综合英语一精彩试题及问题详解 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章综合英语一精彩试题及问题详解更新完毕开始阅读788ab90dec06eff9aef8941ea76e58fafab045d7


the moment, he said he was listening to some of my records after having just had a truly wonderful meal. He had found a pan on the gas stove and fried two eggs and had helped himself to some cold chicken from the ice box. Now, he said he was drinking a glass of beer and he hoped I would join him. When I asked him if he had reached the flat without difficulty, he answered that he had not been able to find the key under the doormat, but fortunately the window of the living room just by the apple tree had been left open and he had climbed in,I listened to all this in astonishment. There is no apple tree in front of my living room, but there is one in front of my neighbour's!

31.When his friend arrived from abroad, the writer was ______. A. at the airport B. on his way home

C. still at the office D. arranging for his friend's arrival

32. As the writer was busy and couldn't go home on time, he asked his friend _________.

A. to cook something for him B. to have a meal and drink himself C. to wait for him to have dinner together D. to go into the kitchen and cook first

33. Two hours later,the writer_______.

A. got home and met his friend B. was listening to some records C. rang up his friend D. got a phone call from his friend 34.Knowing his friend's arrival,the writer had _______.


A. left the living room window open B. asked his neighbour to receive his friend C. managed to go home later than usual D. hid the key for him somewhere near the door

35.The writer was surprised to find that his friend had _________. A. entered his neighbour's house by mistake B. entered his living room by climbing the apple tree C. entered his house through a neighbour's window D. got into the living room with a neighbour's key Passage 2

Investigators were testing the effects of different colored walls on two groups of visitors to an exhibit of paintings. For the first group the room was painted white; for the second, dark brown。 Movement of each group was followed by an electrical system under the carpet. The experiment revealed that those who entered the dark brown room walked more quckly,covered more area, and spend less time in the room than the people in the white environment. Dark brown stimulated more activity, but the activity ended sooner。 Another experiment presented three groups of subjects with the same photographs, but each group was in a different kind of room - an\storeroom, an average room, such as a nice office, and a tastefully designed living room with carpeting and drapes (帘子). Results showed


that the subjects in the beautiful room tended to give higher ratings to the faces than did those in the ugly room. Other studies suggest that students do better on tests taken in ugly room。 Other studies suggest that students do better on tests taken in comfortable,attractive rooms than in ordinary-looking or ugly rooms.

36.From the two experiments it may be possible to conclude that __________.

A. students should take an exam in a comfortable and dark brown room

B. different kinds of colors and rooms will stimulate more activity C. beautiful rooms and a white color wil1 cause people to give higher ratings to the face

D. environment will have effects on the people's movement

37.Compared with the people in the dark brown room,the people in the white room will _______.

A. spend less time B. become more active C. stay longer D. influence students' marks

38. Beautiful rooms will eventually ___________.

A. make people cover more area B. encourage people to walk faster

C. make the subjects more beautiful D. influence students' marks


39. In line 7, the work \ A. courses to be studied B. topics to be discussed C. persons to be experimented with D. students to be examined

40. Which statement best expresses the main idea of the passage? A. Not only colors but also rooms' appearances communicate and influence those inside.

B. Investigators have studied the effects of the color of a room on people's behavior。

C. Beautifully decorated,light-colored rooms make people more comfortable than ugly,dark rooms.

D. People in beautiful rooms tend to give higher ratings to the faces than people in ugly rooms.

III. 将下列句子译成英语

41.你干什么事我都会支持你。 42.考试时要牢记不要作弊。

43.老师把他的作文读了一遍,认为不错。 44.我宁愿呆在家里,也不愿出去旅游。

45.如果我知道他的地址,我现在就不会打电话问你了。 46.这部电影没有我想象的好看。 47.杭州以其美丽的风景闻名于世。