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move from a familiar to an unfamiliar culture is the difficulty in perceiving things as the local people do.

6. The main idea the author conveys in this article is that ________. A) we humans have a lot in common in our ability to sense the world B) a physical world does exist beyond our ability to sense it C) our view of what the world looks like is shaped by our culture D) it is difficult for speakers of Western languages to learn Chinese

7. ―To use our computer image, we all have the same hardware, the same equipment.‖ This sentence means that ________.

A) the senses of all humans function the same

B) we all use the same hardware and the same equipment in our computers C) our computer image is the same

D) what our senses to us are what hardware to the computer 8. By ―physical realities‖, the author refers to ________. A) the physical world existing apart from our ability to sense it B) our senses to see, to hear, to feel, to taste, and to smell, etc.

C) our ability to think and the result of our thinking D) Both A and B

9. According to the author, our culture ________ the process of our interpretation of the world. A) has nothing to do with B) plays a decisive role in

C) learns how to interpret our sensations with

D) interprets a flash of red colour as the rising sun in

10. When people move from a familiar to an unfamiliar culture, the most difficult thing is

________. A) they don‘t know how difficult it is

B) they don‘t recognize the difficulty at all C) to do as the Romans do

D) to receive things the local people give to them

Section Two Vocabulary & Structure

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. 1. They carried out this plan in order to ________ agricultural production. A) boost C) bloom A) gradual C) repetitive A) perverse

B) boom D) boot B) chronic D) eternal B) converse

2. Jack suffers from ________ high blood pressure which will take a long time to be cured.

3. The newspaper is intended to cover a ________ variety of issues.

C) diverse D) reverse

4. What is it about stress and related emotions ________ can encourage poor health? A) which B) what

C) in which D) that

5. Her friendly greeting was met by an unsmiling, ________ stare from the children gathered around the car.

A) humorous B) hostile C) dangerous D) boring 6. He seems to be immune ________ colds – he just never gets them. A) from

B) against

C) to D) of

7. He seems to be ________ to colds – he just never gets them. A) addicted

B) inclined

C) immune D) free

8. Traveling abroad is an essential and important _______ in my business career. A) component C) recipe

B) constituent D) ingredient

9. Peter‘s ________ of danger caused him to hesitate and listen. A) mindfulness B) cheerfulness

C) helpfulness D) trustfulness

10. I am ________ that I can pass the final examination with credit (优秀). A) pessimistic C) frustrated

B) optimistic D) disappointed

11. He remains deeply ________ about the negotiation process, believing that it will not produce good results.

A) pessimistic B) optimistic C) confident D) hopeful

12. He caught hold of my hand but then ________ it again quickly.

A) relieved B) released C) liberated D) enlightened

13. It is important that one should give that drowned child artificial (人工的) ________. A) inspiration C) perspiration

B) aspiration D) respiration

14. If stress, depression, and anger can make you more likely to get sick, can the ________ be true?

A) perverse C) reverse

B) diverse D) inverse

15. Water and ice are the same ________ in different forms. A) material B) substance C) stuff

D) object

16. You should feel the ________ in the room as we waited for our exam results. A) extension B) pretension C) suspension

D) tension

17. I am tired ________ watching television; let‘s go for a walk. A) with B) to C) of D) in

18. Just as I approached the town, my legs finally ________.

A) gave out B) gave away

C) gave up D) gave in

19. Both writing and speech require context to ________ what might otherwise be ambiguous (不明确的).

A) make note of C) make a point of A) put off C) put on

B) make sense of D) make game of B) put away D) put in

20. She likes to ________ some music while doing housework.

Section Three Translation from Chinese into English

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 他知道吸烟没有什么好处,他迟早会戒掉的。

2. 当今人们越来越多地依靠计算机来解决各种难题。 3. 有一些人厌倦了现代化的城市生活而搬到农村去住。 4. 如果他早上八点出发,现在应该到那里了。 5. 如果我们合作得很好,一定会赢这场比赛。

6. 他提议成立一个项目组来解决物价上涨的问题。 7. 我们决心寻求这些复杂问题的答案。

8. 为了提高生活水平,他不得不找一份兼职工作。

Section Four Writing

Directions: Many people find it hard to get along well with others, and this has a negative impact

on their work and lives. What are your suggestions on how to get on well with others? Write an essay on the topic \

150 words. And you should base your essay on the outline below. 1) 有不少人的人际关系很差。 2) 分析原因是什么。

3) 保持和谐人际关系的建议。


Section One Reading Comprehension (30 points)

Directions: There are 3 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions

or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)

and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

Passage One

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:

People landing at London’s Heathrow airport have something new to look at as they fly over Britain’s capital city. It is attractive, simple and a little strange. The Millennium Dome (千禧穹顶) is a huge semi-circle of plastic and steel and it contains the largest public space in the world. It has been built to house an exhibition of all that is best in British life, learning and leisure.

The Millennium Dome was designed by Sir Richard Rogers, one of Britain‘s most famous architects. His work points the way to new developments in building. Think of it as a giant symbol of the buildings in which we will all be living and working in the near future.

Buildings are also a part of history. They express the culture of the times. Sir Richard Rogers is aware of this responsibility. While different designers have individual styles, their work also has a common style. That is: to express the values of the information age.

What is an ―information age‖ building? The Dome is a good example. After the Millennium exhibition ends, it will be used for another purpose. Just as people no longer have ―jobs for life‖, modern buildings are designed for a number of different uses.

Another Richard Roger‘s building, the Pompidou Center in France, uses the idea that information is communication. Instead of being hidden in the walls, heating pipes and elevators are open to public view. The Pompidou Center is a very honest building. It tells you how it works.

1. The Millennium Dome has been originally built to hold an exhibition _______ . A) of different building designs

B) of everything that can draw the attention of people C) of the finest things in Britain

D) of recent developments in information technology

2. The sentence ―His work points the way to new developments in building‖ (Line 2, Para 2) implies that the designer Sir Richard Rogers ________ . A) has developed a new set of building standards B) strictly follows the tradition in his work C) is a pioneer architect of his age D) is quite different from other architects

3. Sir Richard Rogers clearly knows that it is his duty to ________ . A) create something out of a unique style

B) house those who will often change their jobs