中考英语八下Unit56重点短语句型和练习人教新目标版1含答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章中考英语八下Unit56重点短语句型和练习人教新目标版1含答案更新完毕开始阅读78c243df2ec58bd63186bceb19e8b8f67c1cef97

8.A.stories 9.A.camp 10.A.make

11.A.difficult 12.A.see 13.A.why 14.A.so 15.A.change

B.address B.game B.see

C.roots C.drive C.look

D.friends D.walk D.notice D.excited D.understand D.when D.much D.school

B.friendlily C.exciting B.1earn B.who B.such B.way

C.find C.why C.too C.step

【参考答案】1-5BDABD 6-10BDCAD 11-15CCBAC 二、重点句型展现

1. ______he woke up, the sun______ ______. 当他醒来时,太阳正在升起。

2. I was______ scared______ I could hardly think clearly after that. 我太害怕了,以至于在那之后思维混乱。

3. I______ ______ ______clearly after that because I was very afraid. 从那之后我很难记清了,因为我太害怕了。

4. ______we do, we won't ______ our way______. 如果我们不这么做,就找不到出去的路。

5. ______ ______ ______you wake up, you must go to the forest with your father. 你们一醒来就必须和爸爸去森林里。 参考答案:

1. When; was rising 2. so; that 3. had trouble thinking 4. Unless; find; out 5. As soon as