大学体验英语综合教程2 Unit1A 课文原文加翻译 联系客服

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Unit1A.Oxford University

Oxford University is the oldest university in Britain and one of the world’s most famous institutions of higher learning.

牛津大学是英国最古老的大学,也是世界最著名的高等学府。 Oxford University was established during the 1100s. 牛津大学始建于12世纪。

It is located in Oxford, England,about 80 kilometers northwest of London. 它位于英格兰的牛津,在伦敦西北约80公里处。

The university has over 16300 students,almost a quarter of these students are from overseas and more than 130 nationalities are repreaented.

牛津大学有16,300多名学生,其中留学生占将近四分之一,他们来自130多个国家。 It consists of 35 colleges,plus five private halls established by various religious groups. 牛津大学有35个学院,还有5个由不同宗教团体建立的私人学院。 Three of the five private halls are for men only. 5个私人学院中,有3个只招男生。

Of the colleges, St. Hilda's and Somerville are for women, and the rest are for men and women.


At Oxford, each college is a corporate body distinct from the university and is governed by itsown head and fellows.


Most fellows are college instructors called tutors, and the rest are university professors and lecturers.


Each college manages its own buildings and property, elects its own fellows, and selects and admits its own undergraduate students.


The university provides some libraries, laboratories, and other facilities, but the colleges take primary responsibility for the teaching and well-being of their students. 大学提供某些图书馆、实验室和其他设施,但教学和学生生活主要由各学院负责。

Each student at Oxford is assigned to a tutor, who supervises the student's program of study, primarily through tutorials.


Tutorials are weekly meetings of one or two students with their tutor. Students may see other tutors for specialized instruction. They may also attend lectures given by university teachers. 导师每周和1到2名学生见面一次,学生如需专业指导,还可以去约见其他的导师,也可选听大学老师讲授的课程。

Students choose which lectures to attend on the basis of their own special interests and on the advice of their tutors.

学生选听什么课程是根据自己的兴趣和导师的建议而定的。 The university, not the individual colleges, grants degrees. 学位由大学授予,而不是各个学院。

The first degree in the arts or sciences is the Bachelor of Arts with honors. 最低文科或理科学位是优等文学学士。

Oxford also grants higher degrees, diplomas, and certificates in a wide variety of subjects. 牛津还在其他众多学科领域授予最高的学位,颁发文凭和证书。

The Rhodes scholarship program enables students from the United States, Canada, and many other nations to study at Oxford for a minimum of two years.


The British government grants Marshall scholarships to citizens of the United States for study at Oxford and other universities that are located in Britain.


The competition for scholarships and grants is, however, extremely strong and there are usually strict requirements.


Students should check carefully that they are eligible to apply for a particular scholarship before making an application as most of the schemes are restricted to certain nationalities and/or programs.


The students and staff at Oxford are actively involved in over 55 initiatives (2001), including visits to more than 3,700 schools and colleges, to encourage the brightest and best students to apply to Oxford, whatever their background.


The university has been named the UK's most innovative university in the Launchit 2001 competition, which aimed to discover which British university has demonstrated the greatest achievements in innovation and enterprise across the broadest range of activity.


In the national Teaching Quality Assessment exercises for 2000, Oxford was awarded top marks in six out of ten subjects assessed.


Oxford, Stanford and Yale Universities have recently become partners in a joint 'distance learning' venture, the Alliance for Lifelong Learning, which will provide online courses in the arts and sciences.

牛津、斯坦福和耶鲁三所大学最近合作开发了 \远程学习\项目\终生学习联盟\,该项目将提供文科和理科的在线课程。

The mission of Oxford is to aim at achieving and maintaining excellence in every area of its teaching and research, maintaining and developing its historical position as a world-class university, and enriching the international, national, and regional communities through the fruits of its research and the skills of its graduates.


In support of this aim the university will provide the facilities and support for its staff to pursue innovative research by responding to developments in the intellectual environment and society at large;


and promote challenging and rigorous teaching which benefits from a fruitful interaction with the research environment, facilitating the exchange of ideas through tutorials and small-group learning and exploiting the University's resources in its libraries, museums, and scientific collections, to equip its graduates to play their part at a national and international level.
