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发布时间 : 星期二 文章福建省龙岩市一级达标学校2017-2018学年高二上学期期末教学质量检查英语和答案更新完毕开始阅读77b0ae21cf2f0066f5335a8102d276a2012960fa

but prOmOted Only thOse whO flattered (奉承) him.

The bOss knew that JOhn had wOrked very hard fOr the years. He thOught a mOment and said, “Thank yOu fOr what yOu said, but I hOpe yOu will dO One mOre thing fOr Our cOmpany befOre yOu leave.”

JOhn agreed: The bOss asked him tO gO and find anyOne selling watermelOns in the market. JOhn went and returned sOOn. He said he had fOund a man selling watermelOns. The bOss asked hOw much they cOst every kilOgram. JOhn shOOk his head and went back tO the seller tO ask and returned tO tell the bOss $1.2 every kilOgram.

The bOss tOld JOhn tO wait a secOnd, and he called BObby tO cOme tO his Office. He asked BObby tO gO and find anyOne selling watermelOns in the market. BObby went and returned, saying, \Only One persOn is selling watermelOns. $1.2 every kilOgram, and $10 fOr 10 kilOgrams. The seller has 340 melOns. On the table there are 58 melOns, and each weighs abOut 2 kilOgrams. They were brOught frOm the SOuth twO days agO. They are Of gOOd quality.\

Hearing what BObby said, JOhn realized the difference between himself and BObby. He decided tO stay and learn frOm BObby. 32. HOw did JOhn feel when BObby was prOmOted tO manager? A. WOrried. B. NervOus. C. Angry. D. Helpless.

33. Why did the bOss ask JOhn tO finish a task befOre he left the cOmpany? A. He wanted him tO make mOre cOntributiOn tO his cOmpany. B. He wanted him tO learn mOre abOut himself.

C. He wanted tO give himself enOugh time tO find anOther emplOyee. D. He wanted tO cOmpare the differences between his twO emplOyees. 34. What can we infer frOm the text? A. The bOss was wise.

B. JOhn was lazy and didn’t like his jOb. C. BObby was narrOw-minded.

D. Few watermelOns have been sOld Out. 35. What dOes the stOry want tO tell us?

A. The bOss shOuld treat all his wOrkers in a fair way. B. The bOss shOuld nOt prOmOte One whO flatters him. C. One shOuld nOt Only wOrk hard but alsO use his head. D. One shOuld try tO get every detail Of watermelOns. 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


Water is the mOst impOrtant liquid we knOw. It is in the grOund and in the air that we breathe All animals, plants and humans need water tO survive. 36 Water cOnsists Of very small mOlecules. Each Of them has twO hydrOgen atOms and One Oxygen atOm. Water can be a sOlid, a liquid Or a gas, depending On the temperature it has. At 0℃ water freezes and turns intO ice. DO yOu knOw why yOu shOuld let water Out Of pipes during the wintertime? 37 At 100℃ water bOils and escapes as a vapOur intO the air. Between these twO states water is a liquid Water in Our daily lives There wOuld be nO life On earth withOut water. We use water in Our hOuses fOr cOOking, bathing and washing the dishes. 38 In many dry areas farmers must bring water tO the fields thrOugh canals. Industries and factOries alsO use water. POwer statiOns burn cOal which turns water intO steam. Water and the human bOdy The human bOdy is made up largely Of water. Up tO 75% Of Our bOdy is water. Water helps us digest fOOd. 39 It alsO needs water tO help carry away the substances that we dO nOt need any mOre. A nOrmal human needs abOut 2 tO 3 litres Of water a day tO survive WOrld water supply 40 HOwever, clean water, is getting rarer because Of pOllutiOn. AbOut 97% Of the wOrld's water is in the Oceans. Only 3% is the freshwater in lakes, rivers and glaciers. Much Of the wOrld has enOugh fresh water but there are regiOns that are tOO dry and dOn' t get enOugh rain. A. Chemistry Of water B. The impOrtance Of water C. Water is used tO grOw fOOd. D. It may freeze and burst the pipes.

E. The amOunt Of water we have On earth is always the same. F. Chemical reactiOns in Our bOdy wOuld nOt be pOssible withOut water. G. SOme areas dO nOt have enOugh water because peOple waste it.

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Once upOn a time, there lived a man whO had a very lOvely little daughter. One day, the man punished his 5-year-Old daughter fOr 41 the family’s Only rOll Of expensive gOld wrapping paper. 42 was tight, and he became even mOre upset 43 , On Christmas Eve, he saw that the child had pasted (粘贴) the gOld paper sO as tO 44 a shOebOx tO put under the Christmas tree. 45 , the next mOrning the little girl, filled with 46 , brOught the gift bOx tO her father and said, \ The father was 47 by his earlier OverreactiOn. But when he Opened it, he fOund it was 48 and again he said angrily, \suppOsed tO be sOmething inside the 49 ?\ The little girl 50 with tears rOlling frOm her eyes and said: \ 51 intO it until it was all full.\ The father was shOcked. He fell On his knees and 52 his arms arOund his preciOus little girl. He begged her tO 53 him, asking fOr her pardOn fOr his 54 anger. An accident 55 the life Of the child Only a shOrt time later. It is tOld that the father 56 that little gOld bOx by his bed fOr all the years Of his life. 57 he was discOuraged, frustrated Or faced 58 prOblems he wOuld Open the bOx, 59 an imaginary kiss, and remember the 60 Of this beautiful child whO had put it there. 41. A. wasting destrOying

42. A .Task 43. A. befOre

B. Time B. when B. design

C. MOney C. after C. mend

D. Schedule D. until D. fasten

B. stealing

C. pOlluting


44. A. decOrate 45. A. Then

B. TherefOre C. COnsequently D. HOwever

46. A. curiOsity disappOintment

47. A. stressed disappOinted

48. A. full

B. surprise C. excitement D.

B. relaxed C. embarrassed D.

B. empty B. pOcket

C. gOlden C. wallet

D. delicate D. bag D. lOOked up D. kisses D. put D. thank D. unimpOrtant D. ruined 49. A .package

50. A. turned arOund B. lOOked arOund C. turned up 51. A. emOtiOns 52. A. left B. wishes C. dreams C. raised C. blame B. withdrew B. charge 53. A. fOrgive 54. A. unusual 55. A. saved 56. A. hung B. unnecessary C. unbearable B. changed B. deserted B. Whatever C. tOOk C. displayed C. HOwever D. kept D. 57. A Whenever WhOever 58. A unique B. difficult B. pull Out B. lOve C. different C. take Out C. bOx D. negative D. pick Out D. gift 59. A. mOve Out 60. A. tree 第II卷 (非选择题, 共50分) 第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分) 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 JOhn SnOw was a famOus dOctOr 61 attended Queen VictOria as her persOnal physician. But he wanted tO help Ordinary peOple 62 (expOse)tO chOlera. This was the deadly disease Of 63 (it) day. NO One knew the cause and cure. There were twO theOries that 64 (pOssible) explained hOw chOlera killed peOple. The first suggested that chOlera multiplied in the air. The secOnd shOwed that peOple absOrbed this disease 65 their bOdies with their meals.

JOhn SnOw suspected that the secOnd theOry was cOrrect. SO when anOther Outbreak hit LOndOn in 1854, he cOncluded the water was 66 (blame). Next, JOhn SnOw lOOked intO the sOurce Of the water. He fOund that the river was pOlluted by the dirty water frOm LOndOn. He