职场英语:入职第一天要注意的4件事 联系客服

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1. Brag about salary 1、吹嘘工资

If your new job has resulted in a significant pay increase, that’s good for you. However, it’s rude and inappropriate to share that information with your new co-workers. So keep your happy news to yourself. Remaining tight-lipped may help you avoid resentment and unnecessary strife.


2. Bad-mouth your former employer 2、对你以前的雇主恶语相向

It’s not OK to speak poorly of your former employer. This will leave a very bad impression on your workmates. Even if you worked for the worst company, and you still harbor some resentment, you need to keep quiet about your true feelings. Gossip is just not classy.

不要说你之前的雇主的坏话。这会给你的同事们留下一个很差的印象。即使你以前在一家最糟糕的公司上班,你也需要对你的真实感受保持沉默。说长道短非君子所为。 3. Express desperation 3、表达绝望

Even if you were on the brink of losing your home and you just finished clearing out your life savings before getting this job, don’t let everyone in the office know that. Oversharing is unprofessional. It might even cause others to treat you poorly because they’ll know that you would do anything to keep your job because you’re in a financial bind. Just be (quietly) grateful for the opportunity, and leave it at that. You can show your gratitude by getting to the office on time each day and doing good work.


4. Spend half the day decorating your new space 4、花上半天的时间整理你的新空间

You’re moving into a new office, not an apartment. Don’t start arranging chair pillows. Being too concerned with how your space looks shows that your focus is in the wrong place.

你搬入了一间新的办公室,而不是一套公寓。不要开始着手椅子靠垫。太过于关注你的空间表明你的关注点放在了错误的地方。 美联英语:www.meten.com