北京版小学英语 四年级 上册 第七八单元分析+备课 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章北京版小学英语 四年级 上册 第七八单元分析+备课更新完毕开始阅读78ca4f946c85ec3a86c2c590

1. Listen and repeat the sentence.

2. Read together and between boys and girls. 3. Open the books and read the text by yourself.

设计意图:锻炼学生的听力和朗读能力,使学生通过听录音跟读和自己朗读进一步掌握课文的语音语调。 活动3:Pair work and act

活动目标:进一步操练课文中的句型,利用小组对课文进行角色表演. 实施方法及师生语言:

Make in pairs and practice the text.

设计意图:通过对话操练,使学生进一步熟练掌握课文。 (三)Production

活动1:角色表演/ 创编对话

活动目标:进一步操练课文中的句型,程度弱的学生朗读对话,程度较好的表演对话,程度好的学生仿照课文创编对话。 实施方法及师生语言:

1. Make in groups and practice the text.

2. Role play the text before class./ Make a new dialogue.


六、评价监控(针对知识与技能目标的练习题) (一) 圈出正确的单词

1. What do you do on ____? (week, weekends)

2. ____ do you go? I often go to the park. (Where, What, Who) 3. I often go to the zoo ____(at, with, in) my sister. 4. You are close ______ nature. (on, to)

5. I often go out with my father and mother. My _____(parent, parents) love nature. (二) 同类词归类

Where, I, we, what, tree, father, why, leaves, grass, mother, they, parents 特殊疑问词: 自然: 家庭成员:





Lesson 24 What do you do on weekends? I often go to parks or take long walks. Where does he live? He lives on a farm.

Unit Seven What is nature?

Lesson 24 第二课时 一、教学内容: 1. 主题课文:

What do you do on weekends? I often go to parks or take long walks. Sounds interesting. You are close to nature. Yes, I love nature.

I’m going to visit my uncle this winter vacation. Where does he live?

He lives on a farm. He’s a farmer. 2. 功能句型:

Where does he live? He lives on a farm. 3. 语音与词汇:

语音:o / ?? /, al / ?: /, ar / a: / 词汇:

掌握:walk, interesting, close, farmer。


认读: on a farm, in the forest, by the lake, in the mountains, on the grassland. 4. 语法

一般现在时:动词和助动词的三单形式,一般将来时。 五、 教学目标: (一)知识与技能目标:

1. 学生能够在谈论周末活动及寒假计划的文本语境中理解和运用on a farm, in the forest, by the lake, in the mountains, on the grassland. 等词, 及能够听、说、读、写walk, interesting, close, farmer这些单词,并能在谈论周末及假期活动的语境中运用。 2. 学生能够在谈论周末或假期活动的情境中用Where does/do … live ?He/She/ We/They live(s) on/in/by…. 谈论居住地点。 3. 学生能够流利地朗读和表演课文。 (二)过程与方法目标:

1. 通过看图问答,听音跟读,师生问答来帮助学生理解单词并描述居住地点。 2. 利用看图、师生问答、听音跟读、小组练习等方式来帮学生理解和运用功能句 3. 通过集体朗读、小组练习和汇报表演的形式来复习课文,表演对话。 (三)情感态度价值观目标:

学生在谈论亲近大自然活动过程中,能建立户外休闲方式的意识。 三、教学重难点: (一)重点:

1. 运用Where does/do … live ?He/She/ We/They live(s) on/in/by…. 谈论居住地点。 2. 认读词汇on a farm, in the forest, by the lake, in the mountains, on the grassland, 并能 在实际情景中运用。 (二)难点:

利用功能句型谈论和描述居住地点。 四、教具准备: 1. 本课单词卡片 2. 本课音频文件

3. 盒子和写有人名和居住地点的卡片。 五、教学过程: (一)Warming-up 活动1:Revision


活动目标: 复习本课课文。 实施方法及师生语言:

T: Last class we learned lesson24. Now look at the text and read it together. S: …

T: Which group wants to role play the text or make a new dialogue? S: …

设计意图:通过复习课文,激发学生学习兴趣,检查学生的对课文掌握情况。 (二)Presentation and Practice 活动1:Look,Listen and learn

活动目标: 通过看图、听音问答,学习和理解单词, 操练本课功能句。 实施方法及师生语言: 1. Look, listen and say

T: Do you remember where Mike’s uncle live? S: He lives on a farm.

T: You’re right. Now look at the pictures. Where is it? S: It’s...

2. Listen and read

T: Let’s listen and read them. S: …(练习认读词汇) 3. Make new sentences

Read the sentences together/ between boys and girls/in pairs。 (关注人称he和she 的使用,动词三单形式以及介词的用法) 4. Act it out.

设计意图:通过观察图片,听音跟读,小组练习等使学生在语言情景中练习单词和功能句型。 活动2:Let’s do

活动目标:使学生了解一些动物的居住地及其表达方式,渗透保护自然的意识。 实施方法及师生语言:

T: What animals can you see in the picture? S: …

T: Do you know where they live?