(新目标英语八上第七单元重点词组和句子) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章(新目标英语八上第七单元重点词组和句子)更新完毕开始阅读78dd000f7fd5360cba1adbfe


1.live to be 200 years old 活到200 岁 2. live on the earth居住在地球上 3. live on a space station 生活在空间站 4. live with somebody 和某人生活在一起 5. use the subway less更少使用地铁 6. be very big and crowded非常大而拥挤 7. prediction about the future关于未来的预测 8. a book about future一本关于未来的书 9. in the future在未来

10. be more crowded and polluted 更拥挤,更污染 11. be in (great) danger处于(巨大的)危险中 12. have to do something不得不做……

13. fly to other planets /another planet飞到另外的星球 14. play a part in saving the earth在拯救地球中起重要作用 15 spend time together on weekends周末在一起度过 16. fly rockets to the moon飞火箭到月球

17. watch movies about the future看关于未来的电影

18. do jobs like working in dirty or dangerous places做那些在又脏又危险的地方的工作

19. do simple jobs over and over again反反复复做简单的工作 20. get /be bored变得厌倦

21. make robots look more like humans使机器人看起来象人类 22. do the same things as we can 做我们能做的事情 23. take a holiday/go on holiday /be on vacation度假 24. during the summer holiday在署假期间 25. the meaning(s ) of word(s)单词的意思

26.There will be+sb.+doing sth./There is/are+sb./sth.+doing sth.固定结构,表示某地方某人(物)在做什么

将来会有机器人和我们就交谈。There will be robots talking with us in the future.

27.hundreds of许多;大量,后接名词复数 类似用法的还有:thousands of 成千上万的;millions of 数百万计的;billions of 十亿计的

28.be able to 能够做某事;会做某事be able to 和can 二者都可以表示“能;会”。在表示现在和过去“力所能及”时,二者可以互换。be able to 可用于各种时态;可用于不定式的后面;不能用于表示猜测的句中。 can 只用于一般现在时和一般过去时。不能用于不定式的后面。 我现在会说一些英语。 I can/am able to speak a little English now. 他八岁时就能跑得很快了。He was able to/could run fast when he was eight.

两年后你将能够学另一门外语。You will be able to learn another foreign language in two years. 29.fall down 突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌

地震发生了,许多房屋都倒塌了An earthquake happened and many houses fell down。

30.look for 寻找;寻求,强调找的过程。 He's looking for his dog.他正在寻找他的小狗。 look for,find,find out (1)look for意为“寻找”,强调“寻找”的过程。(2)find指“偶然发现”或“几乎无困难地找到”。强调“寻找”的结果。 (3)find out指通过观察、探索而发现事实的真相。一般指主观有意识的动作。

31.书只会在电脑上,而不会在纸上. Books will only be on computers,not on paper。

paper “纸,纸张”,是不可数名词。表示“一张纸”用a piece of paper,“两张纸”用two pieces of paper。

32. 人们在100年后将会使用金钱吗? Will people use money in 100 years?

in 100 years 100年后,提问“in+时间段”时用特殊疑问词how soon 或when。 —How soon/When will they return? 他们多久/什么时候返回? —In three weeks.三周后。

33.将有更少的人。 There will be fewer people.

34. 世界上将有更少的动物吗?Will there be fewer animals in the world?

fewer (few的比较级) 较少的;更少的,修饰可数名词的复数形式。 35. 我包里的钱更少了。 I have less money in my bag. less较少的;更少的,little的比较级,修饰不可数名名词。

36.瓶子里的水更多了There is more water in the bottle.


37. 城市将会更拥挤并被污染得更严重。cities will be more crowded and polluted. polluted 被污染的(形容词)

38.人们不该污染河水。. People shouldn't pollute (动词)water in the river

39.你对污染有什么看法?What do you think of pollution? pollution污染;污染物(名词)

40. 每个人都应该参与到拯救地球的活动中 Everyone should play a part in saving the earth.。

play a part 参与(某事), play a part in...参与到……中,in是介词,后接名词、代词或动词ing形式。

41. 孩子们正参与打扫教室。 Children are playing a part in cleaning the classroom.


There are hundreds of students in our school ,but only two hundred of them are girls.


Although he was tired, he went on working. = He was tired, but he went on working. (记住:although和but 不能连用)