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Book 6 Unit 5 The power of nature 单元测试

第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


A ★★☆☆☆

John Barry was born in Ireland in 1745. At the age of 15, driven by the British from his hometown, he got onto a ship secretly. It was leaving for the American colonies (殖民地). The ship took him to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. As Barry stepped off the ship, he had no idea that he would become one of America’s important historical figures.

Barry grew to be over six feet tall. During his time as a sea captain, he set a model for the new navy (海军). He was well-known for his bravery and fairness. He had strict rules for his men, including no alcohol on the ship. Of Barry, historian John Frost, in his 1844 American Naval Biography wrote, “Barry’s operations were not surpassed (超越) during the war.”

When the American War of Independence began, Barry discovered a secret British plan. The British wanted to block the Delaware River and catch every ship sailing to or from Philadelphia. The idea was to starve the American colonists. Barry

worked quickly to change merchant ships (商船) into warships. Then he fought the British from a tiny ship. He managed to keep them from getting control of the Delaware River. After his ship sank, he set up his guns on shore. From there he joined in the battles of Trenton and Princeton. Then Barry commanded the American warship Lexington and caught the Prince Edward, the first British ship taken in the war.

After the war ended, Barry suggested to the U.S. government that it should have a standing navy. It was the best way to protect its long coastline. He was made captain of the first U.S. Navy in 1794. He personally trained the men. Barry left no children when he died in 1803. However, he is called a father. He is the “Father of the American Navy.”

21. John Barry left for the United States _____. A. because he had no choice B. because he hated living in Britain C. in the hope of building a new navy D. in expectation of visiting Philadelphia

22. The second paragraph is written in a tone of _____.

A. calmness B. anger C. praise D. regret 23. It can be inferred from the text that the Delaware River _____. A. is a terribly dangerous river B. is far away from Philadelphia

C. had been under the control of the British

D. had been an important waterway to transport goods

24. After the American War of Independence, John Barry _____. A. decided to take a good rest B. commanded the Lexington

C. often stood along the coastline of the U.S. D. still involved himself in military decisions

B ★★★☆☆

Your house is a place to kick back and get comfortable. But what if it also had 27 floors, a replica (复制品) of King Tut’s burial chamber (墓室), or an indoor garden? Make yourself at home in some of the coolest houses from around the world.

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