2019年山东省济南市中考英语试卷附答案解析 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2019年山东省济南市中考英语试卷附答案解析更新完毕开始阅读7912c2a853e79b89680203d8ce2f0066f53364c4

(10) C I was in need. Son, it is better to build your own house and invite someone in for shelter(庇护)than to(11) B them your bricks(砖)while you are building yours. Because one day when you turn around and look at the place where you planned to build your house, it will be an empty (12) A . Then you are the one looking for bricks.\ Steve understood what the homeless guy meant and thanked him for the good (13) B .

Helping others is a good thing. But sometimes, while we are helping others, we (14) A our own problems and needs. One must remember that sometimes sharing is better than giving away. You can do a lot more by being in a(15) D position instead of bringing yourself into a weaker situation.

(1)A. old (2)A. rich (3)A. happy (4)A. told (5)A. shyness (6)A. point (7)A. For (8)A. finish (9)A. regret (10)A. since (11)A. order (12)A. lot (13)A. meal (14)A. forget (15)A. difficult

B. cheap B. homeless B. sorry B. lent B. sadness B. hotel B. From B. discuss B. need B. before B. offer B. room B. advice B. believe B. strange

C. ready C. smart C. angry C. sold C. kindness C. station C. With C. describe C. study C. when C. show C. store C. gift C. protect C. special

D. dirty D. handsome D.excited D. bought D. illness D. restaurant D.About D. understand D.plan D. unless D. throw D. house D. question D. remember D. strong



【解答】(1)C 考查形容词,old旧的,cheap便宜的,ready准备好的,dirty脏的,结合上文,Recently Steve had a car accident and his car was broken.最近Steve出了车事故,他的车坏了.判断本句句意为所以他的车在修好之前必须乘地铁上班.故选C. (2)B 考查形容词,rich富有的,homeless无家可归的,smart聪明的,handsome英俊的,结合下文, he gave him some money.他给他一些钱,因此判断本句句意为晚上在地铁站他看到一个无家可归的人.故选B.

(3)B 考查形容词,happy高兴的,sorry遗憾的,angry生气的,excited兴奋的,结合上文,he noticed a homeless guy at the station at night.晚上在地铁站他看到一个无家可归的人.判断本句句意为他为他感到遗憾,所以给他一些钱.故选B.

(4)D 考查动词,told告诉,lent借,sold卖,bought买,结合上文,The next day again, he noticed the homeless guy at the same place. 第二天,他在相同的地点看到了那个无家可归的人.判断本句句意为他为他买了一顿饭,故选D.

(5)C 考查名词,shyness害羞,sadness悲伤,kindness善良,illness疾病,结合上文,This time Steve bought him a meal. 这次他为他买了一顿饭.判断本句句意为那个无家可归的人感谢他的善心.故选C.

(6)A 考查名词,point处境,hotel酒店,station车站,restaurant餐馆,结合下文, \my whole life, I made sure that everyone was happy. No matter what happened in my life, I always helped everyone.\我的整个人生,我确保大家都开心.无论我的生活发生了什么,我总是帮助每个人.\判断Steve问他这句话的含义是你怎么变成这样的?即How did you get to this point?故选A.

(7)C 考查介词,For为了,From来自,With带着,About大约,根据句意,流浪汉微笑着说:\通过表达爱\.故选C.

(8)D 考查动词,finish结束,discuss讨论,describe描述,understand理解,根据下文,so he asked him, \?\所以他问他:\你那说是什么意思?\判断前面的原因是他没理解这句话.故选D.

(9)A 考查动词,regret后悔,need需要,study学习,plan计划,结合下文\. It just breaks my heart that the very people I gave money to wouldn't give me a coin (10)CI was in need.\不,它只是伤了我的心,我给过钱的人们在我需要的时候却不会给我一分.\判断问句句意为你后悔吗?故选A.

(10)C 考查连词,since自从,before在…之前,when当…时候,unless除非,结合


句意,它只是伤了我的心,我给过钱的人们在我需要的时候却不会给我一分.故选C. (11)B 考查动词,order命令,offer提供,show展示,throw扔,根据句意,建好你自己的房子邀请他人来躲避比把你正在建造房子的砖提供给别人要好得多.故选B. (12)A 考查名词,lot空地,room房间,store商店,house房子,根据句意,因为有一天当你回头看你打算建房子的那块地方时,它将是一片空地.故选A.

(13)B 考查名词,meal饭,advice建议,gift礼物,question问题,根据上文,Son, it is better to build your own house and invite someone in for shelter(庇护)than to offer them your bricks(砖)while you are building yours. Because one day when you turn around around and look at the place where you planned to build your house, it will be an empty lot. Then you are the one looking for bricks.年轻人,建好你自己的房子邀请他人来躲避比把你正在建造房子的砖提供给别人要好得多.因为有一天当你回头看你打算建房子的那块地方时,它将是一片空地.然后你就变成了那个寻找砖的人.是流浪者给Steve的建议.本句句意为Steve知道那个流浪者的意思了并且感谢了他的建议.故选B.

(14)A 考查动词,forget忘记,believe相信,protect保护,remember记住,结合下文One must remember that sometimes sharing is better than giving away.一个人必须记住有时分享比赠送要好.判断本句句意为但是有时,当我们帮助他人的时候,我们忘了我们自己的问题和需求.故选A.

(15)D 考查形容词,difficult困难的,strange奇怪的,special特殊的,strong强壮的,根据句意,You can do a lot more by being in a(15)D position instead of bringing yourself into a weaker situation.你可以做更多让自己处于强的位置而不是把自己带入最弱的处境.与weak相对应的词为strong,故选D.


补全对话 阅读对话,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对咨(5分) 39.(5分)Helen: Hi, Frank. What are you doing here? Frank:(1) C Helen: What?

Frank: A toy plane. (2) D

Helen: Wow, that's great. You can make toys by yourself.Do you sell them? Frank: No. (3) D Sometimes I give them to my friends. Helen: It looks so difficult. (4) B 第31页(共48页)

Frank: My uncle taught me.Do you like it? I can teach you. Helen: Really? (5) A

(1)A. It is sunny and hot. B. It was raining hard. C. I'm making a plane. D. We're eating dinner. (2)A. You don't need them. B. She will get there tomorrow C. We came here by plane. D. I like making all kinds of toys (3)A. I sell it for two dollars. B. Let me pay for it. C. We don,t have money. D. I do it just for fun. (4)A. What did he teach? B.How did you learn it? C. Where are the toys? D.Do you have an uncle? (5)A. That'll be great! B. Here you are. C.That's too bad! D. I'm afraid not.

【分析】海伦:嗨,弗兰克.在这里干吗? 弗兰克:我在做飞机. 海伦:什么?

弗兰克:一架玩具飞机.我喜欢制作各种玩具. 海伦:哇,太好了.你可以自己做玩具.你卖吗?

弗兰克:不.我这样做只是为了好玩.有时我把它们给我的朋友. 海伦:看起来很难.你是怎么学会的?
