样诞生了。以后就是固定用法了。

The phone weakens, if not kills, the beauty of the letter writing .Many people ,if not all, would come here.

参考译文:冷静地看待日本过去十年的经济发展状况,我们会发现,(为了中文行文通顺,加的内容,不影响句子本来的意思)就算称第一个十年为失去的十年是没有错的,但 “第二个失去的十年”的提法确实有失偏颇。 翻译点拨:在译文中我加了:“我们会发现”这是为了中文更加行文通顺,加的内容,不影响句子本来的意思。这是以后会讲到的翻译方法。

注释:有同学对于though 还是会纠结,其实though放在那里都可以:though 在第二个并列句中用作副词表但是,却的意思,并且就是不要though 也是可以的,本来If not?就自带了但是的意思。

Look dispassionately at Japan’seconomic performance over the past ten

3 当我哭泣我没有鞋子穿的时候,我却发现有人没有脚. 你需要经常在口袋里装上两张纸条,一张上写着“我只是一粒尘埃”,另一张上则写着“世界为我而造”。

years, and though “the second lostdecade”, if not the first, is a misnomer. Look dispassionately at Japan’seconomic performance over the past ten years, and “the second lost decade”, ifnot the first, though,is a misnomer. 主要还是根据语义来处理副词。



The phone weakens, if notkills, the beauty of the letter writing.

Kills 是动词就找前面的动词,weakens这样就配上了:主句中的其他词就是被省掉的。 如果一定要补全就是:

If the phonedoes not kills the beauty of the letter writing , the phone weakens the beautyof the letter writing . 就算电话没有完全毁了(kill),那也是极大的削弱了(weaken),书信写作的美丽, (在翻译的时候为了中文行文的通顺,加上一些程度词是可以的)


This success, coupled with later researchshowing that memory itself is not genetically determined, led Ericsson toconclude that the act of memorizing is more of a cognitive exercise than anintuitive one. (背诵句) 【词汇突破】


2.intuitive 先天的(和以上这组单词概念相同的表达还有:nature先天;nurture后天;


3.determine 决定;

4.coupled with相当于and,,类似的表达还有alongwith ; combined with等。 【主干识别】句子的主语是Thissuccess和later research;谓语是led; 宾语是Ericsson; 不定式短语to conclude 做状语;主干结构是:this success and laterresearch led Ericsson to conclude that ?

【其他成分】在research后面接一个现在分词短语做后置定语,在这个现在分词短语中that引导的从句做showing 的宾语;在不定式短语中that引导的从句做conclude的宾语;more?than结构翻译为与其说,不如说。

【微观解析】由于主语中的第二个并列成分比较长,且是用两个逗号隔开的,在阅读的时候可以跳读;把This success和动词led先连起来然后再来解析其他成分。



I have discovered, as perhaps Kelsey will after her much-publicized resigna-

tion from the editorship of She after a build-up of stress, that abandoning the doctrine of \

iftting brings with it far greater rewards than financial success and social status. 词汇突破: 1.much-publicized:公开的,引人注目的 2.Resignation:辞职

3.Build-up: 集结的,巨大的(写作词汇) 4.Doctrine:信条


主干识别: I have discovered that 加宾语从句

其他成分: as perhaps Kelsey will after her much-publicized resignation

4 当我哭泣我没有鞋子穿的时候,我却发现有人没有脚.