(完整版)基于单片机的遥控直升飞机系统设计(毕业论文) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章(完整版)基于单片机的遥控直升飞机系统设计(毕业论文)更新完毕开始阅读7b2ff142b42acfc789eb172ded630b1c58ee9b7a

摘 要





With the development of aviation models, especially the radio-controlled model airplanes are becoming perfection, the model airplane is getting more sophisticated and more widely used.

In this paper, the microcontroller-based remote control order to

achieve the purpose of the infrared remote control illustrates the designing process and working principles of infrared remote control transmitter, receiver, and speed control unit involved in software design; and expounds the flight theory of remote control and assembly of aircraft parts are one of the important parts of this design, this paper will pay attention to issues of motors, steering gear, propellers, lithium and other aircraft involved in the main parts and assembly. Finally, after the repeatedly testing of the of the requirements, to achieve the balance, up, down, turn left, turn right and some simple control of the remote control Introduction to the Design and Behavior of Bolted JOINTS[M].2nd.Marcel Dekker,New York,1990:45-49.

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Ultra-sonic Technique[J].Materials Evaluation,1996,54(2),. [17] J.R.mcDonnell.AT89C52 DATA SHEEP[J].Philips



***********主程序函数*************** main() {

clearmen(); while(1) {

keywork(); 序 }

interrupt3 生器

send.c }

*****************结束******************* ***********初始化********** clearmen() {

remoteout=0; IE=0x00; IP=0x01;

TMOD=0x22; 初始化 按键扫描调用子程 38KHZ发 遥控发射器 关遥控输出 8位自动重装模式