《幼儿攻击性行为的原因分析和引导方法》论文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章《幼儿攻击性行为的原因分析和引导方法》论文更新完毕开始阅读7b5bb03e0b4c2e3f57276349

上海行健职业学院 毕业设计(论文)


年 级: 10级 系/专 业: 学前教育

班 级: 10级学前(5)班 学生姓名: 章慧玲 学 号: 1040421

指导教师: 吴士乐 完成日期: 2013.3.5





关键词: 幼儿 攻击性 原因分析 引导方法



The problem of Children's aggressive behavior has been parents and early childhood teachers particularly concerned problems, aggressive behavior in the environment is an important social subject,as a social education of a link, or even the first link, children aggressive behavior problems the right guidance and education for children's physical and mental development played a crucial role.Children aggressive behavior is also children's health education is an important problem, it affects the infant character and moral character formation. The kindergarten know outline \of the social code of conduct \So the teachers and parents must understand the causes of children aggressive behavior and its countermeasures, and promote the healthy growth of children. In this paper, the cause of children aggressive behavior made analysis: biological factors,family environment, school education factors, preschool children and individual aggressive behavior, the influence of the mass media,and in the light of these reasons put forward solutions and guide method, so as to correctly guide children's behavioral development,promoting physical and mental health of children.

Keywords: children aggressive cause analysis guiding methods



引言 ................................................................ 5 一、攻击性行为的含义和产生原因 ...................................... 6 (一)攻击性行为的含义和表现 ........................................ 6 (二)攻击性行为的原因分析 .......................................... 6 1、天性 ............................................................ 6 2、溺爱 ............................................................ 7 3、幼儿园教育 ...................................................... 7 4、模仿 ............................................................ 7 5、幼儿经历与个体发展 .............................................. 7 二、幼儿攻击性行为案例分析 .......................................... 8 (一)确定幼儿攻击性行为个案 ........................................ 8 (二)张新宇小朋友攻击性行为个案分析 ................................ 8 1、张新宇的家庭背景 ................................................ 8 2、张新宇攻击性行为的表现 .......................................... 8 3、张新宇攻击性行为的原因 .......................................... 9 三、 幼儿攻击性行为的引导方法 ...................................... 10 (一)提高儿童的社会认知水平与移情能力 ............................. 10 (二)帮助幼儿掌握解决社会性冲突的策略与技能。 ..................... 10 (三)引导儿童掌握正确的心理宣泄法 ................................. 10 (四)及时奖励和表扬幼儿的亲社会行为 ............................... 11 (五)教师在安排教育活动时要考虑儿童的身心发展特点。 ............... 11 (六)转变家庭教育方式,努力发现儿童身上的闪光点,给儿童以心灵慰藉 . 11 (七)正确运用惩罚方式 ............................................. 11 (八)正确运用大众传媒的影响 ....................................... 12 结论 ............................................................... 12 致谢 ............................................................... 13 参考文献 ........................................................... 13