高考英语二轮复习第一部分题型专题方略专题四语法填空和短文改错第三讲语法专题六情态动词课堂达标训练 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章高考英语二轮复习第一部分题型专题方略专题四语法填空和短文改错第三讲语法专题六情态动词课堂达标训练更新完毕开始阅读77cf113164ce0508763231126edb6f1afe00716d



1.(2015·高考福建卷改编)—Sorry,Mum! I failed the job interview again. —Oh,it’s too bad.You ____________ have made full preparations.

解析:句意:“对不起,妈妈!我工作面试又失败了。”“哦,太糟糕了。你本应该做好充足的准备。” should have done本应该做某事(实际并未做)。根据句意可知should符合语境,故填should。


2.(2015·高考陕西卷改编)You ____________ feel all the training a waste of time,but I’m a hundred percent sure later you’ll be grateful you did it.

解析:句意:你可能觉得所有的训练都是浪费时间,但是我百分之百确定,你以后会为你这么做了而心存感激的。may 表示推测时指“可能,或许”。由句中的but及后一分句中的a hundred percent sure可知,此处表示语气不强烈的推测,故用may。


3.(2015·高考四川卷改编)You ____________ be careful with the camera.It costs! 解析:句意:你千万要当心这个相机。它价格不菲!从后面 It costs!可以推知说话者要求“你”对相机“千万要小心’,此处表示必须,因此要用must。


4.—Mum,can I go on a holiday with my classmates this summer vacation? —OK.You ____________ have a chance if you get along well with your studies. 解析:句意:——妈妈,这个暑假我能和同学去度假吗?——好的。如果你学习进步的话,你会有这样的机会的。shall用于第二人称时表示允诺,故填shall。


5.—Who it ____________ be that left the door unlocked? —It might be Mike.He is always forgetting things.

解析:句意:——有可能是谁没锁门呢?——也许是迈克,他总忘事。在疑问句中只能用can或could 表示推测。


6.(2015·四川石室中学一诊改编)—Where’s Lily,Lucy? I can’t find her anywhere.

—She ____________ have been off long.I saw her clean the window just now. 解析:句意:——露西,莉莉在哪?我到处都找不到她。——她不可能走远,我刚刚还看到她在擦窗户。根据saw her clean the window just now可知,她过去不可能走远,故用can’t have done。


7.(2015·北京海淀区期中考试改编)—Where’s Amy?

—I’m not sure.She ____________ be in the laboratory.

解析:句意:——艾米在哪儿?——我不确定。她可能在实验室里。根据I’m not sure判断出说话人不确定,故填might/may表示“可能”。



8.(2015·福建莆田八中月考改编)If you will stay here longer,you may.But you ____________ leave before this weekend.

解析:句意:如果你愿意在这儿待得久一点,是可以的。但是你必须在这个周末前离开。根据but 表转折可知,第二句强调说话人主观上认为对方“必须”做某事,即要求对方必须在周末前离开,故填must。


9.(高考上海卷改编)—Sorry,Professor Smith.I didn’t finish the assignment yesterday.

—Oh,you ____________(do) it as yesterday was the deadline.

解析:根据答语句意:哦,你本该做完的,因为昨天是最后期限。此处用should have done表示“本应该做某事而实际上未做”。

答案:should have done

10.(2015·安徽铜陵五中检测改编)—She looks very happy.She ____________(pass) the exam.

—I guess so.It’s not difficult after all. 解析:句意:——她看起来很高兴,她一定通过了考试。——我想是的,毕竟考试不难。根据句意可知设空处表示对过去的十分肯定的推测,故填must,意为“一定”。

答案:must have passed


Miss Fang couldn’t read for very long without getting a headache.Her mother told her that she 1.____________ go to the Health Service and see a doctor.“You should see a doctor as soon as possible,”she said.“You 2.____________ need glasses.”

When Miss Fang had free time,she went to the Health Service.The appointment clerk said that the doctor 3.____________ see her at 3:30.

Miss Fang replied that she would not be able to be there at 3:30 because she had a class then.“The doctor 4.____________ take you at about ten to four,” the appointment clerk suggested.

“5.____________ I put you down for ten to four,or would you rather come tomorrow?”

Miss Fang thought she 6.____________ (not) waste any more time.The teacher 7.____________ be unhappy if she asked for permission to leave the class a little early,as he was always so kind to everyone.And she replied,“I think I 8.____________ make it at ten to four.”

Miss Fang went to the class.She asked her teacher,“9.____________ I leave at 3:45 today?I must have an eye examination.” As expected,the teacher said,“Yes,of course you 10.____________.”

答案:1.should 2.might 3.could 4.might 5.Shall 6.shouldn’t 7.shouldn’t 8.can 9.May/Can 10.can