短文改错知识点总结 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章短文改错知识点总结更新完毕开始阅读79fb38c9561252d380eb6eb3


短文改错测试点 一.语法



主要考查人物的性别及相应的物主代词或物的数量及相应的物主代词,句子的并列.递进.转折.因果关系;时间的先后顺序等 .



2.名词单复数的误用及近义词的混用 3.代词指代不一致的错误或代词使用不当 4.主谓不一致的错误

5.动词的时态和语态的误用 6.非谓语动词的误用

7.形容词和副词的混用及其比较等级的误用 8关联词和平行结构的误用

9.固定搭配,习惯用法与介词的误用 10.冗词的多用

设错方式 一、动词形

1. 动词的时态和语态错误 2. 主、谓不一致的错误 3. 谓语与非谓语误用 4. 非谓语动词的误用 动词置于句首

? 首先看有没有并列连词and /or /otherwise, 有就考虑是祈使句 ? 没有,就考虑非谓语动词

? 再看有没有(,),有就考虑分词作状语,没有就考虑动名词/不定式作主语 例Review what happened in the past helps me succeed in the future. Reviewing 常接不定式的形容词

? be glad to do ? be eager to do ? be anxious to ? be ready to do


? 先辨是谓语还是非谓语,考虑被动语态和过去分词 ? be located /situated in位于 ? be absorbed in被?吸引/专心于

? be involved in参与/牵涉到/专心于 ? be lost in沉迷于

? be mixed with与?混合 ? be covered with为?覆盖 ? be lined with排列

? be surrounded with环绕 ? be faced with面临 ? be combined with 联合 ? be connected with联系

? be compared to /with与?相比 ? be addicted to沉迷于 ? be related to与?有关系 无被动语态的动词

? 不及物动词没被动语态,不接宾语,非谓语动词常用ing ? happen /take place /occur ? lie /exist

? date from /back to ? belong to ? consist of ? die

? sound /look /feel /taste /smell 练习

1.I moved by their encouraging words and I studied even harder. was

2.Facing with many problems, the new government is having a hard time. Facted

3.Bury in his work, Tom didn’t notice me enter the room. Buried

4.Locating in a beautiful and quiet neighborhood, our large fully-equipped Located

apartment meets all their needs.

5.We were driving in the country when the car stop working. stopped

6.Mary ,as well as her sisters study Chinese in China. studies

7.I saw the boys played games on the bank of the lake when I passed. playing

8.I particularly enjoyed driving through the countryside with you and saw the seeing changing colors of the leaves on the trees.

9.Why you think so many people still suffer from poverty now?





? 动名词/不定式/主语从句作主语 ? many /many a

? The number of与A number of

? some /the rest /分数 /百分数 + n

? not only?but also /either?or /neither?nor 只能使用过去时的时间状语

? last week /year /night ? just now

? the other day ? in the past ? yesterday

例Last Saturday, our school had organized all of the Senior I students to visit the children at a local orphanage


? 可数与不可数、单复数错用 ? 名词的格的误用 ? 前后修饰语的误用 ? 名词前冠词的误用


? 只能接不可数:little, much, a great deal of, a great /large amount of ? 接可数与不可数:some, any, a lot of /lots of ? a piece of 必须接复数的修饰语

? many ? few

? a large /great number of ? large /great numbers of ? these ? those ? several

例The food was wonderful with reasonable prices, and we enjoyed several local dish. dishes

? baggage /luggage行李 ? advice忠告 ? damage损害 ? information信息 ? furniture家具 ? news消息 ? equipment设备 ? knowledge知识 ? weather天气 ? work工作 ? money金钱 ? homework家庭作业 ? change零钱 ? progress 进步 ? experience经验

? juice饮料 ? food食物

? cloth布 ? bread面包

? clothing衣服 ? beer啤酒

? paper纸 ? wine葡萄酒

? sand沙 ? coffee咖啡

? wood木头 ? tea茶

? courage勇气 ? milk牛奶

? rubbish垃圾 ? water水

? do damage /harm /good to

? get /be close to nature ? protect the environment ? send sth into space ? the universe ? make progress of + 抽象名词

? importance ? significance ? value ? help ? use

? interest

? have /find /feel interest in ? with pleasure /joy /delight ? be in trouble /difficulty ? be in danger ? with difficulty ? in surprise /anger ? take pride in

例Apart from the convenient public transportation, our own car can also take them to some nearby places of interests. interest 抽象名词具体化

? danger(危险)→a danger(一件危险的事或一个危险的人) ? experience经验→an experience一次经历

? failure失败→a failure一位失败者,一件失败的事 ? success成功→a success一位成功者,一件成功的事 ? knowledge知识→a good knowledge对??精通/熟知 ? surprise惊奇→a surprise一件令人吃惊的事 ? pleasure快乐→a pleasure一件愉快的事

例He was a complete failure as a teacher, but he has made great success of his business. 必须用复数

? make friends /enemies with ? one of my friends