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After high school, many students go to colleges. They usually have to pay a lot of money. So many college students work after class to get money for their studies.

51. In America, summer holidays begin in . A. September

B. July

C. May D. February

52. When a boy is six years old, he . A. has to stay at home C. is old enough to go to school A. do the homework C. play basketball A. help their parents

B. can go to high school D. always plays at home B. go to work

D. do many interesting things

53. In American high school students after class.

54. In order to(为了) , many American college students work after class.

B. get money for their studies

C. help others D. learn some useful things 55. Which is right ?

A. American students usually have a two - month holiday. B. American students have three terms in a year. C. A ten -year -old child usually has six subjects at school. D. American students don?t like to go to school. Key BCDBA


A young officer was at a railway station. On his way home, he wanted to telephone his mother to tell her the time of his train, so that she could meet him at the station in her car. He looked in all his pockets, but found that he did not have the right money for the telephone, so he went outside and looked around for someone to help him.

At last an old soldier came by, and the young officer stopped him and said, \兑换) for ten pence?\

\” the old soldier answered, beginning to put his hand in his pocket, \can help you.”

\you know how to speak to an officer?\the young man said angrily. \let's start again. Have you got change for ten pence?\

\d soldier answered quickly. 根据短文内容, 选择正确答案

60. The young officer wanted to telephone his mother to tell her _________. ( ) A. that he was going to visit her B. when his train would leave

C. when his train would arrive D. that he was now at the railway station 61. He looked around for help because he _________. ( )

A. didn't have coins for the phone call B. had no money to make the phone call C. didn't have the local money D. wanted to change money 62. The old soldier _________. ( )

A. was glad to help him B. didn't know if he had coins C. didn't want to help him D. was angry

63. The young officer was angry because he thought the old soldier _________. ( )

A. didn't know how to speak to him B. didn't want to help him C. didn't answer him correctly D. was not friendly to him 64. The old soldier in the story was_________. ( ) A. clever B. stupid C. polite D. friendly KEY CDBAA


Jane is only four and doesn?t go to school. But she is very clever and learns a lot from her grandpa---an old teacher. One day ,Jane?s mother, Mrs John takes hr to a party .The guests all praise( 表扬) a rich woman?s boy. Mrs John asks him a few questions, bit all his answers are wrong. Jane begins to laugh(嘲笑) at him.

The rich woman is angry. She tells her friend –-a teacher to ask Jane some questions, but the girl answers all. Then she asks, “There?re 3 birds on a tree , how many will be left(留下)if kill one?”

“ One ,” answers Jane. “You?re wrong !” calls out the rich woman. “ All of them will fly away!” “ Do you think a dead bird can fly ?” asks the little girl. The guests begin to laugh and the woman?s face turns red. 1. Jane learns a lot from her_________.

A. grandpa B. teacher C. grandma D . mother 2. How many teachers are there in the story?

A . One B. Two C. Three D. Four 3. Who is clever?

A. Mrs John B. The boy C. Jane D. The rich woman 4. Jane is a ______________.

A. boy B. school boy C. girl D. school girl 5. Why is the rich woman angry with Jane?

A. Jane laughs at her son. B. Jane is a girl.

C. Her son can?t answer the questions. D. Jane answers all the questions. KEY ABCCA

U My Family Is Very Poor

A little boy comes to a new city. His name is Peter. Of course(当然),he lives with his mother and father. His family is very rich(富裕的). They have a driver and a lot of servants(仆人).

Peter is going to a new school. On the first day his parents say to him, “ Peter , be modest(谦虚的)at your new school. Don?t say we are rich. ” And Peter says , “Yes, Dad, mom.”

So Peter goes to school. He sees his new teacher. And he sits down with the other children. The teacher says,” Good morning, children. The first exercise today is a composition(作文). The topic(题目)of the composition is ?My family?.” So every child writes a composition. This is Peter?s composition:

“ My name is Peter. My family is very poor(贫穷). Both my father and mother are very poor. Our driver is very poor and all the servants are poor. ”

1. Peter?s parents are very __________.

A. small B. modest C. poor D. rich 2. Peter?s parents tell him not to _____________.

A. play on his way to school B. be late for school C. say they are rich D. write a composition 3. The teacher asks the children to write____________.

A. a letter B. a composition C. a book D. a story 4. Peter writes a composition about his__________.

A. friend B. teacher C. school D. family 5. Which of the following is right? A. Peter tells a lie(说谎)in his composition . B. Peter doesn?t like writing a composition. C. Peter?s parents write the composition. D. The teacher is very poor ,too. KEY DCBDA


She Is Looking For Me

Mr. John and Mr. Brown work in the same office. One day Mr. John says to Mr. Brown, “I will have a small party in our house on Monday evening. Would you and your wife like to come?”

Mr. Brown says, “ Thank you very much. I?d love to, but let me ask my wife first.” So Mr. Brown goes to the other room and telephones his wife. Then he comes back and looks very worried.

“What?s the matter?? asks Mr. John. “Is your wife there at home?”

“ No,” answers Mr. Brown. “She isn?t there. My small son answers the telephone. I say to him, ?Is your mother there, David?? And he answers, ?No, she isn?t in the house.? ?Where is she?? I ask. ?She is somewhere outside.? ?What?s she doing?? ?She is looking for me.?”

1. _____ will have a small party at home on Monday evening. A. Mr. John B. Mr. Brown C. Mrs. Brown D. David 2. Mrs. Brown is looking for_____.

A. Mr. John B. Mr. Brown C. Mrs. Brown D. David 3. The telephone is in______ office.

A. Mr. Brown?s. B. Mr. John?s C. the other D. David?s 4. How many people are there in the story? A. 4 B.5 C.6 D. 7 5. Mr. Brown speaks to ______ in the telephone.

A. Mr. John B. Mr. Brown C. David D. himself KEY; ADCAC


I?ll Show You The Way

Pat Hogan was travelling around the country in his car. One evening he was driving along a road looking for a small hotel. When he saw an old man at the side of the road, he stopped his car and said to the old man ,” I want to go to the Sun Hotel. Do you know it?”

“Yes,” the old man answered. “I?ll show you the way.”

He got in to Pat?s car, and they drove for twelve miles. When they came to a small house, the old Pat stopped and looked at the house. “But this isn?t a hotel,” he said to the old man.

said, “Stop here.”

“No,” the old man answered, “ this is my house. And now I?ll show you the way to the Sun Hotel. Turn around and go back nine miles. Then you?ll see the Sun Hotel on the left.” 1. Where was Pat looking for?

A. The Sun Hotel B. The Moon Hotel C. The Star Hotel 2. Whom did Pat meet?

A. A policeman B. An old man C. An old woman 3. Where did the old man take Pat to?

A. The Sun Hotel B. A supermarket C. The old man?s house 4. How far did Pat drive after the old man got on his car?

A. Five miles B. Twelve miles C. Three miles 5. How far was the hotel from where Pat saw the old man?

A. Twelve miles B. Nine miles C. Three miles KEY: ABCBC


Everyone knows the tiny animal called the mosquito (蚊子). It is possible to find mosquitoes in

almost every part of the world except the places where it is very cold or where it is very dry. During the summer, it is almost certain that you can find mosquitoes near swamps (沼泽), rivers and lakes.

Mosquitoes have an interesting life. First, the female mosquito bites a person or animal in order

to get some blood. She needs this blood before she can lay her eggs. Second, she flies to a surface of the water and lays her eggs in the water. In a few days, the eggs open and the baby mosquitoes come out. In a short time, they will grow up and fly away.

It is interesting to notice that only the female will bite for blood. The male mosquito can only

drink plant juices with his mouth. 1. The story is mainly about_________. A. the mosquitoes

B. how interesting the mosquitoes? lives are C. the different types of mosquitoes D. why mosquitoes live near rivers and lakes

2. Mosquitoes can be found in almost every part of the world except ________. A. cold and dry places B. swamps, rivers and lakes C. the surface of the water D. B and C.

3. Which of the following statements in true? A. Only male mosquitoes sting people for blood.\\

B. Female mosquitoes lay their eggs in the places where they like. C. Bothe female and male mosquitoes bite people and animals.

D. Female mosquitoes usually fly to a surface of the water and lay their eggs in the water. KEY: AAD