2017年仁爱版初中英语八年级英语下册全套全册课时单元同步测试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章2017年仁爱版初中英语八年级英语下册全套全册课时单元同步测试题更新完毕开始阅读789697518f9951e79b89680203d8ce2f0166655d

history of China.

3. 这种风俗在很早以前就形成了。

4. The custom _______ ______ ________ long long ago.

Topic 2 I’m feeling better now. 知识点总结

Section A

一、 重点短语

1. do badly in = be bad at 2. be strict with sb. 3. take it easy 4. get angry 5. fall down

6. try to do sth try doing sth try on try one’s best to do sth have a try 二、重点句型

1. What seems to be the problem?

2. She is crying in the bathroom because she did badly in the English exam. 3. She feels very lonely because she has no friends to talk with. 4. Thank you for telling me.

5. So I send this card to cheer you up.

Section B


1. at your age 2. tell me jokes 3. make friends with 4. have a good rest

5. by the way on one’s / the way to in this way 二、重点句型

1. ---- How are you feeling today?

----I’m feeling really sad because I failed the English exam. 2. Why don’t you talk to someone when you feel sad? 3. Everyone get these feelings at your age. 4. She seems to like me.

5. I’m happy to hear that.

6. Wiss Wang says that you want to be friends with me.

Section C


1. a few months ago 2. at that time 3. What’s more 4. as…as 5. with the help of 二、重点句型

1. How time flies! 2. How I wish to visit you! 3. I couldn’t sleep as well as usual 4. I was not used to anything here.

5. The food was not as delicious as ours, either. 6. I’m getting used to the life here. 7. I’m not afraid to talk with others now. 8. Give my best wishes to your parents.

Section D


1. all the time 2. deal with 3. refused to do sth 4. be angry with 5. even though 6. not… any longer 7. begin to do sth 二、重点句型

1. It’s normal to have these feelings.

2. If you don’t know how to deal with these problems, you may learn something from Jeff.

3. Jeff almost went mad when his elder brother was killed in a car accident. 4. He refused to play soccer or go to the movies with his friends. 5. He was quite angry with the driver because his car hit his brother. 6. He doesn’t hate the driver any longer.

Topic 2 练习题

Section A--B

一、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. The boy ________ many times in the long jump, but he didn’t give up. 2. Everyone wants to show good ________ to others. 3. Listen! _________ is knocking on the door.

4. He likes playing _______ on others. But not everyone likes it. 5. The news is too interesting. We all can’t help __________. 二、选择题。

( )1. ----You look upset. Is there _______ wrong?

---- My pet pig died last night.

A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything

( )2. He seems ______ to the library. He has a book in his hand.

A. go B. goes C. going D. to go

( )3. ----Is your brother _______ the coming exam?

----- Of course he is. He didn’t pass it last time. A. pleased with B. excited about C. angry with D. worried about

( )4. ----I don’t now how to talk with him. He looks so serious.

----________ He is easy-going.

A. Take it easy. B. It doesn’t matter. C. It’s easy. D. That’s all right.

( )5. ----If you have something _______, be quick. I am busy. ----OK.

A. say B. saying C. to say D. to talk

( )6. Jack’s parents felt disappointed because he did badly______ his lesson.

A. at B. in C. to D. on

feel, joke, fail, laugh, someone ( )7. We can’t buy this kind of books _____ it’s not good for us.

A. because B. and C. but D. so

( )8. You should try ______ better to make your parents happier.

A. study B. studies C. studying D. to sutdy

( )9. If you have no friends to _______, you’ll feel lonely.

A. talk B. talking C. talk about D. talk with

三、补全对话。 A: Hi, Mr. John!

B: Hi, Lei Peng! You look so unhappy. 1._______________________ A: I have a problem. I really need your help. B: 2.____________________________

A: Well. 3.___________________________But my parents don’t want me to

play basketball because I’m in Grade Eight now.

B: Maybe your parents are right. Work must come first, right?

A: 4. _________________________ But I do well in all my lessons and I want to

do the things because I am interested in. B: OK. I’ll talk with your parents about it.

A: 5.___________________________ It’s very kind of you. 四、根据汉语意思完成句子。、 1. 刘洋的父母总是对她要求很严格。

Liu Yang’s parents ________ always ________ ________ her. 2. 别太担心了。一切都会好起来的。

Don’t _______ _______ too much. Everything will be OK. 3. 莉莉的父亲在一次意外中受伤了,她为他感到难过。

Lily _______ ________ _________ her father, _________ he hurt himself in an accident.

4. 我的弟弟对我非常生气,因为我把他的玩具飞机弄坏了。 My brother ______ ______ ______me , because I broke his toy plane. 四、阅读理解。